
Baca Buku Novel xavier merlina Online - WebNovel


  • My Accidental Husband Is My Revenge Partner

    Anastasia Harrison, a young woman abused by her cruel family, thought her life was over when they forced her to marry Richard, the sleazy black sheep of the wealthy Wallace family. Meanwhile, her favored younger sister, Michelle, was set to marry Xavier, the elder brother, who was a CEO. Yet, an error at city hall ended up swapping their names on their respective marriage certificates. "What is this?! How are you married to Xavier Wallace?" "You're not getting any food or water until you sign the divorce papers!" To add fuel to the fire, the old Mr. and Mrs. Harrison passed away, leaving all their assets to Anastasia and not the rest of the family. This drove the Harrisons to their breaking point. To trade for a peaceful life, Anastasia was willing to leave her inheritance and leave the family, but the Harrisons had other plans in mind. They wanted to get rid of her. Permanently. However, it was by a stroke of luck that Anastasia was found by her new husband, Xavier, before her family succeeded. Determined to get her revenge, she struck a deal with Xavier. "Continue to be my wife and I will help you get your revenge!"

    Sour_corn · perkotaan
  • Tangled Hearts - The Alpha's Baby Mama

    "Did you think healing me would make me love you more?" He scoffed grabbing my hair as he pulled me towards the door. "You're hurting me, Xavier," I cried beating against him weakly. There was not much I could do. "If I ever see you an inch close to me," He threw me against the wall "I'll damn the consequences and kill you,". *** My mate and I were destined to hate each other, only an act of true love or selflessness from the stronger mate could set our destines on the right path but for seven years, I had to put up with my mate's abuse and his supposed love of his life until one day I decided to leave. I left, determined to stay hidden from him forever... but I found out I was pregnant few weeks later.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasi
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  • Xavier’s girl

    I heard the door opening. "I'm fine Stephanie," I said thinking she was the one that followed me. "It cute you think my sister cares" I hear Alan voice "What are you doing here," I asked him annoyed "Oh just doing someone a favour," he said as Xavier walked in behind him. I was alarmed as to why they were both here "what do you want" I asked both of them getting up. "You're in my room," Xavier said as he locked the door behind him. Making me more alarmed. "I'm sorry I didn't know, I can leave, " I said not wanting to anger him. I made my way to the door but Alan grabbed me "not so fast sweetheart" he said holding my arm. "Please let me go" I begged them. I didn't know what they were planning but I knew they were up to something. "Why would we do that" Xavier said walking to me and stroking my collarbone making me shiver. Vanessa morales just moved to town. Shy, smart and quiet girl planned to spend most of her high school life hidden. But some how ended up at the cheerleader tryouts and the school bad boy blackmailing her. She tired her best to stay away from him but he wasn't letting her go. She didn't know he had plans for her. He has been waiting for this days for years, waiting for her to return. Of course she didn't remember him (he never forgot her), that didn't bother him cause he knew she belonged to him. He would do anything to make her stay this time. One party and her life is ruined. Warning: This book is provocative. It will not be for everyone. If you are a reader with certain triggers or sensitivities common to the dark romance genres this book is not for you.

    cluelessgixl · Masa Muda
  • Meu Marido Acidental é Meu Parceiro de Vingança

    Anastásia Harrison, uma jovem abusada por sua cruel família, pensou que sua vida havia acabado quando a forçaram a casar com Richard, a ovelha negra da rica família Wallace. Enquanto isso, sua irmã caçula preferida, Michelle, estava prestes a casar com Xavier, o irmão mais velho, que era um CEO. Contudo, um erro na prefeitura acabou trocando seus nomes nos respectivos certificados de casamento. "O que é isso?! Como você está casada com Xavier Wallace?" "Você não vai receber comida ou água até assinar os papéis do divórcio!" Para jogar lenha na fogueira, o velho Sr. e Sra. Harrison faleceram, deixando todos os seus bens para Anastásia e não para o restante da família. Isso levou os Harrison ao limite. Para negociar uma vida pacífica, Anastásia estava disposta a deixar sua herança e sair da família, mas os Harrison tinham outros planos em mente. Eles queriam se livrar dela. Permanentemente. No entanto, foi por um golpe de sorte que Anastásia foi encontrada por seu novo marido, Xavier, antes que sua família tivesse sucesso. Determinada a se vingar, ela fez um acordo com Xavier. "Continue sendo minha esposa e eu te ajudarei a se vingar!"

    Sour_corn · perkotaan
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  • Black String of Fate

    "Is Fate the excuse of the forsaken, is Free Will the delusion of the chosen?" Such was a question that Xavier, the Demon King, never had the chance to ask himself. As he lay defeated, awaiting his death, he wondered about the wretched life he lived. 'The hero who killed me, the one who held the same ambitions as me. We both wanted good for the people, for the world. We are both two sides of the same coin, yet, fate decided that he will be the one the light will shine on. Perhaps it was me too, perhaps it was my karma for flowing the rivers of blood with my sword. But still... It was fate that squashed the humanity in me first! Damn fate, if I had one more chance, I would've lived for myself more, I wouldn't have taken this arbitrary role of being a necessary evil... This world, this game of destiny... It can burn to ashes for all I care.' As he sunk into the cold embrace of death, a certain [REDACTED] heard his dying wish with amusement and cast their die, reversing the wheel of time one last time and going all in on him on a risky gamble with the stakes of their world. ************** Discord Server: https://discord.gg/GkVmSkr8

    Audatic · Fantasi
  • Verworrene Herzen - Die Baby-Mama des Alphas

    "Dachtest du, wenn du mich heilst, würde ich dich mehr lieben?" Spöttisch packte er mich an den Haaren, während er mich zur Tür zog. "Du tust mir weh, Xavier", weinte ich und schlug schwach gegen ihn. Es gab nicht viel, was ich tun konnte. "Wenn ich dich jemals auch nur einen Zentimeter in meiner Nähe sehe", warf er mich gegen die Wand, "werde ich die Konsequenzen verdammen und dich töten. *** Mein Gefährte und ich waren dazu bestimmt, einander zu hassen, nur ein Akt wahrer Liebe oder Selbstlosigkeit des stärkeren Gefährten konnte unsere Schicksale auf den richtigen Weg bringen, aber sieben Jahre lang musste ich die Misshandlungen meines Gefährten und seine vermeintliche Liebe seines Lebens ertragen, bis ich eines Tages beschloss zu gehen. Ich ging, entschlossen, mich für immer vor ihm zu verstecken... aber ein paar Wochen später fand ich heraus, dass ich schwanger war.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasi
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  • Little Wolf and the Big Bad Vampire

    (A modern romance with faceslapping, comedy, sweet and dark romance, and a supernatural twist) 'You are evil! No, you are the devil. How can I trust you?' 'If I am the devil, you will rule hell by my side.' **** The big bad vampire has fangs. But the little wolf has claws… **** Leila has spent her entire life hidden from the real world because of a big secret. However, as she starts to lose control of her wolf, she is forced to begin looking into her true origins. But finding her biological parents will not be easy, thanks to a hidden conspiracy involving the most powerful supernatural clans. A hot and dangerous vampire might be stalking her… Xavier Remington was born to a life of blood, violence, and death. He came to terms with the fact that his natural talent for hunting and killing is the only thing he can offer, and he is content to live in the shadows. But when he meets a little wolf with a bad temper, he becomes obsessed. And he will stop at nothing to protect her.

    FrozenAngel · perkotaan
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  • Mon Mari Accidentel est Mon Partenaire de Vengeance

    Anastasia Harrison, une jeune femme maltraitée par sa cruelle famille, pensait que sa vie était terminée lorsqu'ils l'ont forcée à épouser Richard, le mouton noir peu recommandable de la riche famille Wallace. Pendant ce temps, sa jeune sœur préférée, Michelle, allait épouser Xavier, l'aîné, qui était un PDG. Pourtant, une erreur à l'hôtel de ville a fini par inverser leurs noms sur leurs certificats de mariage respectifs. "C'est quoi ça ?! Comment se fait-il que tu sois mariée à Xavier Wallace ?" "Tu n'auras ni nourriture ni eau jusqu'à ce que tu signes les papiers du divorce !" Pour envenimer les choses, le vieux M. et Mme Harrison sont décédés, laissant tous leurs biens à Anastasia et non au reste de la famille. Cela a poussé les Harrisons à bout. Pour échanger contre une vie paisible, Anastasia était prête à abandonner son héritage et quitter la famille, mais les Harrisons avaient d'autres projets en tête. Ils voulaient se débarrasser d'elle. De manière permanente. Cependant, ce fut par un coup de chance qu'Anastasia fut trouvée par son nouveau mari, Xavier, avant que sa famille ne réussisse. Déterminée à prendre sa revanche, elle a conclu un pacte avec Xavier. "Continue d'être ma femme et je t'aiderai à prendre ta revanche !"

    Sour_corn · perkotaan
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  • Mi esposo accidental es mi compañero de venganza

    Anastasia Harrison, una joven maltratada por su cruel familia, pensaba que su vida había terminado cuando la obligaron a casarse con Richard, la oveja negra y despreciable de la adinerada familia Wallace. Mientras tanto, su preferida hermana menor, Michelle, estaba destinada a casarse con Xavier, el hermano mayor, que era un CEO. Sin embargo, un error en el ayuntamiento terminó intercambiando sus nombres en sus respectivos certificados de matrimonio. —¿Qué es esto? ¿Cómo estás casada con Xavier Wallace? —¡No recibirás comida ni agua hasta que firmes los papeles de divorcio! Para echar leña al fuego, los ancianos señor y señora Harrison fallecieron, dejando todos sus bienes a Anastasia y no al resto de la familia. Esto llevó a los Harrison a su punto de quiebre. Para negociar una vida tranquila, Anastasia estaba dispuesta a dejar su herencia y abandonar la familia, pero los Harrison tenían otros planes en mente. Querían deshacerse de ella. Permanentemente. Sin embargo, fue por un golpe de suerte que Anastasia fue encontrada por su nuevo esposo, Xavier, antes de que su familia tuviera éxito. Decidida a vengarse, hizo un trato con Xavier. —¡Continúa siendo mi esposa y te ayudaré a vengarte!

    Sour_corn · perkotaan
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  • Corazones Enredados - La Mamá del Bebé Alfa

    —¿Creíste que curarme te haría que te ame más? —se burló él agarrando mi cabello mientras me arrastraba hacia la puerta. —Me estás lastimando, Xavier —grité pegándole débilmente. No había mucho que pudiera hacer. —Si vuelvo a verte a un centímetro de mí —me lanzó contra la pared—, desafiaré las consecuencias y te mataré. *** Mi compañero y yo estábamos destinados a odiarnos, solo un acto de amor verdadero o desinterés por parte del compañero más fuerte podría encaminar nuestros destinos por la ruta correcta, pero durante siete años, tuve que soportar el abuso de mi compañero y su supuesto amor de su vida hasta que un día decidí irme. Me fui, determinada a permanecer oculta de él para siempre... pero descubrí que estaba embarazada unas pocas semanas después.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasi
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  • Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

    One day, spatial tunnels opened in the very fabric of reality, connecting Earth to a planet that came to be known as Xavier, a planet that has a lot of deserted settlements belonging to the civilization that lived on this planet before we started exploring it. Each settlement not only hides a secret of its own but also treasures, knowledge, and unthinkable technologies. In this new world, magicians rule the world and make the rules. They are those who can contain magic energy, an energy source present in Xavier, in their bodies. This energy is used to mainly empower supernatural cells. One can get them by consuming evolution materials. These supernatural cells suck magic energy to manifest one's superpower in the real world. Elliot, once the son of magicians in the channel opening stage, now lives the life of an orphaned and poor boy. Elliot is the weakest magician to ever exist in the world, a world where the strong are respected and the weak are disdained. With the death of his parents, the ones who used to look down on his has no reason to control their feeling. With a dim fate ahead of him, he grits his teeth and silently moves on to the day the light of glory shines on him, setting him apart from others in a single day, letting him taste what it means to be God! What does it mean to be a God? Read on and Find Out! 1000 Power Stones = 14+1 extra chapters per week. 1500 Power Stones = 14 +2 extra chapters per week 1700 Power Stones = 14 +3 extra chapters per week 2500+ Power Stones = 14 +4 extra chapters per week The chapters will be published at the end of each week based on the power stones earned that week. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/Cm9ZymDUN2

    Crimson_ink · Fantasi

    His expression stays neutral but then he smiles, scratch that he smirks! Like not the happy smirk the fucking devil smirk. Good lord! He is sexy. Sexy. SEXY. S-E-X-Y! He keeps his hand on top of mine and starts sliding it upwards near his member this time I stiffen and my eyes go wide.

    aespathetic_ · Masa Muda
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  • Cœurs emmêlés - La maman bébé de l'Alpha

    ``` "Tu croyais que me guérir me ferait t'aimer davantage ?" Il se moqua en saisissant mes cheveux pour me tirer vers la porte. "Tu me fais mal, Xavier," je pleurais en me débattant faiblement contre lui. Il n'y avait pas grand-chose que je pouvais faire. "Si jamais je te vois approcher à un pouce de moi," il me jeta contre le mur "je maudirai les conséquences et te tuerai,". *** Mon compagnon et moi étions destinés à nous haïr, seul un acte d'amour véritable ou de désintéressement de la part du compagnon le plus fort pouvait remettre nos destins sur le bon chemin mais pendant sept ans, j'ai dû supporter les abus de mon compagnon et son prétendu amour de sa vie jusqu'au jour où j'ai décidé de partir. Je suis partie, déterminée à rester cachée de lui pour toujours... mais quelques semaines plus tard, j'ai découvert que j'étais enceinte. ```

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasi
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  • Corações Enredados - A Mama do Bebê do Alfa

    "Você achou que me curar faria com que eu te amasse mais?" Ele zombou, agarrando meu cabelo enquanto me arrastava em direção à porta. "Você está me machucando, Xavier," eu chorei, batendo nele fracamente. Não havia muito que eu pudesse fazer. "Se eu te ver a uma polegada de distância de mim," Ele me jogou contra a parede "Eu desafio as consequências e te mato,". *** Minha companheira e eu estávamos destinados a nos odiar, apenas um ato de amor verdadeiro ou altruísmo do companheiro mais forte poderia colocar nossos destinos no caminho certo, mas durante sete anos, eu tive que suportar o abuso do meu companheiro e seu suposto amor da vida dele até que um dia decidi partir. Parti, determinada a ficar escondida dele para sempre... mas descobri que estava grávida algumas semanas depois.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasi
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  • Mein ungewollter Ehemann ist mein Rachepartner

    Anastasia Harrison, eine junge Frau, die von ihrer grausamen Familie missbraucht wurde, dachte, ihr Leben sei vorbei, als man sie zwang, Richard, das schwarze Schaf der wohlhabenden Familie Wallace, zu heiraten. In der Zwischenzeit sollte ihre bevorzugte jüngere Schwester Michelle Xavier, den älteren Bruder, heiraten, der ein CEO war. Durch einen Fehler im Rathaus wurden jedoch die Namen der beiden in ihren Heiratsurkunden vertauscht. "Was soll das?! Wie kannst du mit Xavier Wallace verheiratet sein?" "Du bekommst weder Essen noch Wasser, bis du die Scheidungspapiere unterschreibst!" Um noch mehr Öl ins Feuer zu gießen, verstarb das alte Ehepaar Harrison und hinterließ sein gesamtes Vermögen Anastasia und nicht dem Rest der Familie. Das brachte die Harrisons an den Rand ihrer Belastbarkeit. Um ein friedliches Leben zu führen, war Anastasia bereit, auf ihr Erbe zu verzichten und die Familie zu verlassen, aber die Harrisons hatten andere Pläne. Sie wollten sie loswerden. Und zwar für immer. Durch einen glücklichen Zufall wurde Anastasia jedoch von ihrem neuen Ehemann Xavier gefunden, bevor es ihrer Familie gelang. Entschlossen, sich zu rächen, schloss sie einen Deal mit Xavier. "Bleib meine Frau und ich werde dir helfen, dich zu rächen!"

    Sour_corn · perkotaan
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  • Secret Society: Raising Calamity Class Disciples

    Pendulum clocks replaced sand glasses; the world’s first pocket watch ticked through its 100th year. Steam power welcomed the advent of machinery; industries took over farmlands. The study of Science brought humankind out of the clutches of superstitions and pushed them to a path of endless possibilities. And one man witnessed it all. He was a moth among mayflies, fluttering through as generations replaced generations- fuelled by an endless thirst for knowledge. But fate decided to introduce him to a butterfly- someone alike, yet so different. Follow ‘The Actor’ Xavier Godwin and ‘The Seeress’ Yue Lin as they delve into the world hidden from the common eyes- a world of magic and mysticism- as they evade the sights of countless hidden organisations, and create a secret society of their own.

    TheDayDreamist · Fantasi
  • Tears And Xavier

    The words that seeped through my tears for someone as undeserving as Xavier. "neither of us is happy but neither of us wants to leave so we keep breaking one another and calling it love" -Milk And Honey

    Maryam_ali · Masa Muda
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    Xavier Romano, ruthless, arrogant and rude. those are the words that defines this Billionaire Mafia who marries Kylie Carson.

    TheCertifiedQA · Fantasi
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