
Baca Buku Novel matching halloween pfp Online - WebNovel


  • Supreme Magus

    Derek McCoy was a man who spent his entire life facing adversity and injustice. After being forced to settle with surviving rather than living, he had finally found his place in the world, until everything was taken from him one last time. After losing his life to avenge his murdered brother, he reincarnates until he finds a world worth living in, a world filled with magic and monsters. Follow him along his journey, from grieving brother to alien soldier. From infant to Supreme Magus. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Male MC, Western Fantasy Schedule: 12 chapters/week (unless I'm ill or stuff happens) Chapter Lenght: 1200 - 1400 words Warning: The MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. He is a broken, cynic and misanthropic person looking only for his own gain. If you are looking for a forgiving, nice, MC that goes around saving people in distress, this is not your cup of tea. Same if you want an unchanging MC with no character development. ------------------------------------------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/suprememagus ---------------------------------------- Cover of Tiamat form Lith Verhen by josh groban aka manohar aka Animustw. My new Pfp was made by Josh (same as above). Visit the official discord for his official portraits of the characters.

    Legion20 · Fantasi
  • Evolving infinitely from ground zero

    【Infant Stage, a cumulative total of 10,000 leg kicks】 【Attribute gained: Use It or Lose It】 【As long as you continuously exercise the same body part, that part can evolve infinitely, but it can't break the limits of carbon-based lifeforms】 【……】 【Student Phase, a cumulative total of 100 million characters read】 【Attribute gained: Heavenly Intellect】 【Photographic memory, learning ability reached the pinnacle of humanity】 【……】 【Adult Stage, a cumulative matching of carbon-based lifeforms' limits 100 times】 【Attribute gained: Multi-form】 【The body is no longer limited to the frailty of carbon-based lifeforms' flesh and blood, capable of evolving beyond life forms】 【……】 Having transmigrated, Lin Zichen was born with an achievement-based cheat. In this life, he only wanted to evolve quietly, continuously breaking through the limits of life forms, and savoring the pleasure that comes with the leveling-up process.

    Bamboo City's Little Overlord · perkotaan
  • Abandoned by the Alpha, I Became the Lycan King's Mate

    "Margaret, you're the older sister, you have to give in to the younger one." In her whole life, those words clung like a curse to Margaret. Whether it was her beloved teddy bear, pretty dresses, Halloween candies, or parental love, if Elizabeth asked, she had to unconditionally yield them all up to her. Since young, Elizabeth had weighed down on Margaret like an enormous mountain and suffocated her. Fortunately she still had a boyfriend who had loved her for six years—Amster, the pack alpha. "You will be my wife and the future luna of the pack," He promised. Until the day when she and her sister was turning 18 years old, and Amster's lover and fated mate turned out to be her twin sister Elizabeth! Margaret watched as Amster, who had said he loved her, passionately kissed with Elizabeth, and announced Elizabeth as the luna without a second thought. The only emotional sustenance Margaret possessed crumbled; once again, what belonged to her had been snatched away by Elizabeth. What's worse, Amster even asked Margaret to entertain the guests. All because Elizabeth knew nothing except how to wheedle and dress herself up. Unable to refuse the request of her former lover, Margaret agreed to this...

    JQK · Fantasi
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  • Legend of Swordsman

    Jian Wushuang was reborn in adversity. In order to get his revenge, he began to cultivate Heavenly Creation Skill. With the help of the Heaven defying cultivation method, Jian Wushuang gradually grew into a peerless genius from an ordinary practitioner. With a sword in hand, no one is his match. Using his extraordinary Sword Principle, he killed all his opponents and eventually became number one Sword Master from time immemorial.

    Mr. Money · Fantasi Timur
  • Abandonada pelo Alfa, me tornei a Companheira do Rei Lycan

    "Margaret, você é a irmã mais velha, você tem que ceder à mais nova." Em toda a sua vida, essas palavras grudaram como uma maldição em Margaret. Seja o seu amado ursinho de pelúcia, vestidos bonitos, doces de Halloween ou o amor dos pais, se Elizabeth pedisse, ela tinha que incondicionalmente cedê-los a ela. Desde jovem, Elizabeth pesava sobre Margaret como uma enorme montanha e a sufocava. Felizmente ela ainda tinha um namorado que a amava há seis anos—Amster, o alfa da alcateia. "Você será minha esposa e a futura luna da alcateia," Ele prometeu. Até o dia em que ela e a irmã estavam completando 18 anos, e a amante e companheira destinada de Amster acabou sendo sua irmã gêmea Elizabeth! Margaret assistiu enquanto Amster, que disse que a amava, beijava apaixonadamente Elizabeth e anunciava Elizabeth como a luna sem pensar duas vezes. O único sustento emocional que Margaret possuía desmoronou; mais uma vez, o que pertencia a ela havia sido arrancado por Elizabeth. O que é pior, Amster ainda pediu a Margaret para entreter os convidados. Tudo porque Elizabeth não sabia fazer nada exceto bajular e se arrumar. Incapaz de recusar o pedido de seu antigo amante, Margaret concordou com isso...

    JQK · Fantasi
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  • My Life As The First S-Class Guide

    Nine years ago, humankind almost perished the day monsters came out of the Cracks– aka dungeons– that appeared all over the world. When all hope seemed to be lost, a select few awakened as Hunters equipped with a System. Thanks to them, the civilization recovered faster than one would expect after the apocalypse. However, another conflict presented itself later: the more the Hunters used their powers, the quicker they lost their sanity. Fortunately, among the Awakened People, there is a group classified by the System as Guides– and only these Guides have the power to soothe the Hunters and bring them back to their senses. Sounds great, right? But what happens when a Civilian is in a relationship with a Hunter who has a high matching rate with their Guide? “Let’s break up, Wonhee.” Yep, this is what happens when your Hunter boyfriend has a 76% matching rate with his Guide. Wonhee was dumped by her long-time boyfriend because she’s just a Civilian… … or so she thought.

    sola_cola · perkotaan
  • The princess perfect match

    Aurelia's life was a tapestry of secrets and power struggles. Found as an orphan, her world was upended at four when Louise, a 'formidable demon', adopted her. Initially, Aurelia harbored hopes of a brighter future, but Louise's discovery of Aurelia's latent superior demon heritage marked the end of her innocence. Under Louise relentless tutelage, Aurelia was forged into a weapon of magic and combat, Louise was mean , yet her power grew exponentially. On the cusp of adulthood, a fateful blood test reveals a shocking truth: Aurelia is the destined counterpart to the human Princess, her most despised adversary. As their paths intertwine, Aurelia must navigate a labyrinth of destiny and enmity.

    K_Mopo · LGBT+
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  • The Alpha's Little Slave

    A wolfless half-human hybrid. That was all Harper Gray amounted to. To escape her family’s relentless abuse, Harper took the first chance to flee the moment her pack came under attack. But in the rubble of chaos and ruin, she found her mate. Unfortunately, she hadn’t expected the Moon Goddess to match her with the most notorious killer of the land― Damon Valentine, the alpha of the very same pack that decimated her own. Tales of his cruel misdeeds had spread far and wide. Every werewolf knew the name; even some humans feared it, and Harper was no exception. She had no plans of being mated to someone as terrifying as Damon Valentine, and she would do anything to break the bond. However, Damon Valentine had no plans of letting his little mate go. Captured, Harper was brought back to Damon’s pack― not as his future Luna, but as his pack’s newest slave. To complicate matters further, Damon wasn’t the only man the Moon Goddess had matched Harper with. Blaise Valentine — Damon’s twin brother — also had an interest in their new pet slave. The Valentine brothers had their share of conflicts but agreed on one thing: they would never let Harper go. ― Warning: - Dubcon - R18 themes ― Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • The heartbreaker perfect match

    Ciara Cromwell, 28 , the alluring and rebellious daughter of the Demon Queens, is known for her striking beauty, characterized by her stark white hair, piercing red eyes, and the black horns adorning her forehead. With a reputation as a heartbreaker, Ciara revels in fleeting romances and one-night stands, scoffing at the notion of true love. Contrasting her tumultuous life is Aeliana Whitfield, a diligent and kind-hearted human girl determined to make a difference. At 26, Aeliana works tirelessly as an assistant to Leora, Ciara's wise and powerful grandmother. Aeliana’s inner beauty matches her outer appearance, Black hair green eyes a beatiful face and body though she often hides her stunning looks beneath modest attire. Unlike the many who fall for Ciara's charm, Aeliana despises her and would rather face any peril than succumb to her advances. When Leora, seeing the potential for something greater, decides to use the Perfect Match system to pair Ciara with her true love, the results shock everyone: Ciara and Aeliana are the perfect match of each other. Bound by fate and the whims of a powerful enchantment, the two women must navigate their animosity and discover whether love can truly bloom between a demoness who scorns it and a human who yearns for it.

    K_Mopo · Fantasi
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  • Abandonada por el Alfa, me convertí en la Compañera del Rey Licántropo

    —Margarita, eres la hermana mayor, tienes que ceder a la menor —En toda su vida, esas palabras se aferraron como una maldición a Margarita. Ya fuera su querido osito de peluche, vestidos bonitos, dulces de Halloween o el amor paternal, si Elizabeth lo pedía, ella debía cederlo todo incondicionalmente a ella. Desde joven, Elizabeth pesó sobre Margarita como una enorme montaña y la sofocó. Afortunadamente todavía tenía un novio que la había amado durante seis años—Amster, el alfa de la manada. —Serás mi esposa y la futura luna de la manada —Él prometió. Hasta el día en que ella y su hermana cumplieran 18 años, ¡y resultó que la amante y compañera predestinada de Amster era su gemela Elizabeth! Margarita observó cómo Amster, quien había dicho que la amaba, besaba apasionadamente a Elizabeth, y anunció a Elizabeth como la luna sin pensarlo dos veces. El único sustento emocional que poseía Margarita se derrumbó; una vez más, lo que le pertenecía había sido arrebatado por Elizabeth. Lo que es peor, Amster incluso pidió a Margarita que entretuviera a los invitados. Todo porque Elizabeth no sabía hacer nada excepto cómo engatusar y arreglarse. Incapaz de rechazar la petición de su antiguo amante, Margarita accedió a esto...

    JQK · Fantasi
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  • Vom Alpha verlassen, wurde ich die Gefährtin des Lykanerkönigs

    "Margaret, du bist die ältere Schwester, du musst der jüngeren nachgeben." In ihrem ganzen Leben hafteten diese Worte wie ein Fluch auf Margaret. Ob es nun ihr geliebter Teddybär, hübsche Kleider, Halloween-Süßigkeiten oder die Liebe der Eltern war, wenn Elizabeth es verlangte, musste sie ihr alles bedingungslos überlassen. Seit ihrer Jugend hatte Elizabeth auf Margaret wie ein riesiger Berg gelastet und sie erdrückt. Zum Glück hatte sie noch einen Freund, der sie seit sechs Jahren liebte - Amster, den Alpha des Rudels. "Du wirst meine Frau und die zukünftige Luna des Rudels", versprach er. Bis zu dem Tag, an dem sie und ihre Schwester 18 Jahre alt wurden, und sich herausstellte, dass Amster' Geliebte und zukünftige Gefährtin ihre Zwillingsschwester Elizabeth war! Margaret sah zu, wie Amster, der gesagt hatte, dass er sie liebte, sich leidenschaftlich mit Elizabeth küsste und Elizabeth ohne zu zögern als Luna ankündigte. Der einzige emotionale Halt, den Margaret besaß, zerbröckelte; wieder einmal war ihr das, was ihr gehörte, von Elizabeth entrissen worden. Schlimmer noch, Amster bat Margaret sogar, die Gäste zu unterhalten. Und das alles nur, weil Elizabeth nichts anderes konnte, als sich zu beschwatzen und zu verkleiden. Unfähig, die Bitte ihres ehemaligen Liebhabers abzulehnen, stimmte Margaret zu...

    JQK · Fantasi
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  • Matching Man


    Md_akash_Ali · Sci-fi
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  • Matched to A Demon

    Born on Ethem, Ava is a human in a world where there are 10 women for every man. Not wanting to be one of many or a marriage of convenience she is left with only one choice. Matchmaker. The problem since human men are so few she'll have to look at more out of the box for husband. More like out of her world.

    Tala_Kellie · Sci-fi
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  • The demon queen perfect match

    Riley, a rebellious human princess, always preferred the thrill of guild missions and the use of her magic over her royal duties. Neglecting her responsibilities, she left the burden of the throne to her younger sister. Though destined to become the future human queen, Riley chose to abdicate and live a life of adventure and freedom. However, her carefree life shatters when Seraphine, the future demon queen, murders Riley’s beloved. After a bit Riley is captured and imprisoned for treason against the demon queen. Her life takes a tragic and unexpected turn. In a twist of fate, Riley discovers that she is the perfect match for the future demon queen, Seraphine. Fueled by a burning desire for revenge, Riley is determined to make Seraphine pay for her lover's death. As their paths intertwine, Riley will stop at nothing to bring Seraphine to justice, even if it means confronting her own demons and challenging the destiny that binds them.

    K_Mopo · Fantasi
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  • Hypno Halloween

    It is that spooky time of the year in Cape Cod when a highschool teenager begins to experience weird stuff happening to him and everything around him until he comes across an ancient artifact which he must use to protect the town from the darkness that is about to creep out and unleash wrath upon the entire town.

    Fabzy_Sam · Seram
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