
Review Detail of Dr_Chad in Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

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I don't know about others but I hate Mc's personality. His personality is static, for over centuries no MC character development. Yeah, you heard me, no character development. Other characters have their own development but MC is stagnant. Even learning that he was killed by One Above All and was pushed around the bush like a slave, he didn't even have a trace of contempt. Yeah, he was like just chill about it. Even if you knew that the enemy your facing is omnipotent one should have a trace of hatred even if little but MC here was so ok being killed and was chosen to do things without hating OAA (no sort of revenge and planning for over centuries just to pay back OAA). A lot of cringe sentences and dialogue between characters. He kept saying that he viewed human as monkeys which is very hypocrite since he was a human himself in his last life. Even if his body synthetic since he is Eternal, don't forget that their minds are of mortal. That's why they got that dementia type of disease, Mahd WyRy. Over all, the world background is OK, since it was related to history even if I don't know some of it. And like the update stability is so slow. If you wanted to read, just hoard it and wait like 2 months before reading it again. And on top of that, MC is a freaking monk who journey towards the path of enlightenment. Yeah, a freaking dysf*nction*l virg*n who don't want to have romance since he viewed humans a lower life form. F**k, there are a lot of famous woman figure throughout the history like Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, etc. Don't expect MC to have any form of s*xu*l life even one night stand, since according to him he can't have s*x with 'monkeys'. Don't hate this review since it is just personal. I don't like MCs character development and creation.

Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal


Disukai oleh 172 orang




so let's not look at the hyper intelligent gorillas the mc took care of


How da f can he have revenge on one above all duds the origin creator of all things and the only way i can think of that on how to take revenge on oaa is suisiding and why would i be mad if the guy kill me and give me another life where i could have superpowers thats awesome imo


And where did u get that one above all is his enemy like what haa???


Instead of berating me, just write your own review. This my personal opinion after reading this fic, no need to be so melodramatic and wanted to engage in debating.

JustAFoXInTheDark:How da f can he have revenge on one above all duds the origin creator of all things and the only way i can think of that on how to take revenge on oaa is suisiding and why would i be mad if the guy kill me and give me another life where i could have superpowers thats awesome imo

I haven’t seen you in a long time


hypocrite mc... sigh...


I dont see the hypocrisy in the mc pls point it out

Pokopo:hypocrite mc... sigh...

Yep, yeah. Ain't reading all of that. .😂😂


I think you should give it another chance because the MC is getting better and has some character development compared to the earlier chapters because of Helen.


Well i can understand your point, you must have read it as it was released. I just read 54 chapters together and everything felt great, story's pace was good, the character development happened pretty tremendously on tge basis of reading all 54 chapters Mc have a love life with Thena Had someone like a daughter This is a story about a guy who reincarnated as eternal Loved 5000 years as an eternal, 20 years as a human, just cheer for the MC rather than trying to become Mc in your imagination like one would appreciate mushoku tensei. Peace Woah, too long for a comment ,im also going to make this my 5 star review.


it changes, it has to do with his character development and will be explained and seem more logical as the story progresses


cool so your still a infant since I can't see any caricatur development for you


It’s not his enemy he was saying that Mc should be upset at being killed by OAA but instead MC was relaxed like someone accidentally bumped into him and didn’t say sorry

JustAFoXInTheDark:And where did u get that one above all is his enemy like what haa???

He said enemy that why i was confused and don't reply i dont wanna argue with someone

ThanatosGreekGod:It’s not his enemy he was saying that Mc should be upset at being killed by OAA but instead MC was relaxed like someone accidentally bumped into him and didn’t say sorry

Mc calling humans monkeys and his somewhatish hate for them despite once being one is hypocritical

PursueImmortality:I dont see the hypocrisy in the mc pls point it out

Why does people keep liking this

JustAFoXInTheDark:How da f can he have revenge on one above all duds the origin creator of all things and the only way i can think of that on how to take revenge on oaa is suisiding and why would i be mad if the guy kill me and give me another life where i could have superpowers thats awesome imo

MC is a hypocrite then.


More than hypocrite, this MC is deranged.

MeepsNewGroove:Mc calling humans monkeys and his somewhatish hate for them despite once being one is hypocritical

I mean, if you're an overwhelmingly powerful, immortal being, you would think the same way. And given real world situation right now, he isn't wrong.

_EMI_:More than hypocrite, this MC is deranged.

idk people don't hold grudges like that for that long. you got like 24 hour before I reset and just don't care. but maybe that me. it like I know for a fact you didn't hold that hatred for that long. like their was no happy moment since then.


Does the mc get stronger throughout?