


I read 👍🏽

2020-04-27 BergabungGlobal





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  • F4ITL
    After saying that, I turned around and strolled nonchalantly to the edge of the roof of this thirty-story building. Then, without further ado, I jumped off the edge without showing any signs of fear or worry on my face.
    I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man
    Komik · InstaMoist
  • F4ITL
    After letting out a sigh, I shook my head to get some fresh thoughts because in the 19 years I've spent living in this One Punch Man world, I've never been able to find my way, and I've never known what to do when I get lost.
    I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man
    Komik · InstaMoist
  • F4ITL
    "oh, look what I discovered here—a vile little human."
    I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man
    Komik · InstaMoist
  • F4ITL

    nah whos thst

    I have no doubt that you are familiar with the character named Saitama as well.
    I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man
    Komik · InstaMoist
  • F4ITL

    yeah. 3 letters, infinite positions.

    He looked over at her. "You wouldn't happen to know any chakra control exercises, I can do in bed would you?"
    Recycling System
    Lainnya · Ultimatedaywriter
  • F4ITL

    what’s his affinities 💀

    Despite being an Uchiha, Bastion decided to learn earth based elemental techniques. The only one he could learn was a D rank upturned rock. Two hand seals and a stone will rise near your opponent's feet. He would have to purchase a real skill from the shop.
    Recycling System
    Lainnya · Ultimatedaywriter
  • F4ITL
    Balas Imperial_Fox
    Bastion had worked hard to raise his pitiful chakra control from 5 to 20. The leaves were sticking in higher numbers and it was awesome. His rate of absorption had multiplied by 4 and everything was looking up for about two days. Then he realized that Shikaku probably had chakra in the millions. That and the air bullet technique was solid. If Bastion didn't have any way to express his chakra effectively then it was worthless.
    Recycling System
    Lainnya · Ultimatedaywriter
  • F4ITL

    oh “personality” for sure 😏😏

    And even less have a good personality...
    Zero Fate against the world
    Derivasi dari game · Abadom
  • F4ITL
    Balas cyberhank

    You're the only dude here that commented with no mistakes in your words.

    (A/N: Quick explanation about parameters. When I associate a stat with a rank, I mean the normal shinobi of that rank, not Kakashi or Guy. I thought about it and realized that I was about to put parameters for Jonin according to them but most Jonin just die from a good stab, so while their endurance(3) is higher than a normal civilian(1 or lower), they can endure much more damage: blunt hits or non-vital damage, much higher stamina, but damage to vital parts of the body will still take them down in one hit. That's it, please keep an open mind it's a fanfic. Hope you enjoy 😊.)
    Prototype: Apex Predator
    Komik · Angelo_Mercer
  • F4ITL
    Balas Mineral_Fox

    as in that could work.

    Here——-> .
    The Every {Fanfic}
    Komik · F4ITL
  • F4ITL
    Balas Mineral_Fox

    seven deadly sins is cute.

    Here——-> .
    The Every {Fanfic}
    Komik · F4ITL
  • F4ITL
    Balas Smurf_1946

    and brain 😐

    "Alright, let's check out my updated map now and thanks to the Hive Satellite I will be able to see 500 miles away from Fort Ultro, and I will get a live vie of what is around me. This satellite makes me think of those spy satellite in the movies which is pretty cool" I said out loud. I opened my Map page and I saw my fort in the middle of the map and it had its name 'Fort Ultro' above it, like what you would see on Google Maps. It seems that my fort is facing south when checking the Map's Compass. When I looked north on Fort Ultro, I could only see forest for 500 miles, to the south and the west is also 500 miles of forest.
    Ultron in a Cultivation World
    Filem · Necromancer_God
  • F4ITL

    r we in skyrim or wuxia? or both? :0

    After reading the effects of the item, I asked Asus a questions. "Hey Asus if I use these items and reforge them into a new body for me will I keep the effects that they have" "It is possible but you will not be able to use the life force effects since you are an inorganic being but you can use the effects that involve Qi since your body and Ultron Sentries are powered by Qi." Stated Asus. "About that, how do I recharge the qi that powers me then" I asked curiously. "In your body and soon in the bodies of the Ultron Sentries will be an item called a Qi Gathering Converter. This Qi Gathering Converter, is installed and automatically gathers Qi to power the Ultron Sentries. So you never have to recharge your powers or the Ultron Sentries, since you and the Sentries will continuously gather Qi and be supplied with power." Said Asus.
    Ultron in a Cultivation World
    Filem · Necromancer_God
  • F4ITL
    "Second, the Hive Satellite is a satellite that will help you greatly. It will help you able to transfer your consciousness to any Ultron Sentry that is 1000 miles away from where it is position in space. Once it is in position in space, it can't be moved. You can still transfer your consciousness to an Ultron Sentry at least 10 miles away from you but the satellite can help you transfer farther away, within range and the satellite can be used as a spy satellite to spy on your enemies, and to scout the terrain or territory within the 1000 mile radius which can connect to your Map and help expand your Map." Explained Asus. "Also your Map will show living being as dots, if the dot is red then it means it a hostile living being, grey means neutral, and blue means friendly"
    Ultron in a Cultivation World
    Filem · Necromancer_God
  • F4ITL

    i lost my virginity at the age of 15. im 17 rn

    "So my wish really did come true, but I really wish I could change it now, or I could of been giving a choice of what I could have been reincarnated as. I can't believe I died a virginity at the age of 21"
    Ultron in a Cultivation World
    Filem · Necromancer_God
  • F4ITL
    Balas Mr_Cuak

    nuh uh

    Here——-> .
    The Every {Fanfic}
    Komik · F4ITL
  • F4ITL
    Balas Mr_Cuak


    A glance at the man's face was more visible as he was dashing with haste facing towards the security cameras. He had his hood up, wearing a black jacket with two white stripes on each sleeve and the image on the back represented devilish wings. at first the soldiers was taken aback from where the man went but soon later they realised who this sinister man was, it seems like he is notorious within every zone. the look of realization changed the mans face to that of looking at a ghost, a voicecrack came from the soldier as he was trying to shout. He then shouted… "Oh My Fucking God, ITS… ITS ALEX MERCER!"
    The Every {Fanfic}
    Komik · F4ITL
  • F4ITL
    Balas Mr_Cuak

    😹😹😹 anime or movies

    Here——-> .
    The Every {Fanfic}
    Komik · F4ITL
  • F4ITL
    Balas Mr_Cuak

    adventure time 💀💀

    Here——-> .
    The Every {Fanfic}
    Komik · F4ITL
  • F4ITL
    Balas 0THeunkown0

    ive already made 8 chpts but i deleted them bcuz i dropped this. ive made another one and ill just grind with that maybe.

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