
I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man

Warning: The story is exceedingly dark and contains explicit mature and gore scenes. Don't be surprised if the name of the main character in this fanfiction is the same as that of the main character in my other fanfiction. Because they are the same person, but I made it appear that there is another multiverse in which my main character reincarnated into various Anime worlds Q: Rather than having to separate them, why didn't the Author combine them into a single Fanfiction story? A: It would be extremely inconvenient and confusing. Do you really want to? For example, reading fanfiction where the main character travels to another Anime world every few tens of chapters. Q: Rather than using the same main character, why doesn't the Author create a variety of unique main characters for each fanfiction she creates? A: I genuinely think it will be troublesome and exhausting. After all, I want my main character to have the same outlook and nature. I have a Patreon where I post many NSFW illustrations of various fanfiction characters I've created, and you can also get access to 20+ early chapters ahead of time; your support is greatly appreciated. patre0n.com/Instamoist

InstaMoist · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
178 Chs

Vaccine Man

- Vaccine Man Pov -

Today was not only very exciting but also very enjoyable because I was finally able to put my plan into action to wipe out all of humanity.

As a result of the damage I caused, I have reason to believe that several thousand humans have perished and endured great anguish as well. At least they perished as a result of the wrath of nature.


When I was walking through the ruins of the building that had been leveled to the ground, I came across a young girl who was sobbing with her head lowered and her cries getting louder and louder.

"oh, look what I discovered here—a vile little human."

"how noisy this little girl is, she should just die from the rubble earlier," however, it would appear that humans are indeed very tough and obstinate when it comes to issues concerning life and death.

"die... you damn human."

I said this with a broad grin on my face, and my hands immediately grew to the size of a car. My hands seemed ready to grasp and turn this little girl in front of me into a pile of meat that no longer made any sound.

*cry *cry

As I inched my way closer and closer to the little girl in front of me with my long nails, all of a sudden, a very strong wind blew, and before I knew it, a human being with a bald head and a white cape was standing in front of me.

"hero?" I muttered in surprise.

"Looks like you are unaware of who I am, human."

The brave bald man ignored my words and turned his face instead to ask the little girl if she did not get hurt. "Are you okay?"

"you damn human, are you listening to me?"

When he finally turned his head towards me this time, I could tell from the expression on his face that he wasn't particularly interested in me, who was currently standing in front of him.

Because this was the first time I'd encountered a human who wasn't afraid or nervous when they confronted me, I thought to myself, 'Isn't he too relaxed for a human?'

"Alright, let me reintroduce myself," I said.

"humm... my name is Vaccine Man, and I was born as a result of the greed of humans, which pollutes and destroys nature."

"I will vaccinate this earth, so it can return to its original state and also be free from any future infections. I will also kill every human being that currently exists."

"Who are you, human," I then questioned.

The longer I spoke, the more threatening I appeared to be. My body immediately became a monstrous giant, and I began to sprout long, pointed fangs from my mouth. In addition, the length of my fingernails began to lengthen as well.

"Hmmm, my name is Saitama. A human who becomes a hero for fun."

Seeing his expressionless face and voice, which gave the impression that he was unconcerned, made me feel irritated. Even the veins and muscles in my body appeared to be twitching.

"Then you could die," I said in a menacing tone as I gaped my mouth wide open, exposing my pointed teeth as well as my long fangs.


After that, my enormous body pounced forward with a bloodthirsty gaze, looking at the human with the bald head and also at the little girl who stood in front of me.

I am confident I will win because the humans I know are such feeble creatures. Even when they were run over by a car, their bodies were instantly crushed, and their organs were scattered all over the place.

Even though the bald man in front of me looked strange, his unexpected arrival caused me to be a little surprised, but even so, it did not in the slightest diminish my confidence in killing him.

"You two die..."

When my long nails came dangerously close to hitting the two of them, I immediately envisioned their bodies being torn apart into small pieces, similar to how humans cut up animal bodies for their own greed without giving any thought to how their actions affect nature.

"what happened," my body suddenly stopped in place, and before I could process what was happening to my body, I suddenly felt an excruciating pain in my chest.

*explosion *explosion

I could faintly hear the bald man's voice earlier saying, "Again... I killed him with one punch, damn it."

After that, everything seemed to be surrounded by a chilly emptiness, and my vision turned completely pitch black. I also lost all sensations in my body.

My Pov

On the roof of a thirty-story building unaffected by the Vaccine Man's wrath, despite being only a short distance away from the conflict between Saitama and Vaccine Man, I stood there with a calm expression on my face. Saitama and Vaccine Man were still engaged in combat nearby.

I have been watching Saitama's fight with Vaccine Man while standing casually with both hands tucked into the pockets of my jacket. Alternatively, you could say that I have been watching Saitama once again kill a monster with one punch.

"It's finally over."

After letting out a sigh, I shook my head to get some fresh thoughts because in the 19 years I've spent living in this One Punch Man world, I've never been able to find my way, and I've never known what to do when I get lost.

As a result, I started watching Saitama, the main character in this series, and as I did so, I discovered a lot of interesting things, as well as some disappointing things.

As I have mentioned previously, I have a fair amount of freedom in this world. The reason I can say this is because I am not obligated to do anything or have some insane mission from the system that compels me to battle Saitama or something similar.

Because in most of the Isekai and transmigration stories I've read, the system will command that person to battle the story's primary protagonist, and if he refuses, the system will replace him with someone else and kill him.

Even my starting point is very comfortable and does not require me to put in a lot of effort, so even though I use the same system as everyone else, mine is a little bit different, even more interesting, and very much in line with my interests.

[Welcome back, host]

[The system "snatch the heroines from the dense and pathetic main character" will be activated shortly]

Poor Vaccine Man. All he wants to do is save the Earth, but the villainous bald monster keeps getting in the way of his benevolence. Not only that, but after discovering that he was unhappy, the bald monster further humiliated him by executing him with one punch in front of everyone.

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