
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs


Here's a possible start for Chapter 2:

The Zombo Stars' plan seemed to be working. They managed to infiltrate the event, and the moment Pedroko started his speech, they cut the sound and put on their own recording. The voice of Lila, the leader of the Zombo Stars, echoed through the square:

- People of Zombo, do not be deceived by this tyrant! He doesn't care about you, he just wants to use you as his puppets! He has a secret weapon that he is going to use to kill thousands of innocent people! We are the Zombo Stars, and we are here to set you free! Join us in the struggle for democracy and peace!

The crowd was stunned by the revelation. Some started to applaud the Zombo Stars, others got scared and tried to run away. Pedroko was furious and ordered his guards to shoot the rebels. But before he could do that, he felt a sharp pain in his back. He looked back and saw Xerope, his right arm, holding a bloody knife.

- Syrup... why? - Pedroko asked incredulously.

- Because I'm tired of being your doormat, Pedroko. You are a weak and incompetent leader. You don't deserve to rule Zombo. I deserve. I'm smarter, stronger and meaner than you. And I have a better plan for using the giant zombo. I'll use it to conquer the world! - Sherope replied, with an evil smile.

He then kicked Pedroko to the ground and grabbed the giant zombo's remote. He pressed a button and the zombo activated. He was a monstrosity of metal and flesh, with sharp teeth, powerful claws and red eyes. It roared and breathed fire, causing panic and destruction.

- Now you will see what true terror is! I am Xerope, the new dictator of Zombo! And no one will stop me from fulfilling my dream! - Sherope shouted, triumphant.

The Zombo Stars were horrified by Xerope's betrayal. They realized that they had fallen into a trap. They had exchanged one dictator for another, even worse. They had to react quickly, before it was too late.

- Zombo Stars, don't give up! We can still defeat this monster! We have to find a way to destroy the giant zombo! Let's fight until the end! - Lila said, encouraging her companions.

And so began the final battle between the Zombo Stars and Xerope, for the future of Zombo and the world.