
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Here's a possible start for Chapter 3:

The Zombo Stars fought the giant zombo valiantly, but were no match for its power. They tried to use their weapons, their skills and their creativity, but nothing worked. The zombo was invulnerable to any attack. He crushed, burned and devoured all who opposed him. Xerope watched from above, laughing and mocking the rebels.

- You are pathetic! Did you really think you could defeat me? I am the master of the giant zombo, and he is the most powerful weapon in the world! Nobody can beat me! I am invincible! - Sherope said, arrogantly.

He then ordered the zombo to capture the Zombo Stars alive. He wanted to torture and humiliate them before killing them. He wanted them to suffer for daring to defy him. He wanted them to regret being born.

The zombo obeyed and caught the Zombo Stars in its claws. They were hurt, tired and desperate. They knew they had no more chances to escape. They knew they were going to die. But they didn't lose hope. They still had each other. They still had their faith in a better world.

- Zombo Stars, I love you. You are my family. You are my heroes. We did our best. We fight for a noble cause. We have nothing to be ashamed of. We will die with honor. And who knows, maybe one day, someone will continue our fight. Maybe one day, Zombo will be free. - Lila said, with tears in her eyes.

She then hugged her friends and sang a song they had written together. It was a song of love, courage and freedom. It was the Zombo Stars song.

The others joined in and sang too. Her voices blended together in an exciting and inspiring harmony. They sang until the end, not afraid of death.

Xerope was angered by the resistance of the Zombo Stars. He couldn't bear to see their happiness, even in the face of defeat. He wanted them to be silent, for them to surrender, for them to beg for mercy.

- Shut up! Shut up! You have no right to sing! You have no right to live! You are worms! Some rubbish! Losers! I will finish you off! I will finish them all! I am Xerope, the new dictator of Zombo! And I will rule the world! - Sherope shouted, maddened.

He then had Zombo take the Zombo Stars to his private prison, where he would torture them to death.

And so ended the battle between the Zombo Stars and Xerope, with evil winning over good.