
Zaretno: The Chooser

Sam is an average school kid who lives alone, but nothing is what it all seems to be. He finds a cube and is taken by an entity to another world to resolve a war that was waged by someone similar. My work is not monetized so I'd appreciate it if you checked out my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/YSLwn This is a story I wrote 3 years ago and is part of a bundle of 4 (including Staryx) that have a combined sequel.

YSLwn · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Lost Memories Part 2

I woke up from a long sleep, but I couldn't open my eyes. Someone was holding me, singing a lullaby. It was a soothing feminine voice, so much so, it made me go back to sleep.

"Waaaaiiiiit!!!!" Said an unknown voice.

"This was in the first part of the prologue! Skiiiip!"

I woke up, strapped to the same table, with more blood on it. The person sitting beside me...It as Zenos.

"Now tell us, who are you?" Zenos asked with an extremely serious tone.

I sighed and said "I'm a Nerlock that was born in the illusionary world. My parents gave me a duty...It was to banish all Nerlocks that gave us a bad name, however, as soon as they went away, the humans began experimenting on me, testing my capabilities, and so I lost all memories."

"Good, it seems you have recovered your memories."

"I'm sorry for killing you, but the chosen ones are immortal. When a chosen one 'dies', their whole body 'resets'. Every single anomaly in your body gets fixed, including lost memories and mental disorders." Said Zenos as he was unstrapping me from the table.

"This was the first training; regaining your memories, but before you go ahead and shower, I have to tell you something important. Your parents said that so that they could prepare for this moment. The training grounds' door locks up on everyone that doesn't have a pass and the 'Nerlocks are bad' act was to regain your memories, as most Nerlock children born in the illusionary world tend to get experimented on by humans. We can't stop this, because the experiments actually increase the capabilities of someone, and unlocks the possibility of becoming a chosen one. Your parents are an example. Even if you felt as though you were alone, your parents were watching all along. Do the names 'Nina' and 'Dave' ring a bell?"

"Yes, they were my classmates!"

"Those are your parents, meaning the war only began as soon as you got hold of the cube."

A mixed look grew on my face; Happy to know my parents are alive and annoyed at the fact that they misinformed me.

After showering and recollecting my thoughts, I was mentally prepared for the next training.

"Hey, Zenos! I finished showering!" I said, eager to start training in order to help my parents in the rebellion.

"Good. I don't know if you realized the importance of this training...the experience you had earlier shows that even if the chosen ones are immortal, they can still be captured. Now for the first step of the next training, say 'Stats'."

I nodded.


A holographic screen appeared from the cube, in front of me.

Reindar | Nerlock

Ally of Justice lv2

Strength: 4

Speed: 11

Intelligence: 50

Accuracy: 1

Stamina: Infinity

Reflex: 70

"Woah! This is so cool! Oh? What's this? Who's Reindar? And why do I have infinite stamina?"

"Reindar is your family name. Your family has a unique ability called 'Semphoria', in which you have infinite stamina and the best reflexes that exist in the universe." Said Zenos passionately.

The holographic screen contracted back into the cube.

"Alright let's begin our training!" Announced Zenos while pulling out his sword.

"Woah I don't have a sword! That's unfair!"

"Life is unfair." Said Zenos after summoning two clones.

I analyzed his technique and attempted to copy it. I took advantage of my infinite stamina and my decent intelligence and the cube spewed out a hundred clones.

"Woah, so just by analyzing a technique, the cube can copy it?" I mumbled to myself.

"Attack!" I ordered as the clones' battle-cries followed.

The three "Zenos" lept in the air, intercepting my clones, and professionally slashed through all of them.

+100 intelligence

+20 strength

I got more statistic points from my clones' deaths.