
Zaretno: The Chooser

Sam is an average school kid who lives alone, but nothing is what it all seems to be. He finds a cube and is taken by an entity to another world to resolve a war that was waged by someone similar. My work is not monetized so I'd appreciate it if you checked out my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/YSLwn This is a story I wrote 3 years ago and is part of a bundle of 4 (including Staryx) that have a combined sequel.

YSLwn · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Mock Battle

Despite, all of my clones' deaths, I had a chance of winning, and I took hold of it.

Two of "Zenos" were separated from the other. I started rushing towards the two and use the cube to create five clones that jumped over me, I then side-stepped running towards the other "Zenos"

+5 intelligence

+3 speed

The cube created thirty clones that were stronger and faster than usual and attacked him. Zenos threw his sword, killing two of my clones. It was as if the cube read my mind, or rather I can control my cube with my mind.

"Twenty-eight." He mumbled.

I turned around to look at how my other clones were fairing. Two clones of mine remained and the "Zenos"s disappeared.

"One more!" I heard right behind me.

Chills went down my spine. The cube created two clones, I then backflipped and elbowed Zenos on the back. He fell to the ground, and I was victorious.

"Mission Complete" Said the cube

+50 reflex

+20 intelligence

+10 speed

+5 accuracy

"What a broken system...there are too many stat points being rewarded to me." I said while shaking my head.

I stayed beside Zenos until he regained his consciousness.

"Are you alright?" I asked with a worried look on my face.

"Yeah, you're amazing! You improved so much in so little time and you even replicated my clones! I'm the only one capable of making them!" Said Zenos passionately.

"Hey, Zenos, I remember you mentioning you were created by my parents and that you are 'officially called AB1AZ', but what does that stand for?" I asked.

"It stands for Artificial Being 1 Ace Zenos." Said Zenos while being embarrassed.

"It's a very embarrassing title..." He added.

"No! Not at all! It's so cool!" I said while looking at him with awe.

"And also, it wasn't me summoning them, it was my cube." I added.

"What?! My cube is the only one capable of making clones! That's impossible...Wait...Zaretno...that name...that's the same cube the first uses! The cube that copies and registers all techniques and abilities in an instant! Amazing! To think that there would be a copy of Zaretno here! Wait...copy? Don't tell me the first copied his cube! This is a huge discovery!"

After that, we both grew silent and it was very awkward. Suddenly, Zenos started screaming in realization

"We're late! We have to assist your parents in the rebellion! Come on, follow me!"