
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

☆3: Firestarter III

Laying on the ground is the loser, a failure that can't reach his goal, one that had been crushed by fate called defeat.


Rather than a mockery, this certain loser was given an applause, a signal for praise and appreciation.

"Impressive... truly impressive", praise the stranger in questionable getup.

But... heating his praise set up a disgusting feeling in Yuji's stomach, "Oh please... stop it"

With a sour face he gazes upon Trueman, "You won... and I lost, I won't question you any further, do what you want"

Trueman chuckle, "80 points"

Yuji confused when he said 80 points. It is a score for him, perhaps? Or maybe...

"That is my evaluation of you if I were your teacher", say Trueman. He continues, "To be able to stole my Dark Magician, facing and ending my F.G.D... that in it were impressive"

"... that so? Somehow I don't feel happy hearing your praises", say Yuji with rather monotonous tone.

Trueman chucked further, "Happiness is the privilege for the winner boy, if you want to be happy then won"

Trueman walks to Yuji, then sit beside his laying body.

"What do you want?", ask him.

"Nothing, but I suppose I can give you some... little information of the incident", say Trueman.

"Don't need it", rather... Yuji refused his kindness.

"Oh? Do tell", berate Trueman with soft-spoken voice.

".... I'm the loser here. The deal that if I win you'll spill everything, simple as that", said Yuji shifting his gaze from him.

Hearing his reason, Trueman smiled, "Is that a form of sportsmanship, or just your PRIDE that doesn't want to be pitied?"

"...maybe both", reply him.

Trueman held his chin, thinking about something. As for Yuji... he's just gazing upon the warm blue sky, trying to console his self.

"Atticus Rhodes", say Trueman suddenly.

"What?!", Yuji then shifted his gaze to Trueman again.

The sudden mention of the name "Atticus Rhodes" surprised him thoroughly.

"You... what- who?", ask Yuji.

Trueman grin, "To be frank, on my investigation about the student's disappearance, I almost didn't get any result except him"

He continues, "The only lead or information I get is that guy"

Yuji perplexed, asked him, "Who is he? How is he related to the disappearance?"

Trueman held his chin, "Atticus Rhodes, he was one of the missing students, and he was still missing to this day... unknown if he's still alive or not, or so that what had been reported"

Yuji's body shivered listening to his explanation.

Trueman still continues, "That guy... Atticus Rhodes, I believe he's still alive and well"

Yuji squinted his eyes, "Are you certain about that?", ask him.

Trueman nod, "Yeah... I had met someone with similar features as him, and that is before I'll do the investigation here... and after the incident occur"

"Atticus Rhodes", whisper Yuji.

"But at that time he introduces himself not as Atticus Rhodes, but..."

"But what?", berate Yuji.

Trueman smirked, "That's all I can share with you boy", he then gets up, "If you truly desire the truth... you must unravel it yourself"

After that, Trueman walks off from Yuji. Behind him, Yuji reached his hand, and wanted to shout wait, but he abstains to do so.

But before he's completely leaving Yuji, Trueman gave him something.

"For you", tell him, as he threw something to Yuji and he caught it.

"Think of it as a memorial for our duel here", say Trueman smirking and looking at Yuji's confused face.

"If it's you... you'll certainly able to awaken it", say Truman as he continues walking.

Confused, Yuji checked the thing he gave him.

"A card?"

Unlike the usual Duel Monster card, the one that Yuji received is pitch on the front. No name, no stats, no explanatory, only a pitch black blank page.

"If it's me, I'll certainly be able to awaken it..."

What is the thing Trueman talking about? What can be awakened? Who or what is he really? That question would plague Yuji's mind for the rest of the day and possibly in the future.

But for now, there is much a bigger matter to unveil, and so he PUT the card Trueman gave into his deck.

"Atticus Rhodes. Rhodes...", Yuji held his chin.

"That name is similar to Alexis Rhodes, is there any relation between the two?", Yuji close his eyes, then open it.

"If I want the truth... I must get it myself", whisper him as he gazes upon the warm blue sky.

"I must ask her... Alexis Rhodes"


Night, in an old and dilapidated dormitory.

"So, how is he?", asked a voice.

"He's still green, but had the potential", say Trueman.

"Is that so?", asked the voice again.

In The Old Obelisk Blue Dormitory, Trueman is meeting a SPECIAL someone, alas... there isn't anyone in front of him, and only a strange voice reverb in the room he's currently in.

The voice is like an amalgam, consist of the voice of man and woman, children and old people, human and the shriek sound of deer.

"But have you done it?", asked the voice.

Trueman adjusting his glasses, pridefully report to IT, "Do not worry, I already did it".

He then chuckles, revealing a mocking and sinister tone, "I already give him The Seed, we'll just have to wait until he awakens it", report him.

"Good job, he'll be a much more interesting PAWN than that KID", reply the strange voice.

"Yeah... he'll be", sneer Trueman.

"Yuji Kusanagi... no, Yuji Araki. Please entertain us more"

""Huhahahahahahahahahahah heh hahahahahahahaha""

In the usual silent filled building, an eerie laughs echoes through its wall.

"The seed had been planted, it is now the time to take care of it until HE grew into a splendid tree, and then... we'll BURN him down"