

Beginnings are difficult. Truths are complicated. Reality is unpredictable, and dreams are fleeting moments of naiveté. Kurai Eijiro has a troubled beginning. A truth he must face. A new reality in another world and a dream. A cursed dream that forces him to reach the top of a vast and perverse game. A game of life and death. One where there are no black or white sides. In an endless struggle between faint grays and complete darkness. Within an ancestral and forgotten ritual called Duel Monster's. Using a new name, in another body, Bakura Ryou, formerly Kurai Eijiro, will find himself traveling paths filled with constant and convoluted adversity towards an uncertain goal. To return to his world. Together with his family... Or perish in the attempt... And if to do so, he must become a monster... So be it. - This is my last attempt at making a decent Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Fanfiction. - Genres: Fanfiction. Card Game. Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Romance. Slice of life. Among other less notable genres and subgenres. - The world or setting itself, will not have drastic changes. I will only substitute certain things, such as the name Domino City, for Tokyo City. Geography. From fiction to reality. The plot, on the other hand, will have notable variations. This is AU. A reasonable AU. The MC will create changes and reality will adapt to his actions. Truly meaningful actions not trifles. Reality does not change so easily. The butterfly effect is not omnipotent or scientifically proven. A ripple in a river does not change the course of the river or, properly speaking, its location. Everything is relative and adaptable in this story. Nothing is completely fixed. The magnitudes of events play a crucial role in the plot. The only thing that cannot be altered are the actions and convictions of the most resilient people, whether they are remarkably kind or terribly vile. The dominoes will fall when required. Small ones first and big ones later. - I focus on the cards that correspond to the period where the events occur. 2002 TCG. Except Diabound Kernel, for obvious reasons. I will not use the Japanese names of those untranslated cards in the TCG. I will always translate them into English from Japanese. For example, Koumori Dragon will be renamed Devil Dragon. I will also change the effects and type of some cards to fit the current season. Example: In the first season, several cheating cards were considered spells. Mai's Shadow of Eyes, was a spell. Not a trap. Jonouchi's Copycat and Time Wizzard, were spells. Not monsters. - My story will follow a variable chronology. Decisions will be made during the present and narrated in past tense. Mainly canon POVs, be it Yugi, Bakura, Honda, for example. - There will be no other OCs or SIs in this work except for the MC himself. All other characters will be exclusively cannon. The mentioned OCs will not have a name. They will be mobs only. - The image on my cover was drawn by Shery. It belongs exclusively to Shery. - Please, this server strongly requests you to leave a rating or, instead, point out my plot, grammatical and spelling mistakes during the comments. Mainly in your first impression of the reading. That's the only way I will be able to improve the fanfiction, my writing and boost my desire to move forward with this story. - By the way, if you want to read my fic in Spanish, go to Wattpad. - Dialogues: - ... -. - Thoughts: (...). - Monologue: {...}. - Writings: "...". - Sounds: *...* - Clarifications: [...]. With nothing more to add, Lord of Demise, takes his leave.

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9 Chs

Bakura Ryou IV.

Scene: -Space-Time-Dialogues-Descriptions-Details-Clarifications-Review.




Tuesday. 09/05/1995. Afternoon.

Tokyo. Iromasa Public Hospital. Recovery Wing. Room Number 12.

{All's a matter of perspective, no doubt. With a few exceptions, everything that human beings see as good or bad is a matter of perspective. Oh, yes. And it is from these multiple perspectives that misunderstandings arise. Human mistakes that start from simple circumstances, but with sometimes truly exaggerated results. Nefarious results, no doubt. I am a very clear and negative example of that. Oh, yes. Blinded by rage and pain. Clouded by desires for revenge. Justified but aimless revenge. Without considering the collateral damage those actions would trigger. I committed atrocities equal to or worse than the people responsible for the fate of my loved ones. I chose to blame the world for my sadness and I failed. I failed to execute my revenge and then. Then many people paid the price. The price the weak pay when those strong echo their power. But again. Again it is all a matter of perspective. What to some is great. For others it is vileness. Perception of the facts. Because the reality of the world. The reality with man, is that: For some to win, others must lose. With that principle in mind: Only the winners determine what is right. And what is wrong. Oh, yes. The world is a place full of gray and dark areas. A place where happiness is ephemeral and as fragile as the flimsiest glass. A place where the only thing that keeps us alive are the ambition. The love. The hate. And the hope}.

Bakura came out of his unconsciousness abruptly. His eyes were completely unfocused and bloodshot. In his delirium he could barely make out where he was. He didn't notice the white room and the smell of anesthesia.

(That dream again). Bakura thought.

Bakura put his hands to his head and then pulled his hair painfully. Sweat covered his whole body. He didn't notice the white hospital clothes he was wearing.

(When? When will it stop?). Bakura thought.

Bakura gritted his teeth angrily. He didn't notice the date on the calendar to his right: "09/05/1995".

- It's all his fault! -. Bakura shouted.

Bakura bit his lower lip in anger. He didn't notice the serum that was dripping slowly down in his left side. Or the needle deeply inserted in his left arm.

(Yes). Bakura thought.

A vicious grimace painted Bakura's features. He didn't notice the movement on his right side.

(His fault). Bakura thought.

Bakura began biting his nails visibly off balance. He didn't notice the nurse on the right side of his bed.

- His fault? -. The Nurse asked.

The nurse looked at Bakura with noticeable bewilderment. She then jotted down her observations in a small black notebook. Bakura continued in his own world completely alienated from reality.

(Yes, it's all her fault!). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled maniacally. His expression simultaneously began to normalize.

(Blame of that damn abomination. Blame of that dumb kid, Bakla). Bakura thought.

Bakura looked down at his chest searching for something that actually was missing. He paused abruptly.

(Wait). Bakura thought.

Bakura began to observe his surroundings for the first time since his awakening. His expression took on an exalted tinge of surprise.

- Uh? -. Bakura hesitated.

Bakura rested his brown eyes on the nurse on his right side. She was an elderly woman, short, somewhat plump, with light gray hair and dark gray eyes. She wore the typical light blue hospital gown and in her hands rested a small black notebook. Her affable expression was fake and visibly practiced. Bakura grimaced in bewilderment.

(A nurse?). Bakura thought.

Bakura began to look at his surroundings again. A flash of realization painted his features.

- Am I in a hospital? -. Bakura asked.

Bakura lowered his face thoughtfully. The hair darkened his countenance.

(I must have fainted when my Heka ran out). Bakura thought.

Bakura shifted his attention to the nurse. Doubt completely encompassed his expression.

- How-how did I get here? -. Bakura asked.

Bakura clenched his fists in embarrassment. His head was flooded with unanswered questions.

(Wait a minute!). Bakura thought.

Bakura gnashed his teeth noticeably furious. Then he began to search his surroundings in utter desperation.

- Where's my notebook!!!! -. Bakura asked.

Bakura pulled the sheet off his back. The nurse stood up from her place abruptly.

(Where? Where is it?). Bakura thought.

Bakura tried to stand up with all his might but was immediately stopped by the nurse. Bakura gave her a murderous look. The nurse didn't even blink as she did her duty.

- Calm down, student Bakura. There is no need for alarm. All your belongings are right there on the table. See? -. The nurse reassured.

The nurse pointed to a small table on the other side of the room. Bakura returned to his previous position very slowly. A vicious grimace painted her features.

(You'd better, bitch. Because if you don't). Bakura thought.

Bakura dilated his eyes murderously. The nurse quickly tucked him in without paying him any attention at all.

- Good -. Bakura nodded.

Bakura averted his gaze from the nurse. Then he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

(Because otherwise, I'll feed you to my KA's, that's, a, promise). Bakura thought.

Bakura inhaled and exhaled for a moment to calm himself. Then he turned his attention to the nurse again.

- As for how you got all the way to the hospital? Well. For that you'll have to ask your blond friend. He was the one who carried you here while you were unconscious. I think his name was Tatsuya or Katsuya? I don't quite remember -. The Nurse admitted.

Bakura grimaced in bewilderment. The Nurse continued writing in her notebook nonchalantly.

(Tatsuya? Katsuya? Who's that?). Bakura thought.

Bakura held his chin in musing. A flash of realization hit him not long after.

(Oh, I remember now). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled to himself.

(Katsuya Jonouchi). Bakura thought.

Bakura narrowed his eyes recalling events of not too long ago.

(The guy with the dragon-type Ka. Quite a rarity, no doubt). Bakura thought.

Bakura nodded visibly self-absorbed.

- Yes, I think I know very well who you're talking about. Thanks for the information -. Bakura thanked.

Bakura smiled to himself between irony and sarcasm.

(Who knew that one day I would be saved by that little buffoon?). Bakura thought.

Bakura grimaced in distaste.

- The world is small and mysterious, no doubt -. Bakura said.

Bakura shook his head, puzzled.

(Too small). Bakura thought.

Bakura looked at the ceiling completely lost in his memories.

(Rescued by one of the few people whose KA I couldn't extract until the seventh or eighth attempt). Bakura thought.

Bakura averted his gaze to the table where the notebook was.

(Ironic really). Bakura thought.

Bakura sighed dejectedly. The nurse used that precise moment to interrupt.

- Jiji. You sound like a complete old man for someone so young, student. Oh, by the way. There's one more thing. That blond boy called on the phone and said he would stop by to visit you today along with some friends -. Said the Nurse.

Bakura averted his gaze to the nurse with a frown.

(Friends?). Bakura thought.

Bakura grimaced indignantly. The nurse looked at him expectantly. Bakura decided to ignore the nurse for the moment.

(Why would that brat bring his friends to see me? We hardly know each other). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head, disengaged.

(Teenagers. No one can understand them). Bakura thought.

Bakura narrowed his eyes after a slight snort.

(Anyway). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned his attention back to the nurse.

- I understand. Now tell me. How long have I been asleep? -. Bakura asked.

Bakura watched as the nurse began to look through some papers.

(I feel really good. Better than I have in a long time, no doubt). Bakura thought.

Bakura brought his hands to his eyes. His touch didn't pick up the dark circles under his eyes that usually defined his features.

- Oh, that? Yes. You've been asleep for almost 24 hours. You were quite severely anemic when you came into our hands. We even had to put you on saline, you see? -. Said the Nurse.

Bakura held back the urge to laugh. The nurse gave him a confused look.

(Anemia? Serum? What a joke!). Bakura thought.

Bakura scratched his head in noticeable frustration.

(Heka doesn't recover by eating). Bakura thought.

Bakura touched the needle in his left hand debating whether to take it out or not.

(More importantly). Bakura thought.

Bakura shifted his attention to the nurse again.

- When can I get out of here? -. Bakura asked.

Bakura tightened his grip on the sheets that covering him with visible anxiety.

(I have a lot of things to do. Things vital to my plans). Bakura thought.

Bakura narrowed his eyes mischievously.

(I can't afford to waste my time idly in a hospital bed). Bakura thought.

Bakura averted his gaze to the table with his personal items.

(Not now, at least). Bakura thought.

Bakura was interrupted again by the nurse.

- Get out? No. That's not possible. First we have to get in touch with your parents. Your state of health was worrisome. They must be informed of it immediately. Now. Please. Can you give me their phone numbers? -. Asked the Nurse.

The nurse gave Bakura a look without objection.

(Damn it, woman. Why are you so stubborn?). Bakura thought.

Bakura gnashed his teeth in fury but finally gave in.

- Good -. Bakura nodded.

Bakura smiled mischievously.

(I'll have to manipulate his mind). Bakura thought.

Bakura brought his right hand to his chest with the intention of calling the Millennium Ring. However, the next instant he was interrupted by an outrageous male voice.

- I'm telling you guys, I'm a hero! -. Jonouchi exclaimed.

It was the voice of Katsuya Jonouchi. Bakura tensed momentarily.

(Wait a minute). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned his head towards the front door.

- Just shut up already. It's like the tenth time you've said the same thing -. Honda protested.

Bakura heard another male voice. It was Honda Hiroto's voice. Bakura grimaced again.

(I know that voice). Bakura thought.

Bakura's face took on an unnatural shape.

(It's the voice of that heavy, Katsuya Jonouchi. And that little friend of his, the cleaning deputy, came too). Bakura thought.

Bakura clenched his fists noticeably mortified.

- Damn it -. Bakura cursed.

Bakura squinted his eyes to calm his unsteady nerves.

(I don't even remember his name). Bakura thought.

Bakura rolled his eyes. The nurse seized the moment to interrupt his train of thought.

- Uh? Looks like your friends are already here -. Said the Nurse.

Bakura smirked.

(I don't have any friends. Not in this world, at least). Bakura thought.

Bakura sharpened his hearing. A female voice accosted them not long after.

- Don't puff out your chest, Jonouchi. You're just blowing everything out of proportion. Anyone in your place would have done the same thing -. Anzu clarified.

It was the voice of Mazaki Anzu. Bakura grimaced again.

(What if I had them? It definitely wouldn't be them). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head visibly resigned.

(Looks like that silly girl, Mazaki Anzu, came too). Bakura thought.

Bakura sighed squinting his eyes again.

(What a mess). Bakura thought.

Bakura turned his attention to the nurse again.

- I'm not feeling very well right now. Tell them to leave, please -. Bakura ordered.

Bakura put on a grim look on his face. The nurse visibly shuddered.

(I don't want to have to deal with some high school brats. Not today, at least). Bakura thought.

Bakura grimaced in distaste.

(That wouldn't be healthy for my mental health). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head noticeably angry.

- Leave? Why? I mean. Are they your friends? No? Could they be worried? -. Nurse questioned.

The nurse made a doubtful face. Bakura's face darkened.

(That's your problem, Nurse, not mine). Bakura thought.

Bakura tightened his grip on the sheets.

- Just do it. Understood? -. Bakura questioned.

Bakura ground his teeth in frustration. The nurse stood up. Then she walked towards the door.

(Is it that hard to do your fucking job, bitch?). Bakura thought.

Bakura showed a terrorific expression. Jonouchi's voice interrupted his thoughts again. Bakura narrowed his eyes in silent fury.

- But, I'm telling the truth. I saved that kid, I swear. Huh? Come on, the 12th is over here -. Jonouchi pointed.

Bakura shifted his attention to the door. The handle turned very slowly.

(A thousand hells!). Bakura thought.

Bakura put his hands to his head completely frustrated. The four friends entered not long after.

(What I was missing). Bakura thought.

Bakura inhaled and exhaled to calm his belligerent nerves.

(I hate dealing with people like that). Bakura thought.

Bakura shook his head resignedly. His features softened moderately.

- Jiji. Looks like it's already too late, student. Your friends just arrived. I'll see you later, okay? -. Warned the Nurse.

Bakura watched as the Nurse chatted nicely with the four teenagers.

(Trickster women). Bakura thought.

Bakura gritted his teeth noticeably irritated.

- Tsk -. Bakura cursed.

Bakura clicked his tongue in annoyance. Bakura watched as the nurse left the place.


The sound of the door closing followed.

(How troublesome). Bakura thought.

Bakura's expression took on a new tinge of interest.

- Uh? -. Bakura hesitated.

The four friends approached Bakura with kindred smiles on their expressions.

(That boy is...?). Bakura thought.

Bakura's eyes focused on a short figure with messy hair.

- Curious -. Said Bakura.

It was the figure of Mūto Yugi.

(Mūto Yugi). Bakura thought.

Bakura smiled to himself. Then he licked his lips. His eyes were firmly fixed on the Millennium Puzzle.

- Very curious, no doubt -. Bakura added.

Bakura's face took on a desirous expression. Several gears began to turn in his head.


