

Beginnings are difficult. Truths are complicated. Reality is unpredictable, and dreams are fleeting moments of naiveté. Kurai Eijiro has a troubled beginning. A truth he must face. A new reality in another world and a dream. A cursed dream that forces him to reach the top of a vast and perverse game. A game of life and death. One where there are no black or white sides. In an endless struggle between faint grays and complete darkness. Within an ancestral and forgotten ritual called Duel Monster's. Using a new name, in another body, Bakura Ryou, formerly Kurai Eijiro, will find himself traveling paths filled with constant and convoluted adversity towards an uncertain goal. To return to his world. Together with his family... Or perish in the attempt... And if to do so, he must become a monster... So be it. - This is my last attempt at making a decent Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Fanfiction. - Genres: Fanfiction. Card Game. Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Romance. Slice of life. Among other less notable genres and subgenres. - The world or setting itself, will not have drastic changes. I will only substitute certain things, such as the name Domino City, for Tokyo City. Geography. From fiction to reality. The plot, on the other hand, will have notable variations. This is AU. A reasonable AU. The MC will create changes and reality will adapt to his actions. Truly meaningful actions not trifles. Reality does not change so easily. The butterfly effect is not omnipotent or scientifically proven. A ripple in a river does not change the course of the river or, properly speaking, its location. Everything is relative and adaptable in this story. Nothing is completely fixed. The magnitudes of events play a crucial role in the plot. The only thing that cannot be altered are the actions and convictions of the most resilient people, whether they are remarkably kind or terribly vile. The dominoes will fall when required. Small ones first and big ones later. - I focus on the cards that correspond to the period where the events occur. 2002 TCG. Except Diabound Kernel, for obvious reasons. I will not use the Japanese names of those untranslated cards in the TCG. I will always translate them into English from Japanese. For example, Koumori Dragon will be renamed Devil Dragon. I will also change the effects and type of some cards to fit the current season. Example: In the first season, several cheating cards were considered spells. Mai's Shadow of Eyes, was a spell. Not a trap. Jonouchi's Copycat and Time Wizzard, were spells. Not monsters. - My story will follow a variable chronology. Decisions will be made during the present and narrated in past tense. Mainly canon POVs, be it Yugi, Bakura, Honda, for example. - There will be no other OCs or SIs in this work except for the MC himself. All other characters will be exclusively cannon. The mentioned OCs will not have a name. They will be mobs only. - The image on my cover was drawn by Shery. It belongs exclusively to Shery. - Please, this server strongly requests you to leave a rating or, instead, point out my plot, grammatical and spelling mistakes during the comments. Mainly in your first impression of the reading. That's the only way I will be able to improve the fanfiction, my writing and boost my desire to move forward with this story. - By the way, if you want to read my fic in Spanish, go to Wattpad. - Dialogues: - ... -. - Thoughts: (...). - Monologue: {...}. - Writings: "...". - Sounds: *...* - Clarifications: [...]. With nothing more to add, Lord of Demise, takes his leave.

Lord_Demise · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Yami Yugi I.

Scene: -Space-Time-Dialogues-Descriptions-Details-Clarifications-Review.




Tuesday. 09/05/1995. Afternoon.

Millinium Puzzle.

Walking through endless corridors. Rock corridors. Going up and down stairs with no apparent sense. Stone stairs. Going through door after door. There. There stood Yami Yugi.

(I have arrived). Yami Yugi thought.

One last door opened and behind it. Behind it was Yugi. Mūto Yugi. He was playing with some cards visibly listless. Duel Monsters playing cards. Yami Yugi approached him very slowly from behind. Doubt gnawed at his mind and darkened his features.

- What's wrong, Yugi, why do you look so glum? -. Yami Yugi asked.

Yami Yugi put his right hand on Yugi's left shoulder. Yugi turned to Yami Yugi with a dark look on his face.

(Yugi has been acting this way since morning. If I remember correctly, it all started when Jonouchi told us about that new guy, Bakura. Bakura Ryou). Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Then he withdrew his right hand very slowly. Yugi continued to arrange the cards between his hands.

- It's nothing, Yami. It's nothing. Just. Just leave me alone for a while, okay? I'll get over it -. Yugi said.

Yugi shook his head towards Yami Yugi. Yami Yugi frowned in frustration.

(I don't think so, buddy. I haven't seen you like this since those days. No. This is different and it can't go on like this.) Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi folded his arms meditatively.

(Where is that usual cheerful Yugi?). Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi shook his head in musing.

- Does this have something to do with that boy, Bakura? Is that it? -. Yami Yugi asked.

Yami Yugi watched as Yugi tensed momentarily.

(I see. If it was because of him). Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi looked into Yugi's eyes directly. Yugi looked away resignedly.

- Bakura? Hehe. Was it that obvious? It doesn't matter anymore. It's that-it's that. You know, Yami? That boy is. Bakura is the best at everything he does. Studies, sports, with people. Everything. I can't compare myself to someone like him. It's so unfair -. Yugi protested.

Yugi sighed noticeably dejected. Yami Yugi smiled.

(Who knew, Yugi jealous of someone else? I didn't see that coming. He's always such a kind and understanding boy.) Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi shook his head contemplatively.

(Anyway). Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi turned his attention towards Yugi again.

- That's not the only reason behind your behavior, is it, buddy? -. Yami Yugi questioned.

Yami Yugi placed his right hand on Yugi's left shoulder again.

(I know you very well, Yugi. You are not someone who would behave like this without some compelling reason behind it). Yami Yugi thought.

Yugi lowered his head. A grimace of sadness painted his features. Yami Yugi waited patiently.

- Yes, it's-it's true. But. But I-I. I'm afraid, Yami. I'm afraid they'll abandon me. Take Anzu, for example. She idolizes him. I've never seen her behave like that for someone else. I've never seen her so excited. Do you think she likes Bakura, Yami? Do you think she's in love with him? -. Yugi asked.

Yugi looked at Yami Yugi with an expression of undeniable dread. Yami Yugi nodded understandingly.

(Oh. Now I get it. That explains a lot). Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi smiled reassuringly towards Yugi.

- No. Yugi, no. That won't happen. They are our friends. They would never leave us for something so insignificant. You just have to keep being yourself, Yugi. Be yourself and everything will be fine. As for Anzu. Well, I think you're asking me the wrong question, don't you think, buddy? -. Yami Yugi asked.

Yami Yugi watched as Yugi's face suddenly turned red.

(When will you tell her, Yugi? When will you tell Anzu that you like her?). Yami Yugi thought.

Yugi averted his gaze from Yami Yugi shyly. Yami Yugi smiled again.

- Cof Cof, the-the wrong question?! I don't know what you're talking about -. Said Yugi.

Yugi pretended be playing with his cards awkwardly again. Yami Yugi shook his head visibly resigned.

(It's your decision, Yugi. I will not intervene in matters of the heart. When you are ready, I have full confidence that you will do the right thing.) Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi turned around very slowly. Yugi's eyes followed his movements out of the corner of his eye.

- Very well. I wish you luck today, Yugi. And remember, friend. Just be yourself. Be yourself and everything will be fine. I will be there with you at all times, don't forget that -. Said Yami Yugi.

Yami Yugi began to walk to the door where he had come from. His expression oscillated between dejection and certainty.

(You are someone very special, Yugi. Never doubt that. And if you can't handle a situation during a specific time in your life, then I'll help you. Because in the end that's what friends are for, right?). Yami Yugi thought.

Yami Yugi left Yugi's mind amidst musings.


The sound of the door closing followed him.


