
Your Smile My Book

Long time ago there was someone who fell in love, they wrote some poems about the whole situation and what was going on. The poems were written around the year 2018. They weren't sure what was going on, if their love will actually happen or not so they started writing and the writing was something that they loved to do. Eventually, the relationship sadly didn't happen the other party wasn't a good partner. These are short and long poems, the poems that should have been forgotten just like the memories they shared with "them".

Monichii · perkotaan
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22 Chs

You Waited For Me And I Waited For You

Who will be the first one to message?

Nor I want to send a message, nor you want to.

Who wants to stop looking at each other?

Nor I want to , nor you want to.

We are waiting for each other.

We are waiting for that first step,

who will make that first step?

Who will be the one who will change the future,

if we wait forever nothing will happen.

I made that first step,messaged you.

I was so happy when you read my message and replied.

There was no one like you who replied so fast when I write something.

"Am I in love?" I ask that question myself all day.

Did I made a mistake or a good thing?

Are we gonna be awkward when we see each other?

I hope you are gonna be your normal self.

I'll wait until you contact me first,I hope you are hiding your feelings,

because if you don't feel anything I would feel bad for startind to feel something.

Friends are telling me there is something going on,but I will watch you and see if there is really something and not just my imagination.