
Your Smile My Book

Long time ago there was someone who fell in love, they wrote some poems about the whole situation and what was going on. The poems were written around the year 2018. They weren't sure what was going on, if their love will actually happen or not so they started writing and the writing was something that they loved to do. Eventually, the relationship sadly didn't happen the other party wasn't a good partner. These are short and long poems, the poems that should have been forgotten just like the memories they shared with "them".

Monichii · perkotaan
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22 Chs

Is It Illusion?

An illusion is what you created yourself while searching for someone else

O great you

My happiness & sadness

My greatest mistake

The love & hate

O great is the person that was standing near me not too long ago

O greatest is the person who let you stay in that place

O sad me for thinking and remembering you

But I survived



I kept on smiling & smiling.

Smiling happily.

O great is the power of happiness while sadness is getting in the way...