
You Made Me The Bad Guy

Before going on vacation, Pro Hero Deku, Izuku Midorya has the misfortune of taking on a new test subject and crime fighter for his program: Rad or the King of darkness. Down right the worse person and Izuku's hell on Earth, Rad joins Izuku to his family's country house. Izuku tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Rad. As his oblivious partner makes himself at home, Deku loses his good nature and, before long, may be ready to kill Rad himself. Even if it means becoming a Villain.

Chester_Kitty · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Hell on Earth

"Today marks the anniversary of when the moon disappeared and the villain or better known as 'The King of Darkness' one of the top five villain's was arrested. He was found in a downtown apartment and was quickly taken in without a fight. The same villain is going to be released today after 4 years in prison…"

The young news caster explains as a mug shot appears on screen of a young twenty year old, he has sharp features with long slender arms and legs, a sweet smile touched upon his soft pink lips with an evil glint in his ocean blue eyes.

The heavy bags under his deep doe like eyes look like black circles, his hair is short and wild that stood out on each end as it looked like he just rolled out of bed with long bangs. Lastly, his Villain outfit was simple but also gave the image of someone who is deadly and mysterious to approach yet looked very professional. The long trutle neck sleeve less silk top with a form-fitting black jeans that hugged nicely around his hour glass waist with long sleeves. Lastly, He had on sharp black shoes.

'Has it really been only four years since then? Since that tragic day when the moon was stolen?'

Deku, the newest number one hero thought bitterly as he stood in the main lobby of the police station, sipping his black coffee and glared at the TV screen, it was hard to believe that one young man could cause so much trouble in so little time. The Villain was same age as him.

But not just any villain, no.

The villain that stole the moon and caused chaos for years as the weather had been becoming much colder over the short four years and many animals are dying. It was Hell on Earth need less to say. The lost of the moon was the worse day in history and the villain's name brought fear into the darkest hearts.

The villain that has attacked and almost killed most of Deku's friends and classmates on separate occasions four years ago.

The same villain that had turned himself in just a four years ago. So easy. Way too easy. Yet no one ever found out where the moon was or what happened to it. The villain always gave the same answer, 'If it was a cat, it would have bit you by now'

Four years wasn't enough after the long list of horrific things that Villain did. Why did such a strong Villain give up so easy and Why would Villain not just give them the moon back? Nothing seemed to add up. Well, that was why they were there to get answers out of the villain before they let him out. They needed a way to keep an eye on him.

"-In other News, Pro Hero Deku has just become the number one hero on the charts and his new book on 'how to be a good guy' just hit a million views" The news caster announced happily.

Deku smiled a little as the little good news brought a little hope in his soul. He broke his green eyes away from the TV screen and continued his walk deeper toward the interrogation room where the man in question was being held in waiting.

The young villian hummed softly to himself as he read each word of the new chapter the current book he had been reading, at least as best as he could in handcuffs.

The door to the room opened, and a familiar face walked in, making the young Villian's own face break out into a soft grin.

"Ah, It's the mighty Deku" the man smirked at the number one pro hero as if greeting an old friend, "I've been reading your read, it's very interesting"

His tone was dipping in pure sarcasm.

Deku's face was stoic as he sat in the chair across from the young villain, folding his hands in front of him on the table. When he didn't react to the greeting, the young man studied the green haired pro hero closely, searching for any weakness or flaw in his bright green eyes or face. Everyone had a weakness, the young Villian didn't need a quirk to know that. His old master taught him that by one simple look in any person's eyes can show everything about them.

Deku spoke breaking the young Villain from his thoughts, " I have questions for you before we release you back into the public"

"Oh really? The police needed the number one hero personally for an interview. That's so sad" the young man stated in a cocky tone, a smirk playing on his lips. Clearly showing just how much he cares about this interview.

Normally Midoriya Izuku never gets upset. He didn't even have the nerve to raise his voice at others. Not after years of working so hard to prove what a good hero he is but 'this' Villain was special and clearly knew how to get under the hero's skin. Deku gritted his teeth and huffed a controlled breath through his nose before clearing his throat. The Villain notes this reaction and knows right away that even the sweet heart pro hero gets up set over small things. Interesting.

"What is your civilian name, King of Darkness?" Deku asked, his quirk already buzzing a little from how annoyed he was becoming.

"Wow, really? What a boring question" The Villain complained while narrowing his eyes as he scolds the hero. "I'm not going to do your job for you! Did you not read my case file?"

Deku took a deep breath, his hands shaking on top of the table with irritation. The Villain was such a brat and acting so care free after four years. After trying to kill so many people and stole the moon.

"Yes, I read your case file. Trust me, I know who you are. This is merely standard for an interview. I suggest you make this easy on yourself if you want me to put in a good word-"

"Aww, now that's no fun~" the villain mocked cutting the hero off mid speech as he clasped his hands on the table after setting the book he was reading down, posture completely relaxed. "Why would you give me, the villain that has nearly murdered thousands of students and precious hero hopefuls several times-" the blonde raised his gaze with his smug smile still in place. "-Yet you want to put in a good word for me? Even though I only had four years in prison. I even stole the moon."

Both of the occupants inside the interrogation room jumped as the door to it flew open.

Deku jumped up frantically, seeming to want to get to the door before the villain did even though the young Villain was free to leave after the interview was over. Even though the blonde didn't move aside from tilting his head and looked curious which confused Deku even more of why the powerful villain didn't try to leave. The man stopped and gave a small sigh of relief when he see's the angry spiky haired blond standing in the doorway with his trade mark glare.

"Ah, Dynamight! What a surprise!" Deku greets his child hood friend sheepishly. Bakugou or better known as Dynamight, the now principal of UA and also the second pro hero exclaimed harshly, his strong arms folded across his chest. "You damn Deku, what's taking you so long?

"S…sorry I was just getting the basic information before starting-" Deku explains clearly rabbling nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. Yet Bakugou cuts Midorya short already clearly annoyed with his rabbling, "Stop with your damn excuses! We already know all that! Just get to the point and tell Rad about the VRP!"

The young villain harden his gaze at hearing his own real name coming from someone's mouth. Rad made a note to behave as he should be on guard around Bakugou who smirked at the bewildered yet curious look on the villain face.

'Not so cocky when someone uses your name, are you?' The second pro hero thinks smugly to himself. Rad finally speaks softly addressing the hero getting back on topic as he repeated the name, "The VRP? What's that?"

Barkgo scoffs hearing the simple question. He snaps his head at Deku scolds him for not updating Rad sooner." You haven't even freaking told him about VRP? Yet you're the one who created the damn program for this purpose!"

Deku is quick to explain" Well, yes but that is for bad students not full villains like Rad. So I didn't think it mattered"

However, Bakugou doesn't let him off that easy as he also points out, "The Hero Public Safety Commission is still thinking about providing UA with the funds necessary to begin the Young Villain and Criminal Reformation Program. It's in the damn name, it doesn't have to be student. Just a young Villian, I suggest you take advantage of that"

"Don't worry, Rad, I already have precautions in place if that should happen!"

Rad raised a brow studying the blonde's answer as looks thoughtful. The program sounded pretty cut and dry, a program or more rehab for Villains as a way for them to get back on the right foot or just to clear their name yet they needed a test subject and Rad seemed to be the perfect one. Yet, Rad couldn't help but wonder if these thought everything though or how much Rad could get away with. He decides to test this theory.

"Precautions? What, are you gonna have a someone watch my every move or something?" Rad blinked, then chuckles looking smug but seems to be getting along with the normally angry hero. "Actually you should assign that job to the number one hero. He did write the book and created the program also I'd love to make every waking moment of his a living hell."

Deku froze, eyes moving between Rad and Bakugou looking so nervous.

They wouldn't dare.

"What a great idea, Rad! I was thinking that my damn myself!" Bakugou turned to the glass and met Shouta's gaze, just like Deku had. "Well, there you have you it! You have a willing test subject!"

Rad smirks smugly as Deku grit his teeth as he tries to argue and come up with any excuse of why he can't deal with the bratty villain, "B..but Kacchan I can't! I have a vacation a..and why can't you do it?"

Bakugou then gets in Deku's and speaks harshly explaining quite simply as Rad was silently laughing at Deku's misfortune, "this program was your idea, dumb ass and like hell, I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to make your life hell! So you have to deal with it!"

Deku stood there looking very dumbfounded as he couldn't believe that Bakugou had used his own program against him. With no other complaints, Bakugou turned to the villain. "You now have a chance to, quote unquote, 'make every waking moment of Deku's life a living hell'. Would you like to join the VRP?"

Rad looked at Deku.

Deku glared back.

Rad smirked just from one look, he knew everything he needed to know about Deku. With that, Rad reached forward to shake the normally angry second pro hero's hand.

"It'd be my pleasure, Principal."