
You Made Me The Bad Guy

Before going on vacation, Pro Hero Deku, Izuku Midorya has the misfortune of taking on a new test subject and crime fighter for his program: Rad or the King of darkness. Down right the worse person and Izuku's hell on Earth, Rad joins Izuku to his family's country house. Izuku tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Rad. As his oblivious partner makes himself at home, Deku loses his good nature and, before long, may be ready to kill Rad himself. Even if it means becoming a Villain.

Chester_Kitty · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 The Moon and The Stars

The young man's royal blue eyes sparkles as he saw the golden moon with the stars aliened, shining over his shady apartment window. It was indeed a beautiful night, no different then any other night but tonight was special, not to anyone else in the world, time or space. Just him in a place where not a soul could be heard screaming in the darkness of this world. The young man then pulled out a cigarette from the pocket of his winkled dark red silk shirt. He always loved gazing at the moon when he was a child with friends. Things were so simple and easy back then. No worries or stress of what tomorrow would bring but it was funny now, the boy now young man was alone as he watched the beginning of the end. He lights the cancer stick after placing it against his soft lips using the flame of an old lighter with a design of a skull that had long faded. The toxic fumes filled his lungs and eased his mind. These things are going to kill him, the annoying voice inside his head always told him.

The moon was gone in a flash only the twinkling stars stayed behind. Stolen or Gone? In that moment as the young man smoked what would no doubt be his last cigarette for years to come. He had one silly thought come to him as he could already hear the police sirens at his door.

'funny, I showed you how to be a good guy but in the end, You made me the bad guy…'