
Just met

So it was actually the day when she had to go to her college. She packed her stuff and headed towards the college. She was missing her family but she had to focus on her college life make new friends and start a new beginning. She was day dreaming and banged into a hot boy , she was so attracted towards him that she kept looking into his eyes , he asked whether she's fine to which she replied yeah ofcourse am good. Then he left but Shriya started crushing on him. She asked some guys 'Can you please tell me where is the classroom!?' But they led her to boys washroom... This is insane she got really unhappy and angry.. Whenever she's angry she hit something and unfortunately she hit the hot guy she met outside! The punch was really hard! she was very sorry for the punch mark she gave him. But i guess it didn't matter for the boy . Then he left silently without accepting the sorry. She felt very awkward in front of others. She left and entered her class . Everybody staring at her and she felt nervous cause she was late on the first day. Her teacher made her to sit with a girl who was Alex , the hot boy's girlfriend. Shriya found it kinda weird to sit with her crush's girlfriend. But Alex was nice and she told Shriya all about Eric ( the hot boy ) She kept babbling about her boyfriend and Shriya got jealous... but she cannot tell Alex that she liked Eric who she just met now .