
You got me

Fantasy Romance
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What is You got me

Baca novel You got me yang ditulis oleh penulis Shriya_Sharma_6808 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Dual Cultivation in Naruto

“What the fuck? UNDERWEAR?” Miles shouted, shocked at his bad luck. All he wanted was to fulfil his late childhood friend’s dream of climbing a mountain. Not die by crashing underwear. His eyes widened in disbelief as the meteor grew closer. “Whoops, apologies,” a mysterious figure of a man appeared before Miles could react. “Don’t mind me, just picking up my undies.” “Am I still alive?” Miles blurted in confusion. “Well, not really, but good news! As compensation for this um…” the man paused as he lifted his undies with a finger. “I can offer you a specially good reincarnation of your choice…” “WHAT?! YOU KILLED ME?!” Miles hollered. “Oh, I’ll even throw in three lucky draw gifts too!” When the guy who claimed to be Rob god was sending Miles in Naruto world through portal someone manipulated and send him to a chaotic Naruto world in which even the god think hard to survive. "What? I am Shisui's adopted brother ?" "Kushina joined akatsuki ?" Why is many characters became female ?" NOTE:- This is my original Fanfic Get ready for a wild ride with my fanfic! I've come up with an epic story full of surprises and suspense that'll keep you hooked. And if you're dying to find out what happens next, head over to my Patreon page for early access to the best bits. Let's go on this adventure together and make this story come alive. Your support means the world to me! Support me on patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/Yamraaj_021

YAMRAAJ_021 · Komik
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10 Chs

Abyssal Symphony: Requiem of Shadows

In a world where magic flows like an ever-present river and powerful beings roam, "Abyssal Symphony: Requiem of Shadows" delves into the life of Ace Kurotsuchi, a mysterious figure with unknown and terrifying abilities. For five centuries, Ace has stood as an enigmatic and insurmountable force. With the world governed by both chaos and those who uphold justice, the emergence of a new Demon King threatens to rewrite the fate of all existence. Within this tumultuous realm reside the Five Knights of Hono, divine beings bearing power as ancient as the cosmos itself. Their abilities—ranging from gravity manipulation to the art of creation—possess the potential to reshape the world entirely, yet they pledge their strength to protect and preserve. As Ace's powers continue to baffle and mystify those who seek to understand them, his daily life appears far from his true destiny. School days filled with the mundane tasks of a student soon clash with the realities of magic testing and the enduring balance of power. With new threats emerging on the horizon, Ace must decide where he stands—between chaos and justice, hero and anti-hero. In the heart of this intricate universe, "Abyssal Symphony: Requiem of Shadows" explores not only the extraordinary battles that shape its destiny but the profound bonds that weave its characters' lives together. Each clash of power, each spoken spell, bears a deeper meaning that transcends mere combat. Sorry for the short chapters at the start. After chapter 46, each chapter is gonna have 1500-2000 words. Thank you! Also 7 chapters a week. I only take breaks after finalizing a Volume. Each break is around 7-14 days.

GloryLife · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Obat Aborsi Di Singapura 082138183425

Jual Obat Aborsi Di Singapura, Obat Cytotec Misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan Penggugur Kandungan manjur dan aman tanpa efek samping 082138183425. Kami menjual obat aborsi asli dengan merk obat cytotec misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan, obat penggugur kandungan ini sangat manjur tanpa efek samping dan aman tanpa kuret. Cara penggunaan dipandu dan dibimbing langsung sampai berhasil (tuntas). Obat cytotec misoprostol ini adalah 100% produk asli dari pfizer USA, perusahaan internasional di bidang kesehatan yang berdiri sejak tahun 1849. Obat aborsi cytotec misoprostol telah direkomendasikan oleh FDA sebagai obat penggugur kandungan yang aman untuk aborsi dan juga efektif sebagai pengobatan telat datang bulan. FDA adalah Food and Drug Administration atau badan pengawas obat dan makanan Amerika Serikat. Apa Itu Aborsi? Dalam pengertian medis atau ilmu kedokteran, aborsi adalah tindakan untuk mengakhiri kehamilan dengan cara mengeluarkan hasil konsepsi sebelum janin dapat hidup di luar rahim. Langkah sebelum melakukan aborsi pun sebaiknya harus mengetahui usia kehamilan agar proses pengeluaran janin dalam kandungan dapat berjalan maksimal. Untuk menghitung usia kehamilan, anda bisa menggunakan kalkulator kehamilan yang sangat praktis dan juga akurat. Berikut adalah paket tuntas obat penggugur kandungan atau obat aborsi yang kami sediakan: 1 bulan tuntas 2 bulan tuntas 3 bulan tuntas 4 bulan tuntas 5 bulan tuntas Silahkan pesan sesuai usia kehamilan anda, mengenai informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kontak kami: 082138183425 (respon cepat via WhatsApp) Via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/6282138183425/ Situs: https://sites.google.com/view/obat-aborsi-di-apotik/

ObatAborsiArab · perkotaan
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1 Chs

Tower of God Fanfiction: The Blood Scion (TOG fanfic)

Transmigrated as a child of two Irregulars and with a bloodline of a vampire, 'Gray' begins to climb the Tower in Bam's place. ... Shortly about the story: Tower of God TOG fanfiction, AU (since Bam is different). -No system and no OP gifted powers. The MC has similar abilities to Bam + blood of a Vampire King from the outside world. -The MC is a 'vampire lord', or a half-vampire since he's alive, but in itself it doesn't make him overpowered. It only increases his regeneration and allows him to absorb special bloodlines to grow a stronger body and to acquire various abilities and Shinsoo Qualities (his physique is also naturally stronger, but because he was growing up without Shinsoo and without feeding on blood, he's only above average initially). -The MC starts weak, but thanks to the vampire bloodline, his intelligence and his efforts, he grows very quickly and is always at least a level stronger than Bam in the original. -I plan to include romance with the various important heroines like Endorsi and Hwa Ryun (and other crucial ones that are simiraily worth it). In that sense, it will be harem, not a single love interest, but I didn't include the harem tag yet because harem isn't the main focus here and with TOG's story structure there might not be any real developments in it for about 100 chapters, I guess. -Also, the world is AU only in the sense that Bam is different. I don't want to make any other changes. Making Yu Han Sung a hot girl is quite tempting, for example, but I feel that forced and convenient fanservice like this would break the immersion. I'm not sure about White though. Gray + White relationship will be VERY interesting and complicated for sure, but would very likely end up just as tragically as in the original, since White's nature in the end is that of a selfish demon. But it would be interesting if White was a female, because then they might potentially combine their strengths, and with Gray's blood White might have *a chance* to defeat her father with her own two hands and without the need to devour Gray's soul and abilities; their relationship would be similar to Arie Hon and Jahad). I guess, a good alternative could be to subdue and overpower Hoaqin early om and have Albeda take over his body during the Hell Train arc? Sounds good?

Jaed21 · Komik
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3 Chs

Nova Stella

Humans have been lost to greed, in the end they could never learn to appreciate what they had. Humans are known throughout the galaxies for their innovation, creativity and adaptability. They came up with newer and newer things and discovered more and more. Their natural curiosity helped them understand the universe and its complex places and creatures, their curiosity led to their contact with so called “extraterrestrial life”. Creatures that weren’t as blessed or capable as humans. In a long time humans have thought that aliens existed and that the aliens thought Earth's inhabitants were stupid therefore the aliens deemed them unworthy. Or perhaps most people believed in the dark forest theory? Nonetheless aliens existed and the reason they didn’t try and contact humans was because they were undeveloped. Earth was one of the most futuristic planets at this point and were acknowledged as such. The Intergalactic Federation (or I.F for short) was a kind of alliance between said futuristic planets. The ones that were aware that others existed and Earth were now one of them. Gaining the reputation as “the fastest developing planet there is” Earth looked promising. But this made the other planets weary of Earth. After many centuries within the alliance Earth had achieved time travel and this was the last straw. The rest of the planets agreed to do something towards Earth and years later its whole solar system was wiped off any galactic map of the milky way. Whatever happened that day will forever be lost to time, unless it wouldn't. As a last-ditch effort, Earth had managed to take random humans and propel them all to the exact time. People from the past were all transported to the future, at the same time. These individuals from different times, places and people were suddenly all propelled hundreds, some even thousands, of years into the future to the same place and time. How this happened or why it happened was unknown to these people. These people had to unravel a mystery, a mystery hidden in time… The mystery behind Earth and maybe even restore humanity along the way.

Sir_Legend · Sci-fi
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