
Familiar Faces

<p>The sun is up. It's a big day for Christine since she will be starting high school today. At 5am she's already up, an hour earlier than what she set her alarm clock on. She is excited to meet her new classmates and of course ecstatic that she and her best friend are in the same class. She has prepared everything for her class today from her books to her school uniform. Christine got up in bed did some few stretching before heading to her bathroom. All dressed up she went to the dining room and greeted her mom who was busy preparing breakfast. "Good morning mommy!" Christine chimed. "Morning honey, I can see you are very happy today!" her mom stated while placing her breakfast on the table."Eat up, I prepared all your favorite!". "Thanks mom you're the greatest!". While Christine started eating her dad arrived at the table. Mr. Cole is a Chemical Engineer, he is the president of a company that manufactures products that are used for agriculture. His company is starting to invest in pharmaceuticals that is why he is always busy and come home very late. So this kind of instance that he is with his family eating breakfast is a rare occasion for the three of them. "Hi honey, excited to meet your new classmates today?" Her dad asked her enthusiastically. "By the way, Mr. Yan will be replaced with Dong as your driver, he is going to be with me since I will be traveling a lot and I need him." "That's fine dad I know I can count on Dong too."<br/>Mr. Yan is like a driver/bodyguard for the Cole family. He knows martial arts and is excellent with guns. He has been serving their family for 20 years. Dong is his son, who is also expert in martial arts. He is five years older than Christine and they get along well. <br/>Christine bid good bye to her parents and left for school. On their way Dong and Christine exhanged pleasantries. She was telling him that she is looking forward to her new school and classmates. "Will Sabrina be studying there too?" Dong asked. "Yes she is, in fact we are classmates!" Christine confided happily. "I see." was Dong's short reply but with a hint of happiness on his tone. Christine was able to grasp what his tone meant. Dong has a crush on her best friend for years now and he just can't confess to her. He even becomes tongue tied whenever Sabrina is in front of him. <br/>Finally, they arrived at the entrance of Christine's new campus. She got out and was greeted by her best friend who was waiting for her at the gate. "Chriiistttiiinnnee"! shouted Sabrina and was running towards her and gave her a bear hug. "Oh it's great to see you girl, come on let's get inside and meet our new classmates! " Oh hi Dong good to see you!" Sabrina with her sweet smile greeted Dong and she even gave him a thumbs up. Dong was flabbergasted and glued to his spot. His face was flushed. Christina gave him a teasing smile and run off with her best friend. "See you later." Christina said and waved at Dong.<br/>"Tine, do you think we can meet new faces today and perhaps cute guys too?" Sabrina asked her best friend. " I hope there will be good looking guys in our class, oh this would be a great year!" "eeeeehhh" both were shreiking as they went inside their classroom.<br/>Chrsitine and Sabrina chose two empty seats at the last row. Sabrina occupied the seat near the window and Christine sit right next to her. While they were greeting their fellow classmates, a certain someone with a very cool low pitched voice spoke. " Is this seat taken?" that cool voice asked. Christine turned and looked at his face. " Oh it's you Roy, no, nobody's sitting there, you can take it." Christine beamed at him. As he was settled in his seat he faced Christine and said, " It's great to see familiar faces in this class." " How are you doing Christine"? Roy smiled at her. She knew Roy since middle school. He was a timid boy before and Christine treated him as her little brother. <br/>"I am good Roy, what do you think about our new classmates?" Christine asked. "They're okey I guess, but I am glad that we are classmates just like in the old days." Roy continued to talk to Christine but was cut short because their homeroom teacher arrived. " Hello everyone my name is Ms. Stone I will be your homeroom teacher and Arts teacher at the same time. Nice to meet you all. And I would like to welcome you to this school year."<br/>"Good morning Ms. Stone". everyone said. <br/>"Now before we start I have an announcement to make, as some of you might know , we hold our school festival at the begining of each school year. It will be held in four week's time. The theme for this year is "something to remember me by". We will set up booths for each class and you get to decide what to display on that day. So with that we also need to form a committee and start planning as soon as possible. It's our school's tradition so we need to participate on it. And for those who want to join the committee please let me know at the end of your last class today."<br/> "Let's sign up!" The bestfriends said in chorus.<br/>Christine turned to her seatmate on the other side and asked if he wants to join. " I prefer just to be a spectator". Then gave her a smile that shows his two dimples. <br/>Four weeks has gone by so fast and it's their annual school festival. Everyone were excited and everything were all set up nicely. Chrsitine and Sabrina were at their booth when a group of their classmates mostly boys were walking towards them. "Hey guys lets check our booth it looks grand!" One of them said and was followed by the others, they entered their class booth. "Welcome to our booth, please get inside and take a look at our displays. If you want to buy some stuff please approach Sabrina. In their booth there were a lot of cute stuffs from key chains, books, stickers and bigger stuffed toys and there are also food displayed. While everyone where busy inside the booth Christine looked outside and saw a familiar face walking towards their area. He was laughing with his friends when one of them was cracking a joke. Christine looked at him and unexpectedly, her heart skipped a beat. She felt elated to see him. Like a new feeling was blooming deep inside of her which she can't explain. She did not understand why she felt very happy too see him. And when he met her gaze he smiled sweetly. It took her breathe away. Roy waved at her and her heart flipped. She went out from their booth to get some fresh air. "What the heck just happened?!" </p>