
Front Gates

<p>Roy did not have any plans to attend their school festival. But his close friend Tom convinced him to go. Roy is the only son of both college professors in a University. Although his parents have achieved a lot in their fields, they do not impose their son to do the same. They want him to decide what he wants to do for his own future. Tom is known to be the joker in class who loves to draw and at the same time he is a basketball varsity. Roy on the other hand is smart but he wants to be descrete about it. He is grateful for his parents for their support in all his decisions especially when it comes to his future career. Seeing Christine smiling back at him, he was mesmerized. Her presence is like a fresh air to him. In the end, he did not regret coming because he saw her. While checking the displays inside their booth he kept on glancing towards Christine's direction. He can not understand why but he felt like his heart is doing a somersault whenever he glanced at her. He arrived on the keychain displays and he saw something that caught his eye, while raising it to his eye level and looked at it i closer he glanced again to Christine and smiled. Evening came and they were in for a surprise with the spectacular fireworks display. While everyone was looking up and admiring the colorful display, Roy stood next to Christine. "Isn't it beautiful?" she said. "Yeah but not as beautiful as...." Roy replied without completing his sentence but instead of looking up to the fireworks, his gaze where at the person beside him without her knowing.<br/>The festival was a success and because of that their adviser Ms. Cole congratulated them all for their efforts and gave the whole class high evaluations.<br/>Christine was looking forward seeing him again on Monday. She felt the excitment at the same time butterflies in her stomach whenever he talk to her even if just a simple hi or hello. She never had this kind of feeling towards him before. And she wished that it will not go away. Each passing day her feelings grew and she realized that she has a crush on him. While watching her best friend playing soccer in the field, Christina was sitting on the bleachers dreaming about him. Suddenly he sat down beside her and gave her that mesmerizing smile again, it drifted her to cloud 9."Hey there" he said. "Can I talk to you for a second. I need to tell you something. She nods her head and quietly followed him.He led her to a quiter area and they sat beside each other. It seems like a long time until Roy had the courage to talk. "Are you free this Saturday?" Christine froze. "Yes I think I am". was her stutering reply after seconds of being frozen. "Good then, I will wait for you at the front gates at 2 o'clock in the afternoon". Roy left smiling leaving Christine in shock. ' Did he just asked me out on a date?' that was in her mind and she can't believe it. She rose from the bench and walked back to where Sabrina was standing looking for her. "Where have you been I was looking all over for you. I thought you went home without telling me." Her best friend was so worried. "Are you okey?" " Hey you look pale, what happened?"<br/>"Ro..Roy just asked me on a date this Saturday!!!!" she said with disbelief in what she was saying. "What?! Oh my God! Really that's so exciting, girl! Did you say yes?" Sabrina asked half excited and half shouting that their schoolmates stared at them. "Sshhhh, keep your voice down". "What should I do?" "What should I wear? I never been on a date before." Christine felt worried. "Leave it to me girl, Inknow what to do just wait and be amazed. " Sabrina was really happy for her friend . Although she hasn't have had any experience with relationship since birth she is more experienced with this kind of things compared the Christine who is much more reserved and came from a strict- conservative family. <br/>Friday night Christine was getting ready for bed when her phone rang. She opened the text message and saw that it was from Roy. She immediately read it. 'Good night Chrsitine, I am looking forward to see you tomorrow.' with a heart at the end. It made Zhang Lei's night! Her fingers were trembling when she was typingher reply, 'Good night Roy, see you!' With three heart emogi at the end. She heaved a big sigh while she tries to settle on her bed. She was grinning while hugging her phone like an idiot until she succomb to her sleep.</p>