
You can´t die, if you are already dead.

A person has died, he does not know how or why, but after his death he meets a girl dressed in white. She is a superior entity that is obsessed with him, proposes a deal, in exchange for her soul she would make him immortal, eternal. The girl named Mor keeps his promise to him, but ... You cannot die if you are already dead. Our protagonist is nothing more than a miserable soul, a ghost. A playful and troublesome spirit. His story takes place in a fantasy world but I suppose this was a bit obvious if you read the labels, as I said, in this world there are both the demon king, as heroes and of course summoned heroes, but we do not follow any of them , our protagonist who has forgotten his own name and although he is not intrinsically evil, he is more attached to the side of an antagonist or an anti-hero.

JMore · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
73 Chs

Irrelevant mercenaries.

The city was in a complete chaos.

Everyone wondered what in the hell was happening, it was something totally unheard.

Something very important had to have happened so that the sun didn't rise in time.

Two mercenaries were returning to Silitur in these dire conditions.

A scrawny boy with orange hair in the right a figure covered from head to toe in a black robe that hid every part of his body was runing whit him


They were both running as fast as they could, but still not fast enough to get away from what was chasing them.


"What the hell are you doing ?! they should be your specialty right?!" The orange haired man screamed as he threw his heavy battle ax at his pursuers.


"There are too many enemies, you do well to throw your weapon, since we are in that it will be better to throw everything heavy that we carry, with a little luck we will manage to lose them" The female voice said as he threw bones over his shoulder.


" A H ?! I already threw everything not essential, what else do you want me to throw, my armor?" The orange haired boy snorted indignantly as he dodged an arrow that grazed his cheek.

"Then throw away the money too."

"You're kidding! I'll throw away my money only when you throw away those old, moldy scrolls, I've carried them over and over and they weigh a ton!"

The hooded figure clutched something under her robe.

"Armor is replaceable, knowledge is eternal." Several arrows whizzed past only missing by a few inches. "To all this, did you touch my scrolls? I have told you many times not to touch my scrolls."


"You talk too much to have dodged that by a hair." A dozen arrows were fired in his direction. Two were repelled by the orange haired's surface armor, One hit and dug deep into the mysterious figure, the rest missed.

"They hit me." She was not worried or rushed when reporting.

"And you wanted me to take off my armor, come on, come on, tell me how much damage did they do to you?"

"If you had taken off your armor we would have left them behind long ago"


"Are you really going to argue in this situation?!"

Another dozen arrows fell on them.

One hit the skull of the orange haired but without penetrating while two others balled on the back of the hooded figure.

"Ha! they also hit you!" The hooded girl scoffed.

"Fuck! that really hurts."

"Come on, don't be a queen I have three of those on my back, you know?"

"You are a strange pain maniac also-" Wish! "Watch out, another wave is coming!"

They both dodged the arrows, one piercing the orange haired's armor and the other piercing the hooded's calf.

"Won't these bastards get tired?"

"Forget they are undead?"

"ah! how to forget them, even at this distance I can smell her putrid aroma"

Wish, Wish, Wish, Wish

About 30 mounted skeletons were speeding forward.

They were an organized mixed unit, which included both archers and knights, all wore armor in terrible condition and their weapons did not give for more, it was more than a miracle that the 12 bow strings still worked.

"These guys are the royal guard of the ancient kingdom of Silitur, the 800-year-old emblem is engraved on their armor and on their banners." The hooded woman reported in a rather informal tone.

"And what the hell does it matter to me, all I want to know right now is where is the damn necromnacer that woke them up." Exclaimed the orange haired boy while he took off the breastplate that stopped the arrow previously showing a body full of muscles. "This fucking shitty equipment, how can it be so bad?"

Wish! All the arrows failed.

"Blame imperial factories, manufactured and custom-made products are much more powerful" The cavalry drew closer and closer as the archers prepared another wave of arrows.


"You forget that we don't have enough money, damn, we are mercenaries, because we have to do the work of adventurers?" He unsheathed a generic-looking sword that he wore at his waist. And charge against the closest gentleman (I mean, the Knight). "I don't understand why nobody wants to hire us when our strength is more than proven."


"N-No, worry, we will surely find something sooner or later." The hooded woman looked away with a bit of guilt while a knight headed nonstop in her direction.


"Ah! my salary payment is just enough to buy mass produced weaponry" The jump and in a heavy cut that destroyed the armor of the knight beheaded the latter. "Tch, just with this my sword is about to break."


"Why don't you just ask for a raise? You may have forgotten it because we always work together, but in theory I'm your boss." Without moving from the site she raised a hand covered by a black gauntlet making a gesture indicating the Knight to stop. "My pretty scrolls cost a lot you know?"


"And go deeper into that spiderweb they call the gouberment? no thanks, me and my freedom are fine where we are." He stepped on the back of the skeletal horse and used it as a foothold to propel herself in the direction of the next enemy, in a few seconds, he destroyed half the knights and a couple of archers.


"It's not as bad as you think." She closed her eyes for a second and in a moment 10 skeleton knights crumbled like puppets whose strings have been cut. "They are privileges without responsibilities only with the condition of kneeling every time you are in the presence of his majesty."


"You're an idiot if you think that's it all." A wave of arrows fell on them, they all missed, but managed to stop the boy for a few seconds.

"You really don't know how desperate the crown prince is to have some strong people kneel in front of him." She waved her hand from left to right and a quarter of the archers collapsed. "Even if they are not loyal to him, he fully trusts that they will not betray him and with total sincerity, of all the problematic colleagues of the profession that I have come across, I only know one who could even slightly try to stab him in the back"


All the remaining undead attacked at once, five arrows pierced the hood and three into the boy, two of the last going bald into his chest.

Likewise, both mercenaries managed to sweep up the leftovers in less than three seconds.

"Damage count." The boy demanded.

"I lost all the money that I carried with me, 2 of my scrolls were ruined and I have a few arrows stuck, at this rate, I will not endure 10 more waves." She report with complete peace of mind. "What did you lose?"

"A battle ax, a standard sword, the leather breastplate with metal plates, I don't have many wounds, but without a good weapon I won't withstand more than 20 more waves." The boy moved his foot up and down anxiously. "That was a lot of money lost, how many enemies do you estimate?"

"If it is only the royal order of Silitur they must be less than 200 but considering those who died in these lands, we can calmly have a count that exceeds a thousand undead, most of them will not be more dangerous than a rat, but the numbers does the force you know"

"... Let's go back to Silitur then."

"That's what we were doing"


While they both spoke absentmindedly, they resumed their march in the direction of Silitur.

But at that moment ...

A black carriage that seemed to come out of nowhere struck them head-on, sending them flying in opposite directions.

Leading this a peculiar Demon in a bad mood advanced with a silent fury, she was simply not in the mood for a village defense event.

The mercenaries probably should have looked where they were walking?.

Double chapter? Double chapter!

I'm doubtful about how entertaining this chapter and the previous one were, (my protagonist is Ruby and I don't like someone stealing the spotlight from her)

Anyway, what do you think of the new characters?

We won't see them that often so you don't have to remember their names ...

JMorecreators' thoughts