
You can´t die, if you are already dead.

A person has died, he does not know how or why, but after his death he meets a girl dressed in white. She is a superior entity that is obsessed with him, proposes a deal, in exchange for her soul she would make him immortal, eternal. The girl named Mor keeps his promise to him, but ... You cannot die if you are already dead. Our protagonist is nothing more than a miserable soul, a ghost. A playful and troublesome spirit. His story takes place in a fantasy world but I suppose this was a bit obvious if you read the labels, as I said, in this world there are both the demon king, as heroes and of course summoned heroes, but we do not follow any of them , our protagonist who has forgotten his own name and although he is not intrinsically evil, he is more attached to the side of an antagonist or an anti-hero.

JMore · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Called Hero

PoV The Stalking hero Akatsuki.

"Long live the hero!"

"Long live!"

Everyone was toasting.

A few hours ago Goblin Village was being attacked by werewolves, so why is the celebrated so vehemently?

More than 500 werewolves attacked the Village, the deaths increase to 1600, however, tonight we are celebrating.

Why? Because we survive.

The most important people are absent, half fled and the other half was killed before he could run away.

With no one to lead, panic flooded the citizens.

At that moment I stood at the challengers' monument and shouted.

"The authorities have abandoned us, but the demons with human skin bells wide, killing our families, and I said,

This isn't a village of warriors?

Since when do we need someone to lead us to defend our families and loved ones?

Who needs a reason to sacrifice for a loved one?

We outnumber them and outnumber them!

Adventurers, mercenaries and ordinary citizens!

We sweep away those demons that attack our city!!"

The resistance was centered in the northern district, everyone who could hold a weapon prepared to fight the demons.

The adventurers sacrificed themselves to give us enough time to organize ourselves.

The normal citizens guided by the few soldiers that were, helped with the evacuation and the protection of those who could not fight.

The mercenaries managed to create a makeshift command line by putting me as second in command.

At that moment we gave the counterattack.

The fighting was fierce and erratic, but I couldn't get something out of my mind.

... That girl, Ruby, will she be alright?

I met Felipe in the evacuation and when I asked him about Ruby he exclaimed.

"God knows what happened to that girl, I lost sight of her as soon as the competition was over."

It seems that he does not know more than I ...

Ruby, I can't get this worry, this restlessness off my chest.

That demon ... I didn't feel any malice from him, he was hostile to me to a certain extent, but he didn't hate humans.

I remembered what happened that night, the talk he had with Geron ...

By pure chance I veered out of my way to visit the bar Geron used to.

I froze when I saw the scene.

Someone very similar to Ruby was hugging a child in the middle of a bloody scene.

Despite the lack of corpses, fresh blood stained the place.

Seeing a Demon hugging a child ended up convincing me of the nature of Rubí.

By sunset all the werewolves had been subdued.

We proceeded to carry out a damage count.

At nightfall a celebration was held in the main square.

At the beginning of the festival, the first in command invited me to give a victory speech, it's not really like I had contributed much ...

But for some reason people started calling me a hero.

Many people came to thank me, I wanted to reject their thanks, however, both adventurers and mercenaries pushed me to assume glory.

It felt strange being hailed as a hero, I ... I am not someone who deserves such praise.

Everyone can see it, my soldier's uniform, but nobody says anything.

How can you be so nice to a defector?

I am not a hero, heroes sacrifice for justice, but I fled the war. I couldn't kill a demon in those moments.

Me, I just can't take a life.

Didn't they realize that only suppressing werewolves? Didn't you notice my sword tremble?


I am the disappointment of my family, I was supposed to be a noble knight, but all I did was run away from home with a family heirloom.

I joined the army where my parents could never touch me, I believed that no one would dare to fight the empire, but a year later the demon king revived.

You can't just go to his division chief and resign from him, not in the middle of a warrior.

I who was nothing more than a razo soldier could not do better than escape before the battle begins.

I am not a hero, I am a cowardly swordsman.

So why?

Why ignore all that and call me a hero?

Tonight I'm going to run away.

As I reaffirmed my resolve, I heard a snippet of conversation.

... Did you see that carriage? ...

... That girl had red eyes ...

... A demon...

I raised an ear with curiosity however I could not do more than rescue single words.

... I heard I kidnapped a girl ...

... run over the adventurers ...

... The werewolves did not approach her ...

... she looked like the adventure from the other day ...

My curiosity reached its limit and I decided to go over to talk to them.

"I couldn't help but hear your conversation, can you tell me about it?"

They looked at each other before speaking.

"In the middle of the combat a girl riding a black carriage came out through the east door"

"She ran over everyone without exception."

"And when a girl got in her way ..."

"She stopped the carriage and kidnapped her, ripping it from her mother's hands.

They spoke in stumbling blocks, they spoke to me at length about their knowledge of the situation.

Each described different situations.

There was one who spoke of seeing the Demon fly through the air.

Another who said his irate face was painting by a sadistic smile.

But everyone agreed that the oppressive dark aura that swirled around him was terrifying.

At that moment a haggard-looking lady came running up to me.

"My daughter, my daughter, please save my daughter!"

Look at the men, they all looked at me expectantly ...

This is good...

"Could you tell me in which direction the carriage went?"

It is the perfect excuse to escape.

Everyone's face lit up.

Yes, so I can escape without disappointing anyone again.


There is something about her that attracts me.

The girl she kidnapped ...

I'm going to rescue her from her and reunite her with her family.

And when I meet Ruby, I'll ask her why.

There are many doubts and regrets that haunt my head.

If I meet Ruby, I will be able to solve at least one of them.


Why did she kidnap the child?

Why was she so nice to Geron?

Why didn't he attack humans?

Why is she hostile against me?

And why?

Why is that red gem on your sword so beautiful?

I saw her when you hugged Geron.

That sword was lying next to you.

I could only give it a cursory glance as your body was hiding it, but that was enough to get my attention.

When I find you I will ask you everything I want to know.

And then I'll rescue the girl you kidnapped.

Even if-


W-what was that now?

Am I the only one who listens to it?

T-that a-scream ...

It was her?

No, she can't be.

She didn't seem like the type of person who would do that ...

Although I don't really know her ...

But it would have to be a lot of coincidence that that scream was made by her, right?





It would not take long for me to find out what had happened.

That cry raised a wave of undead in the forest northeast of Silitur.

I finally decided to change —...— for the classics "..." in the dialogs.

Anyway, I hope this chapter has not been too boring for you. That is, it is known worldwide that the story of heroes is usually boring.

I'm loking for you Kumoko.

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