
let's be their parents..

you stretched your arms as you slowly opened your eyes. you felt something on you.

' jacket?

whose is this?

what is it doing here?' you thought. you jumped out of the couch as you realized that you were sleeping all this time in the main room. you looked around and no one was there. yoongi was gone too.

you sat back down on the couch all embarrassed by the thought of BTS seeing you like that. you looked at the jacket in your hands.

"is this yoongi's?" you smiled and wore that jacket.

"haah.. this is so warm..

a warm jacket of a cold hearted person*sighed*" you took off the jacket and put it in your bag after folding it nicely.

"hey.. new assistant? why are you still here. arent you going home?" an employee passing by said.

you looked at the watch, it was 6.30 pm.

" damnit, how long was i sleeping" you murmured.

"I'm leaving, just a minute." you said picking up your things.

you stopped by the store to pick some cat food on your way. when you reached there, someone was already feeding the cats.

" mr.min? " you called him knowing that he was yoongi. he turned around at your voice.

" you are here too?

oh.. you brought them food? i brought some too.

i guess mine's gonna get wasted." you said sitting beside him and showing him the plastic bag.

" I'll not bring tomorrow, so that you can feed them" he said petting the cats.

" so you're going to come tomorrow too?" you pouted at him.

"what's with that face? do you not want me to come? " he said looking at you. its dark but you can still see his glowing white face clearly. "no no, that's not what i mean" you said.

" you want or not I'm still going to visit them. i met them before you. " he said continuing to pet them. " how? i never saw you before that day when i pu.." you gulped when yoongi gave you a death glare.

" i used to visit them after you left. " he said. you started petting black while listening to him. " i am coming here from a long time. i used to feed their mom first. but she died after giving them birth. and now I'm here to feed them. " he said.

" their mom? i didn't know as i am visiting them from a few weeks now." you said.

a comfortable conversation started between you two. he told you about the mumma cat, how she looked, how she used to eat and things like that. he looked like a little kid telling you the things he admires. he smiled several times as you both were talking.

'is he the same yoongi?' you thought and smiled.

you talked about your favorite restaurant nearby. he told you about his favorite TV show. he told you about the things they all do at the backstage while their concerts. you laughed at his comments. time was passing really fast and it was 9 already.

he checked his watch and stood up. " i need to reach the dorm really quick or else they all are gonna question me." he said. " i need to go home too." you said while standing up and picking your bag up.

"see you tomorrow" he said with a smile. "ah... and try to get enough sleep. you are not getting any free hours everyday." he said and ran away.

you stood there pouting. suddenly you remembered the jacket. you forgot to return it to him as you were so engaged in talking with him.

the next day,

you headed straight to the bighit building after school. all the members were practicing the steps for their new music video. you helped them with the towels and water bottles. after sometime, you were called by the PD. he gave you your schedule. you picked up the lyric notes from the main room and delivered it to the producing office. you memorized your schedule when you got time. you helped them with their theme design, as the mv was going to be filmed soon. you had to keep the costumes and staffs in check.

like this, it was lunch break already. it was just a half day and you were already exhausted. jimin asked you to eat with them. you were looking all dull and exhausted from the work.

"Y/N sshi.. you need some help?" jin asked looking at you dulled face.

" don't over do yourself. we can do some of your work. if we divide the work, it would be more easier." namjoon said. ahh.. his comforting words. but you know it's not the right time to fangirl.

" no no, its my work. i must do it. thank you so much for asking. " you wanted to cry.

jimin took a bigger piece of meat from his plate and placed it in yours. " you need energy. eat a lot" he said smiling at you.

" noona, fighting!!" junkook did the same thing as jimin. similarly all the other members did this to comfort you.

'why are they all so beautiful.. what i did to deserve this' you tried to hold back your tears. all the members turned to look at yoongi who was busy with his food.

as they all were starting at him to do the same thing they did, he stopped and took the piece jimin gave you from your plate and ate it.


i need some energy too" he said.

other members sighed and went back to eating.

after lunch you continued with your schedule. ' is everyday gonna be this busy?' you asked yourself as you were passing by the practice room. you saw the boys laughing while joking around rather than doing their practice. 'this hardwork doesn't matters, does it?' you smiled looking at them and then continued with the things you were doing. you finished with your last work which was preparing a report on today. you went to the PD's office to submit.

"you're still here? its 7" PD asked looking at you. "ah..yes! I am just leaving, after submitting this." you said.

"today was hard, wasn't it?" he asked. you just smiled awkwardly, as you didn't know how to say it. " don't worry, this load will only be there, around new albums or fan meets. i want to thank you for joining us. you really lessened our work. you are really handling this well on your first day of work" he said while looking at your report. " thank you, i will give this company my best" you smiled and bowed.

"you can leave now. and yes, don't over do yourself. tell us if it's getting harder, you are still a high school student. and feel free to talk to me, you are just like my daughter." PD gave you that comforting smile and soft vibes which you were looking for in your aunt.

you went to the cats and saw yoongi sitting there with cats on his lap. " you're still here? i thought you might have left." you said putting down the bag and sitting beside him. "i cant leave without seeing them eat. i had promised their mom." he said looking at you.

you took out the cat food and put it down. you started petting black while they were eating. "aren't you tired?" yoongi asked looking at you. "just a little. *smile* okay whom I'm kidding with. i am tired af. i never did this much work before. I'm totally exhausted. ahh.. i still have homework. and school tomorrow. please find me in the grave if i don't arrive at the work tomorrow" you sighed. he chuckled at your words. " you are so dead. i pity you." he laughed.

"you like black more, don't you?" he said as he noticed that you were petting black and not holy. "was it that obvious?" you smiled looking at the black. "it is not like that only. even black likes me more than holy. it feels like that" you said looking at yoongi who was looking at you. "aish... you discriminatory kid. poor holy. you should love them equally." he said while petting holy. "says who? i know you love holy more than black" you said pouting. "thats not true." he laughed.

"i have an idea. lets be their parents" you said giving him an innocent look.

"w-what? are you proposing me?" he asked leaning backwards.


nononono.. i was just saying that.. you be holy's dad and I'll be Black's mom. you take care of holy and I'll take care of black. but you're making me feel awkward. I'll drop it off then." you said.

"no.. wait.. lets do that" he said looking at you.

"I'll be her dad and you be Black's mom. lets do this." his eyes sparkled. you looked at him confusingly.

"hey.. ms. tan, your son is troubling my daughter. keep him in control. " he gave you his mean look but in a teasing manner with a chuckle. "mr.min you are accusing my son. he is the most decent and well behaved. there must be a misunderstanding" you said in your defense. you both laughed after this. you looked at his smile. it was so soft. he is really kind. it felt a lot comfortable with him.

"I'm sorry." you said

"why?" he asked. " i used to thought that you were the meanest person in this world. I'm sorry for thinking of you like that. but you are really kind hearted. you must had some reason for those things you did. I'm sorry" you said looking down at the ground.

"No.. its okay. it wasn't your fault for thinking that way." he said. there was an awkward silence between you two after that.

"you.... are really kind, do you know?" you smiled at him. he just stared at you after you said those words. he wondered when was the last time he heard that he was a kind person. all he got were negative comments about his personality. he felt warmth looking at your smile.

' Y/N sshi,

I'm trusting you' he thought while looking at you. ' and I'm not going to regret it. ' he smiled as he looked away.

"here" he took out his phone and gave it to you. "huh?" you took it but were confused. "give me your number. so that i can call you if you are not here. I'm not going to take care of you son." he shrugged. "there is no need. i can do it myself, mr. min" you smiled and dialed your number. "now, lets leave. its getting late." he said.

you reached home and went to the bathroom to take a bath. after bathing you picked up some snacks and sat down on the couch and started doing your homework.

your phone buzzed. your cheeks flushed as you saw the name on your phone. it was a message from jimin.

' you're up? ' it reads. you can hear his voice in your mind.

' yeah' you replied. you should have used an emoji. you sighed. you were staring constantly to the screen.

' you should better sleep now. ' another text came.

why? he texted you to say that. so cute.

'why? i have some homework to do.' you replied.

' you're not going to school tomorrow. we are going to the field to shoot our mv.' he texted.

' you need to be at the building at 7. bang PD said that he will call your school to inform them as your uncle that you are not coming.' another text.

ohh.. thats why he was telling you to sleep, you wondered.

'waahh... I'm saved 😭' you replied.

there wasn't any reply from him for the next 5 minutes. 'did i said something wrong? i should not have used the emoji.' you thought.

your phone buzzed again.

'i want to tell you something.' it reads.

'what is it?' you replied. your heart started beating like crazy.

' I'll tell you tomorrow, good night. make sure to bring warm clothes. ' he replied.

what could it be?