
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter.4 Kokushibo and Semi-Bankai

530 years later…

Yoriichi: "Yaaaaawn… Yachiru why don't you ever train like father asked…"

Yachiru: "What's the fun in that? All you have to do is swing your sword and hit your opponent!" She yells almost too excitedly. Jeez she is just like him…

Yoriichi: "What about your kido? That's important, you know? You will be able to do tons of different types of magic then!" I say trying to entice my little sister, but sadly I can't get through her dense skull. I would even teach her kido, but of course she declines.

She is a stubborn one for sure. Not only does she refuse to do paperwork, so does father. Which means all this paperwork is dumped onto me. Along with the fact that i'm in charge of Japan at the moment makes things worse… I just wanted a peaceful life… not a life full of work…

I sigh at my sorry state, as I haven't left my desk for 4 days trying to complete all of this work. Luckily, I'm almost done. Just got to finish signing off a few more documents and write one last report on the activities going on in Japan. Luckily i'm not in charge of a larger nation like Russia, that would be hell to manage…

And not to mention, i'm still training, so I will have to finish off this paperwork…





Later that day…

Wearing a kimono while sitting in his room, Yoriichi can be seen meditating with his sword on his lap. Currently at the moment, he is performing his new 16th form. He removed his old 13th form and made it 16th form due to its new moves which adds more focus on the vital points of soul reapers and hallows. Namely the face.

Its much more destructive that his original sun breathing, along with its quickness its always had. Getting hit with the full 16th form would be impossible as they would be dead on the 13th, [Hinokami no Taki] form would kill the target. Due to it being long ranged, which he use to see as impossible, but due to him having reiatsu its range increased as long as there reiatsu supporting it.

He also added a passive for his sword that causes flames to heat up the blade itself, causing whatever I'm cutting to have a clean cut, also closing all wounds I dish out. Now this would be good for fighting hallows, but fighting soul reapers are different. Their bleeding will slow them down by a lot, but that doesn't happen. All i'm doing is prolonging their pain.


Anyways, I finish my 16th form for the final time, allowing the flames to disappear from my blade. Amaterasu, once again walks out her cave, which is extremely rare for some reason, and seals it off completely. This means that I have completed all of her trials and I am worthy to finally learn her Bankai…

Amaterasu: "Your dance was wonderful… I shall teach you bankai, but this will be a slow process, as right now your body will not be able to withstand the heat of these flames. Not even mentioning you will need to suppress its power to not ignite all living and nonliving things in the area." She says in a sweet voice.

Yoriichi: "I understand, what do I have to do to activate my bankai first?" I ask with a bit of anticipation.

Amaterasu: "First you will need to activate your shikai, unless you want to use a bankai that has the power of the sun with such a small body. That body would simply implode on itself by its reiatsu on its own." She says grimly, making me nod all while remembering these facts. Now I look like a teenager, i'm no longer looking like a complete child, unlike my sister Yachiru.

Yoriichi: "What about the activation process?" I ask nothing on all the small details I need to do.

Turns out I need to raise my sword towards the sun and just say Bankai. SImple. But I cannot control it as of now.

I was told that I activate my slayer's mark completely which brings it down to my chin and I gain the ability to create miniature suns. That would be weak but this is the semi-bankai until I can fully control it. Until then I will have to settle with this.

(Almost forgot, Yoriichi appearnces rn):




20 Years later…

I'm sitting in the human world, observing the confrontation between 2 mortal enemies. Kagaya Ubuyashiki and Muzan Kibutsiji. This greatly entices me as this is the mortal enemy of all man. The house explodes as all the Hashiras, along with Tanjiro. The demon that I let survive, Tamayo. She stabbed Muzan in the chest with her arm,activating her blood demon art to poison him.

The Hashiras go in to cut his head off but doors start to appear under everyone, transporting them into the place known as, The Infinity Castle. A castle made of doors. All of the demon slayers are scattered up. Giyu and Tanjiro meet the Upper Moon. Muichiro Tokito meets Upper moon number 1…my brother who is now known as Kokushibo. Shinobu is fighting against Upper Moon 2, Doma, and Muzan is fighting, well letting his subordinate who is controles the infinity castle fight Mitsuri and Iguro.

Finally, groups start to form, Muichiro Tokito groups up with Sanemi, Sanemi's brother and Gyōmei. Them together fight off my brother, who has grown surprisingly strong. Even though he still loses, he takes the stone Hashira down with him along with Sanemi's brother and Muichiro, killing off our descendents all together.

After my brother's death, he can finally see me once again. He still looks like a demon, but he is my brother. I walk over to him with a small smile as he notices me and tries to back away.

Yoriichi: " Muchikatsu… don't be afraid of me. I wish no harm upon you." I say with a small smile as I inch closer towards my frightened brother. May it be due to shock or even resentment, he still fears me after all this time.

Kokushibo: "Don't call me by that name! My name is Kokushibo! The Upper Moon 1!" I says rabidly while still trying to get away from me. I flash step in front of him and finally rubs his head to calm him down a bit.

Yoriichi: "Do not worry, I won't hurt you. You are already dead. So rest. I will not send you to the soul society as of yet. It is your choice to become a hollow by removing the chain from your chest, or to become a soul reaper by joining the soul society." I say with a melancholic tone. It truly saddens me to see my brother like this. He used to be my everything, now he resents me due to my strength.

Kokushibo sits there, shocked at the encounter before looking up to the rising sun. He panics for a moment before just closing his eyes once again. He is no longer in the body of a demon, so why should the sun burn his body? I go and see Akaza, who is already dead sitting next to where his body was.

Yoriichi: "Hello Akaza, I am what you call a soul reaper." I say, slightly scaring the dead demon.

Akaza: "Hu- What? Who are you and how did you get here!?" He says frighteningly. I guess he can sense my power already. He did sense that Rengoku was strong from a single strike from him.

Yoriichi: "As I've said, I am a soul reaper who name is Yoriichi. I guide souls to the after life. I got here due to me being in charge of this area. And I must say, you are quite strong for a newly dead soul. But that is expected for an Upper Moon." I say with having a slight curious gaze on him, but quickly ignore it. He has enough reiatsu right now to become a seated officer…

Yoriichi: "Anyway, you have 2 choices, pull the chain on your chest and become a hallow, or come with me to the soul society to become a soul reapers. Do you wish to hear the pros and cons?"

Akaza: "Haha…No I don't. Thank you for the choice. Ill stick around here until Muzan is dead though."

Yoriichi: "Alright, the choice is yours." I say with a slight smile before I walk off.

The same encounter happens with Douma and Kaigaku, except Kaigaku tries to come with me which I decline. I've seen what he can do for power and I'd rather not also be betrayed by him as well.

But eventually, all the Hashira's come together to finally kill muzan, along with Tanjiro. Zenitsu came in to kill Kaigaku a bit later which I never noticed until I heard the sound of the fight, and I noticed Inosuke come and help kill Douma when Shinobu had died.

With all the hashiras plus Zenitsu and Inosuke, the fight commences. Well its not really a fight. Everyone is struggling against Muzan who is using his blood demon art to keep them away from him, swinging his bony tentacles at them. The fight lasts for hours until Muzan has to kill the one who is controlling the castle as she has been taken over.

This launched everyone out of the Infinity Castle onto the streets. This is where the final battle starts. Muzan uses his blood to poison all the demon slayers, but some manages to dodges. Tanjiro not being one of them. Walking over to his dying body with a saddened face, I touch his forehead, allowing a small amount of my reiatsu to enter his body, unknowingly giving him access to my former 13th form of sun breathing.

I wait for a minute for the healing to complete and Tanjiro awakens. Although his aura is more intense. Once awake, he rushes at Muzan, using the former 13th form of sun breathing, dismantling Muzan to his surprise. Muzan turns his full attention to Tanjiro now as he is the biggest threat at the moment. But Zenitsu, Inosuke and all the hashiras try to support Tanjiro.

Tanjiro finally lands the full 13th form on Muzan as the sun starts to rise. But unexpectedly, Muzan turns into a Giant baby that even startles me for a moment. Giant baby Muzan absorbs Tanjiro and goes on a rampage, but dies due to the sun leaving only Tanjiro with a missing arm who is seemingly dead…until a heartbeat is heard.

The water Hashira, Giyu gets closer to Tanjiro to inspect his dead body but out of nowhere Tanjiro's arm regrows and swipes at him. Seeing the outcome as Tanjiro himself is fighting for control, I decide to leave it to the demon slayers and go check up on my brother 1 last time. Is this irresponsible? Yes. But its not in my place to deal with this. I have no right to do so actually. I am here to make sure all souls are safe from hallows… But this will cost me a ton of paperwork already so why add onto it?

Finding my brother in a forest, sitting down bathing in the sun he looks over to me with hate still in his eyes, before he smirks at me. This isn't going to end well is it?

Kokushibo: "I have made up my mind…I will rid of this chain in my chest and become a hallow as you have said. I will never join together with you again." He says before yanking the chain out of his chest. Similar things happens with the other 3 demons I gave the option to as echoing roars occur around Japan. Not like anyone could hear them. I sigh before drawing my sword but 4 beams of light appear, taking them to Huecco Mundo. Meaning, I allowed 4 strong individuals to become Hallows AND let them escape.

Yoriichi: "I think I might get punished due to my foolish brothers actions…" I say with a sigh before walking off.




Time skip, 50 years…

In a large hall with 1 large table, there are 14 people. 11 of them are standing in 2 rows facing each other. While 1 is standing at the very end in a large seat and 2 are in the middle, who are gaining the stares from everyone.

This is the promotion of the 2 new captains, Yoriichi Tsugikuni and Sosuke Aizen. Alongside that there is the creation of a new squad, the 14th division who will focus on observing the human world in person, while killing any hallows that are there. The leader of this squad..will be Yoriichi Tsugikuni!

End of chapter

Like what I did there? Making a squad that's similar to the demon slayer corp.Led by the strongest demon slayer. But I decided to make those 4 demons into future Arrancars as it will add more drama to the story. Muzan will not be one of them as he was basically absorbed into Tanjiro, so in a sense, Tanjiro and Muzan are the same person now. The dead Hashiras were brought to the soul society and may or may not play a future important role…who knows?

I've been writing this for 2 days off and on but I decided to finish this today as I have work in a few minutes so thank me! Also I LOVE YOU ALLLLL! This as been getting alot of support that is amazing. Had me smiling in my sleep just thinking about you guys to thank you guys so much!

P.S: Power stones make me happy. An happy Author is a Author that uploads more!

Hope you enjoyed, Have a great christmas eve and stay safe!!!