

Chinwem and Clement OUT OF ORDER SERIES: BOOK SIX * * * * * _ Clement Ugwu springs upon Chinwem Chloe Nwabuagu out of nowhere. He is hell-bent on getting her to be his, persistent and there is nothing she can do to dissuade him. * * * * * 'You will never be able to run away from me Chloe,' he told her, their faces inches apart. Then, from his hands on her shoulders, his left hand travelled to the back of her neck in the speed of lightning, arched her neck back a bit as his lips descended on hers, hot and urgent. * * * * * _ He wasn't her father, the Nwabuagu tiger. He was not one of her three exes, John, Collins and Chima. Clement loved her. Well, the others had claimed to love her too until they had seen, beheld all that was her, her true form, unlovable, repulsing, twisted and void. What made Clement different? _ She couldn't find a solid reason to set him apart from his predecessors. They all pursued her relentlessly, tirelessly, claiming to want her, desire her. They all made her theirs, later falling in love with her, building and planning a future with her. Then, they all fell out of love with her when they saw the truth of her form. _ Therefore, when Clement had come into her life, she had raised her walls higher, been thrice on guard. Yet, he had slipped past all of her defenses and straight into her heart like cupid's arrow, melting it along with her walls and barricade. She had had no idea of when all these had happened for he had been as swift as an unexpected tide. * * * * * _ Will Chinwem open her heart to Clement or will she hang on to her past, allowing the darkness of her past to haunt her away from him? * * * * * I hope you enjoy @ OmaPhinaPhire

OmaPhinaPhire · perkotaan
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45 Chs

Chapter 39

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She smiled wryly as his fingers snaked around her nude body, tracing each and every one of her scars, raised and unraised. He seemed to be enjoying doing so, so she tried not to shy away from him. After all, he had possessed and repossessed her body for the past three hours, branding and rebranding himself on her, making her his in every way possible, engraving himself boldly on her heart. Well, she had enjoyed every bit of it, every pleasure, every delight that he had brought her during their lovemaking.

'I love you Clement,' she suddenly voiced out, having no control of her emotions, too giddy to do so. He looked at her and smiled.

'I love you more mon tout, my all,' he replied her proclamation.

'We didn't use protection,' she noted after a while. He smirked at her. 'I might be pregnant now, who knows?'

'That is all the better to keep you,' he answered her with a happy nonchalant shrug.

'Clement,' she said with a laugh, 'We really might have made a baby!' she scolded him playfully. He laughed with her.

'Chloe,' he called after a second in a really serious voice.

'Yes?' she replied him.

'Please Chloe Chinwem Nwabuagu, marry me,' he said to her with an unsure look. She stared at him, serious.

'Is this what you really want? Be sure Clement, be very certain about this,' she told him.

'I really want this Chloe,' he assured her. 'I have never been surer of anything in my entire life time,' he told her. She closed her eyes for a while, pondering on his request.

'You are certain?' she asked him again when she open her eyes and he just knew that he had been victorious.

'Oui mon amour. Please, will you marry me? I know this is not a romantic proposal and all, but will you?' He said to her with bright eyes and a pearly white smile.

'Yes Clement, yes I will marry you,' she said with a smile.

'Merci, thank you my sweet, gracias,' he said as he embraced her tightly.

'Clement,' she ground out playfully, 'You are smothering me,' she said to him.

'Then I must unsmother you,' he said and finished with a hot wet kiss that led to another beautiful love making section.