
Yellow Flash Of Marvel

I would like to warn you before itself that my English isn't that great. That's the reason I didn't want to go near Marvel, but now I have decided to take up the challenge. A man stands alone in a street, alone with an axe in his hand. "Is it even worth fighting anymore?" he asked himself......... He dies and meets a... thing, which sent him to a world where ordinary people are just meant to die early. "You are just sending me to die." the man exclaimed and the thing said "Then, you will be reborn as Minato Namikaze." (I am not good at summarizing. Just read the first two chapters to know about the character and the story.) In the tags, I did mention 'harem' before, but finally decided that it would be good to change things a little. So i will be going for "No harem" this time to see if that can improve the story. As for the universe, it will be based on the MCU, but an alternate one where I change many things. Don't expect constant updates. I will write when I am free.

Akainu_TheBea5t · Filem
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Chapter 4

Transformation jutsu wasn't difficult to master with Minato's memories and because it has the same principle as the clone technique, Levi didn't have such a hard time.

He had to return to school and it wasn't anything special. He didn't have friends, as immigrants weren't that welcomed where he lived.

That was the reason why Natasha and her sister, who were Russian, were the only friends he had.

He had a few tests and assignments, which he aced. He didn't want to do well in the tests to not stand out, but when he saw the paper, he felt that it would be a disgrace to get them wrong, even purposefully.

Nothing much happened in his life other than school, Coulson's training and the bathroom chakra training.

This continued for a month, after which he was going to start his close combat classes with Coulson.

He stood before Coulson, who was lecturing Levi "Close combat has many styles in the world and each one has its speciality.

What we want isn't flashy moves or punches and kicks with a lot of force. What we need as spies are moves which use minimal movement of body and deliver blows that don't need too much strength, but still deal significant damage."

Levi didn't completely understand it, as even though he survived for 5 years in his world, he only knows how to swing his axe.

It might be slightly better now with Minato's memories, but he still didn't fight against a trained man to test it out.

Coulson wanted to demonstrate what he just explained, so he said to Levi "Try punching me"

Levi was waiting for this moment for a month. So, he immediately rushed at Coulson and threw a punch aiming at Coulson's face when he got closer.

Coulson said "It is good to go for the face when going for punches. It deals a significant amount of damage. But.. "

He swiftly moved to his left to dodge the punch and caught Levi's wrist. Coulson immediately got close to Levi and tried to hold the back of Levi's collar, intending to pin him down.

Being small, Levi immediately ducked and moved away from Coulson. Coulson stopped and let go of his hand.

Coulson said "Good, you have excellent reflexes and instincts. It looks like it is in the blood. Even your parents were one of the best spies we had."

He showed some stances and some moves as to how Levi could defend himself and attack, demonstrating them on Levi.

The training ended with a bruised up Levi returning home. The next two months went by with Levi getting beaten up by Coulson in the name of training.

Although he was getting beaten up, he still made progress. By the end of the second month, Coulson could only land a few hits.

Just like always, Levi was sparring with Coulson. Both Coulson and Levi threw many punches and kicks at each other while blocking the opponent's attacks.

If anyone looked at them from far, they would feel like they are looking at a fight scene from Jackie Chan's movie.

their exchange continued for a while and the outcome was slowly becoming clear.

Levi's moves slowly started becoming sluggish and he was starting to sweat a lot. This was because, even if he has a lot of experience in his head, his body is only that of a 13 year old.

So, the spar ended with Coulson delivering two blows to his gut, but Levi also managed to get a hit exactly below Coulson's ribs.

This is where the diaphragm is and a blow here forces the air out of the lungs. This would buy you enough time to gain advantage in the fight.

Levi laid down on the grass while Coulson was also breathing heavily with one hand on his stomach.

Coulson said "You are now at the level of trainee agents. From here, you will be sent to different bases across the world and train under a more experienced agent.

So, this is our last day of training. You are going to move to Sokovia tomorrow, as the base there is small and there isn't much to do there. Perfect for a trainee. I would recommend selling your house."

Levi was sad that Coulson was leaving him, because he trained Levi for three months and they were close enough to be friends.

But, Levi didn't think too much about Coulson, as he had other things to worry about. Starting with the place he has to move to, Sokovia.

A lot of shit happens there. Sokovia is in Czech Republic and the Allied forces just won against Germany a few decades ago.

So, Levi could already tell that he wouldn't be welcomed with open arms. As for the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, he already predicted that it would be full of Hydra agents.

"So, all in all. My life is basically fucked up." Levi said to himself.

Coulson said "Let us have a good meal before you move to Sokovia." and they had steak.

After dinner, Coulson dropped Levi in front of his home. As Levi was walking towards the door, Coulson called him.

Levi turned back and Coulson was in front of him. Coulson came closer and hugged Levi and said "Take care"

Levi hugged back and said "Sure" before walking into his house.

For Levi, Coulson is his friend and he was going to miss him.

The next day, Levi received a ticket to Sokovia along with the photo. He was the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is supposed to receive him in Sokovia.

He looked at the picture and said "I feel like I have seen him somewhere." but later dismissed the thought, as even though he remembered parts of the movies he had seen, the characters from the movies are different from real life.

For example, the Coulson was different from Clark Gregg, who played Coulson in movies.

His flight was at 4:00 pm and he had time to pack all the necessary stuff.

He thought of selling the house, but dropped the idea as he didn't like the thought of him being homeless.

So, he took all the valuables and decided to rent the house.

He packed his things and Coulson drove him to the airport. Levi arrived at Sokovia early morning the next day.

As he walked out of the airport, he found the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and walked up to him.

The shield agent recognized Levi and as Levi got closer to him, he stretched out his hand for a handshake.

The agent introduced himself "Hello Levi Yuzuki, I am Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Welcome to Sokovia."

I know that a lot of people don't like hatem, but I made my choice and don't want to change it, even if I have to regret it later.

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