

It was like she saw a ghost.

He was standing talking to the doctor while her eyes focused on him. The person who she was finding all this time, turning the city upside down was standing in front of her.

She thought she was dreaming. She walks toward him while speeding her pace leaving her friend behind. When she reaches Dr. David she stops while glancing at him.

"Dr. Ashley, this was the patient that I was talking about the other day".

Her thoughts were already messed up. Hearing what the doctor said she was like struck by lightning faded in a puzzle. "Is he seriously sick" she wondered. Her next action surprised people who were in the hallway when she grabs his wrist with a surprise to follow her up to the rooftop.

'How have you been ?', she asked.


His response didn't change all this year. The response that always seems uninterested in conservation when talking to someone.

Are you seriously sick?

Am not sick but my wife's.

She felt like the world has come to an end. All this year that she was trying all her best finding him but he got married. When everyone told her to live her life, she ignores them, when she was told that she is crazy, she just agrees with them. The life that was full of an unfinished puzzle, trying her best in filling them but he got married.

Oh, congratulations. I have to go.

How about you?. How have you been?

For the first time, in her life, since she meets with him he's concerned with her being. The happiness that she felt in her heart that could light the whole room cant be explained.

"I have been okay but I can't do the surgery"

She left heading back to her friend leaving him puzzled. She felt like she was being stabbed in her heart even if she owes him, she would anything but not the surgery. In her world, he was everything to her who made her the way she is now but now she doesn't belong to him anymore, she felt hurt.