
Yami Yami no Mi In Tales of Demons and Gods

A special soul from earth dies and meets a ROB, who gives him another chance to live and a task which would grant him any wish he desires. The soul is sent to the world of Tales of Demons and Gods and made to possess the body of one of the side characters of the story, Ye Han. In a world where the weak can only survive when they suck up to the strong, the soul received a special power, the powers of a mysterious devil fruit, the Yami Yami no Mi(The dark dark fruit). With a goal in mind and a task to do, he intends to fulfill the task his own way and make his own path towards the goal. See the tags before you start reading. I don't own anything and...... about the upload schedule, if you have read any of my previous stories, you should know by now.

komega · Komik
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

Ye Han returned to his room and Gui Ling was already waiting for him. Ye Han asked "What happened?" and she replied "You should have killed them immediately if you wanted to kill them. The one you killed has spread the word that their identities have been exposed and even the other members of the dark guild might have been exposed. I am asked to kill you immediately and escape from the estate. What do we do now?"

Ye Han thought for a while and said "Just refuse to follow the order."

Gui Ling immediately shouted "WHAT? They will kill me if I refuse." and Ye Han said "If I am sure, your slave mark wasn't connected to anyone in the city. So, you can tell them that you don't want to throw away your life.

Send a message that you will try to poison me instead of attacking me in the presence of my bodyguard. They will try to kill you, but they can't. Even if they complain to the higher ups, that Gui Sha will ignore the complant. You are going to have to deal with a lot of trouble after this though."

*sigh*"You are already making me regret joining hands with you. What is your next plan?" Gui Ling asked.

"Nothing much, everyone now needs to cultivate and grow stronger. With the help of my grandfather, I don't have to worry about funds and safety.

Now, remember as to how I asked you to check the nature of your soul realm. Did you do it?" Ye Han asked and she replied "Yes, it had some weird yellow cloud with electric sparks around it."

"Hmmm..... the thundercloud nature huh. You have a compatibility with lightning techniques. How about Golden Thunder Sky God technique? It is a very strong technique which focuses on speed and the speed of cultivation is also fast." Ye Han said and chanted the chants for the technique.

Gui Ling repeated after Ye Han and her soul force increased by a level. She was a silver rank cultivator and it isn't easy to increase the levels as the rank increases.

She stabilised her soul sea and opened her eyes. She looked at Ye Han and asked "Where did you get such a heavenly technique?"

"Gui Ling, remember that there are some things that are better not known. Just know that I have attained knowledge that can put even the genius of the city to shame." Ye Han boasted of his skills.

Gui Ling rolled her eyes and returned back to her room to continue cultivating. Ye Han also went to cultivate and he did it till evening.

He checked his soul force and it had reached 1000, which meant that he had reached the Silver rank. Ye Han was both happy and sad when he found this out. He said "In the novel, Du Zhe got above 500 in just a month. This is after he had the yellow soul sea. With my special rare soul sea, it should have taken less time, but it took me more than a month to get 1000 soul force. I have to start taking pills."

Ye Han stabilised his cultivation and headed to the Holy Orchid Institute dorms for Yang Xin. He had requested her to make pills in large amounts.

He went to the girls dormitory and asked the lady incharge to call Yang Xin, who recognised Ye Han as someone close to Yang Xin.

Yang Xin came out in a while and she was in a miserable state. Her clothes, face and hair were all dirty. She looked at Ye Han and said "You idiot, you are going to rot in hell for this....."

'I can tell that she is frustrated. I will allow her to let off some steam.' Ye Han thought and let Ye Han continue her ranting.

After she calmed down, Ye Han asked "Have you prepared the pills I asked you?" and Yang Xin replied with a glare "You asked me to make 200 batches in just a week. Do you think I am some kind of puppet or a pill master to make that many pills in a week?"

"Ok, how many did you complete though?" Ye Han asked and she replied "120, as for the rest, I will start only after a break."

"Fine, keep 20 with you and cultivate the technique I gave you. I will go check on your grandfather in the meanwhile." Ye Han said and headed towards Yang Fei's house in the woods.

Ye Han didn't sense any ill intent from any direction, which meant that he wasn't being followed. 'I guess they have become more alert and carefull after I killed one of them.' Ye Han thought as he walked.

When he arrived at the house, he knocked on the door and didn't get a reply. So, he opened the door and entered the house. He looked around and found Yang Fei meditating, with an aura around his body.

Ye Han waited for Yang Fei to finish cultivating, as he didn't want to disturb him and lead to problems in cultivation.

Yang Fei opened his eyes after around 3 hours. Ye Han decided to cultivate during that time. When Yang Fei opened his eyes and looked at Ye Han, he said "It is great that you decided to visit. I was going to call you."

Ye Han asked why, and he replied "It is taking me time to comprehend all those techniques, as each one have a profound meaning and isn't simple.

Based on what I have comprehend, I have a rough idea as to how this technique is going to turn out. I thought of asking your opinion before I start to make my first technique. I don't want to hear you refusing to cultivate the technique I made."

"Go ahead. I am listening. If the pros outweigh the cons, I will go with it." Ye Han said.

(From here, I came up with some bullshit to make it look more like a cultivation novel.)

Yang Fei continued "As per my understanding, the void is emptiness and nothingness, but there also lies chaos in the void, which gives birth to all living and non-living things. Heaven is born from this nothingness."

'I can only understand this shit just because I have the memories of this Nie Li.' Ye Han thought and appreciated the gift.

"The Holy Primal Chaos technique accumulates Chaos energy inside your body while the Void God technique connects you closer to darkness. As for the Heavenly God technique, it connects you to the heavens that nourishes all life.

At first, I thought that they aren't compatible with each other, but only after my enlightenment did I learn that they are from the same origin. If we manage to create chaos in your body and manage to calm it down, we can create a perfect energy inside you that will help you connect with the will of the heaven and earth." Yang Fei explained.

"And how do you plan on creating chaos in my body?" Ye Han asked and Yang Fei paused for a while before replying "You have to abolish your cultivation."

"Explain yourself before I think that it is a ridiculous idea." Ye Han said and Yang Fei explained "After advancing a rank, if you abolish your cultivation once and cultivate again, you will be able to reach heights that no one can imagine.

To explain it in simple terms, if you are in Gold Rank and you abolish your cultivation, you fall to bronze rank. The soul force in your body doesn't dissipate completely and also aids in your cultivation.

This increases your cultivation speed and you can quickly get to the gold rank again. You will have to repeat this process again when you reach black gold rank.

The problems in this methods are that you can't maintain a demon spirit and it will cost you a lot. Also, I need two more important techniques that can improve the physique and something that help calm down the chaos energy.

While the cons are pretty big and very disadvantageous, I have a solution for most of these problems, but it depends on whether you want to.

I don't think you lack money for resources and while you abolish your cultivation, you will be very weak, but with your family backing you up, you don't have to worry about that. As for the demon spirit, which is the main source of battle, can be replaced with the actual body of the demon.

The Void God technique helps your body combine with the demon body without any side effects and you can have the power of countless demons. No one will ever know that you have demon blood in you, as everyone will think that you merged with your demon spirit. The only problem left is the techniques, which you might find in your family library."

Ye Han had mixed feelings when he heard Yang Fei explain the technique he had in mind. This wasn't something he could decide on a whim. He said "I need time to think about this. Until then, think of other ways you can combine the technique." and returned home.

He sat on his bed and kept thinking about the technique. He thought 'While it does sound weird, it is both a good and bad technique.

The cultivation abolishing part is what worries me. During that time period, I will be extremely vulnerable and would be a sitting duck. In the tiny world, I am safe, but I can't say the same in the other realms. Anything can happen during the time I am weak. The only advantage here is that, with every abolishment, my body will get used to the level, improving my speed every time and building up the perfect base for cultivation.

If I plan correctly, I can somehow handle this problem, but the real problem here is the demon absorbing thing. While it might be useful in this tiny world, I would be hunted by every cultivator if they find out that I have demon blood in me.

I don't think I can fool those people in the higher realms, as they somehow get to know the growth rate of a demon spirit just by looking at the merged state of a person. It would be dangerous in a fight. My only hope is to see the final complete technique and decide whether it is worth the risk.'

He just spent the rest of the day with his mother and his sister, talking to them while constantly thinking about the technique.

When he was talking to Ye Shu, she noticed him thinking about something and asked him "Ye Han, is something wrong? You look like you have many things going on in your head."

"As expected of mother, you really are very good at reading a face. I have found a technique which is a lot better than the ones in the family library, but it has many problems. I might face a lot of troubles in the future and many people might try to kill me for practicing the technique." Ye Han explained, not going into detail.

Ye Shu thought for a while and said "I would suggest you to avoid the technique if it involves any immoral methods, but if it doesn't, you should go for it if you want to. Remember Ye Han, of you want something in this world, you will have to come out of your comfort zone and take many risks. Always playing it safe won't get you everything. So, do what you want and remember to deal with the consequences yourself, without dragging anyone around with you."

Ye Han smiled at her words and said "Thanks mom." and they went back to their usual casual talk.

The next day, Ye Han visited Yang Fei and handed him the War God technique and the God tongue for the completion of the technique and said to Yang Fei "I have decided to cultivate the technique as of now, but if the final result isn't upto the mark, I might give up the technique."

Yang Fei smiled and said "You won't be disappointed. I hope you spread my name and this technique in the future, so that they all can know about the wise Yang Fei."

*Time skip 1 year*

Ye Han didn't do much in this year except cultivate. He had already reached 1-star Black gold rank while Gui Ling, his maid, also reached 1-star Black gold rank. As for his followers, they were around gold and silver rank due to their talent.

This was all thanks to Yang Xin, who worked day and night to make pills for everyone. It did help her advance to Gold rank though.

Ye Han was sitting under a tree thinking 'It is too peaceful.' and immediately after that, Gui Ling came to Ye Han and said "Master Ye Han, you have been summoned to the main hall."

"Did something happen? Did someone die?" Ye Han asked and she said "I don't know, but Shen Hong is here and I have been ignoring the orders from the Dark Guild for quite a while. I have only been sending daily reports that you asked me to send."

"I have a feeling that life is going to get interesting again." Ye Han said and walked to the main hall, where all the elders and Ye Zong usually gather to plot something.

When he entered the hall, he saw Shen Hong sitting in the guest chair drinking tea. When Ye Han entered, he placed the cup to his side and he got up.

He turned to Ye Zong and said "Ye Zong, now that your son has arrived, we should ask him directly."

Shen Hong turned to Ye Han and said "Ye Han, admit to your crimes and confess your relationship with the Dark guild."

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