
Yagura Second Chance

After seeing the final fight between Sasuke and Naruto, Yagura, the former Mizukage, decided to return back to the pure land. However, when he opens his eyes, he realise, he came back at the exact moment where his regret begins. Note:·AU as the sons of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki will three instead of two.

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Ranking of mist shinobi level with description

Shinobi Academy Student(F-E Rank):

Due to widespread adoption of the Academy system they derived from the Second Hokage, one may see many similarities of subjects taught from Konoha such as civilian studies consisting of history (propaganda), math, reading, writing and geography. The one notable difference however, was their shinobi studies.

Due to the abundance of iron in the chain of islands of the land of water and mutual relationship with land of Iron that sells the ore and sells swords at a much reasonable price, Kenjutsu was widely practice in Kirigakure were Taijutsu they taught simply complement their sword since it improves the overall body and improves movement.

Due to widespread availability of water, they are even taught C rank water jutsu such as water clone jutsu as using a source of water to decrease consumption of chakra by a considerable degree, making it viable for use.

While the system looked fair in theory, where even clan heirs could die(or become a slave-nin in present time), in practice usually students from a clan stayed on top as they had an ideal shinobi diet and received training from their clan, hence their foundation was much better. However, the top ten civilians who managed to compete with them also supported by the system, as they more likely listened to the village compare to them.

Genin(D Rank): Rank acquired after graduation, which is a battle royale, where one who is not defeated within the timeframe will be graduated while the one who failed will become slave-nin, devoid of any right. They were the wannabe ninja who were used mostly for propaganda tool by making them do D and C rank missions where usually helped civilian so that civilian believe, having shinobi is a good thing, though it is less effective compare to Konoha, as no one is better ponzi scheme seller than 'will of fire' man.

Chūnin(C Rank): Actual ninjas where the majority of war combatant ninja held this rank unless they quit or refused to accept promotion for.... undisclosed reasons. This is where ninja actually starts to earn money by applying for B rank missions and this is the minimum rank required to join Kirigakure Anbu.

Jōnin(B rank):Elite ninja among the majority and asset of the village that carried out high level task, critical for the village interest with fewer mainpower depending on the task. This is wet dream of majority of ninja as they payment is equivalent to a doctor in real life, and gains respect while also their child or relatives are also favored later on since they now have connection(nepotism). They also represent the present power of villages who have them and this is the minimum rank required for a slave-nin to get freedom back, and minimum rank required in order to apply for the qualification test to become one of the swordsmen of this mist.

Elite Jōnin(B-A Rank): Valuable asset of the village among the elite which represents the present collective power of the great five shinobi villages. The swordsmen of the mist meet the qualification thanks to swords earned from the village.

Low Kage-Mid Kage-High Kage(A-S Rank): While power levels are different and noticeable, due to extreme rarity, all are relatively treated well where they represent peak collective power of the great five shinobi villages.

(Later wrote just for fun)

Low Ōtsutsuki(S-SS rank): Demi God.(Self explanatory)

Mid Ōtsutsuki(SSS):Gods/ aliens / parasites who attack or rule other worlds.

High Ōtsutsuki(The only rank):Shibai Ōtsutsuki

Note:·Typical Genius are stronger than most Genin and hence no surprise they became Chūnin quite quickly. Same can not be said to the majority of people.