
XXX Primal: A Warhammer Fantasy Story

The Desires of a Goddess of Chaos are Unfathomable and as chaotic as her and her brother’s personalities, on a whim she wants to see if a version of the one planet where the great game is played by her and her brothers and makes it in her image. After giving and order to one of her favored Daemon Princes, a journey is set for him as he loses everything he was to start from scratch and start a new in a world in Slaaneshes image. Fighting, Killing, Gratuitous Sex, and World Domination, all for her to watch and enjoy.

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Remember to visit the mega link if you want to see what the MC looks like along with the many other pics I can't upload here unless I heavy censor them.


(Map of Lustria)

Xlanzec, or in mortal tongue known also as the City of Outsiders, here south of the Southern Sentinel mountains stands this city under the Control of the Cult of Sotek.

The Cult of Sotek itself is run by the Skink Priest Tehenhauin (or as everyone else calls him, TeenyWeeny) along with the rest of his cult being primarily filled with Lizardman Skinks.

Skinks are the bottom rung of Lizardmen society along with the dumb and burly Kroxigor's with the true leaders being the Saurus Old Ones and the Slaan Toad Priests.

Though from the information I have gathered the only warriors he has at his disposal are Skinks who are for the most part the weakest of the Lizardmen in terms of battle.

Skinks prefer to fight from range as their physical strength is lacking compared to the others, though some of their units can fight in melee, but even those are weak compared to my warriors.

"My Lord, Xlanzec is within sight!" My herald told me as I came out of my thoughts as I looked up and saw the ancient city in the distance.

"Good, and it appears it has become dilapidated over the years with no gates blocking our way in, come my warriors! Today Xlanzec will become ours and all who survive our occupation will become our personal slaves to do with as we see fit!" I shout out with my bastard sword raised as my army cheers at the thought as we begin our approach.

But as we get closer to the city, no more than half a mile away, from their entrances several ancient feral beasts begin rushing out to intercept us, ancient Ankylosaurus two ancient Triceratops and even an ancient Carnosaur came to attack us while several units of Skink skirmishers came from the rear to help attack at a distance.

"Spears! Swords and Chosen! Stop those beasts, Chariots and Daemonettes! Flank those monsters to deal with those pesky Skinks! Their leader is Mine!" I shout out before unfurling my wings as I take to the sky's while my soldiers followed my orders.

2 regiments of spears, 2 of swords and two of the Chosen came to deal with the dinosaurs while my faster units flanked them to deal with the army of Skinks who were pelting them with their spears and poison blow darts.

But their leader why flying in the sky on the back of a Ripperdactyl, attacking my units with various spells while also bolstering his own units, but I wasn't going to let him stay in my way as I launched into they skies and flew towards him with rapid speeds at that before we clashed in mid-air with our blades drawn.

"Tishall amo tlakui xlanzec iuikpa to tlakah tekuani!" He shouted at me in his foreign tongue, but I felt he had insulted me as I forced our blades back to distance ourselves.

"You shall bow to the will of Slaanesh! If not you then your successor will!" I shouted back at him before the fight continued in the skies.

Meanwhile my men were holding the dinosaurs to the best of their abilities while they were getting torn up, but my men will fight to the last man.

On the other hand the Daemonettes were able to get behind and flank the Skinks who were to busy trying to not get run over by our Scourge Runner Chariots were running them over while cutting them apart and when the Daemonettes came in they soon began to crumble and rout.

"Leave those cowards! Help our brothers with these massive beasts!" My Herald said getting back into formation as they flanked the dinosaurs from behind as they began to cut into the savage dinosaurs.

To their credit they did hold out for quite sometime but soon they began to just rampage from all the damage they had taken which made them care less about protecting themselves and more fixated on killing everyone around them.

And even though many of my men died, with the aid of my Herald restraining them with her magics, she was able to help my soldiers deliver the winning blow.

*Kaboom!* where as I fell back down to the earth with both Tenhenhauin and his ripperdactyl stabbed right through their bodies as they lied dead on the ground beneath my feet.

After pulling out my sword and flicking away the blood on it I raised my sword before giving a triumphant roar as my soldiers roared back signaling our victory over the Cult of Sotek.

"We shall Vassalize these Lizardmen in the name of our Lady Slaanesh! Take half of the male and female skinks back to our capital to use however you see fit! Indulge yourselves to your hearts content!" I shout out to which my men cheer even more as a portal from the realm of chaos opens up over the city of Xlanzec before a pinkish purple mist invelopes it and it's inhabitants making them quickly fall to the pure rapturous temptations of Slaanesh.

After regrouping we arrived at the city welcoming us with open arms as if they wanted us to be here this entire time where many willing Skinks and the occasional Kroxigor were willing allow themselves to be taken in as our slaves be it for labor or sex it's all decided upon their owner as to how my men and women would use them would be entirely up to their Discretion.

After that we decided to stay a night and indulge ourselves with a rapturous dinner and party while I had some Daemonettes head towards Clan Opulence Lands to tell their leader the good news of the Cult of Sotek's subjugation beneath us and if they were interested in a defensive alliance with one another.

So after a night of raunchy partying, we took well over 500 Lizardmen slaves back with us to the Citadel of Dusk, most of which were female skinks with about 100 being male skinks and only 10 female kroxigors who I decided to take all the Kroxigors along with several of the Skink women as my sex slaves.

It was time to make new and exciting creations by mixing between the two races of slaaneshy demon and Lizardmen to see what would be born in the after math.

The thought of it got me all excited as it was finally time to it was time to show the world what new beauty is made between our races, it's time to open my factions breeding pens.


Alright so I'll try and upload some pictures here for you guys who don't want to use the mega link to view them easily here as to who he is mating with.

Mind you as theirs no real love in this story and only just sex for sex's sake, the women he is with don't have names unless he decides to give them names or they had names already and in the Lizardman race unless you are a leader you don't have a name and only have a title unless you gain enough renown to earn yourself a true name and thus none of them have actual names, but anyway here are the pics of who he chose for himself and if you want to see his looks, remember to go to the link and you'll see him as the only male demon in that folder as I can't upload his pic here due to him being shirtless and I'm not blurring his entire upper body to make it so you all can see him on this site, though I'll try but if no one sees it then you know why.

(Skinks & Kroxigors)

(Abbadon's looks)