
XXX Primal: A Warhammer Fantasy Story

The Desires of a Goddess of Chaos are Unfathomable and as chaotic as her and her brother’s personalities, on a whim she wants to see if a version of the one planet where the great game is played by her and her brothers and makes it in her image. After giving and order to one of her favored Daemon Princes, a journey is set for him as he loses everything he was to start from scratch and start a new in a world in Slaaneshes image. Fighting, Killing, Gratuitous Sex, and World Domination, all for her to watch and enjoy.

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Lustria, Where the Journey Begins

So since this site is strict on what can be viewed here, I came up with a better plan for you guys to see the character pics of certain characters.

So I'm using Mega to upload a file full of photos I generated to make my characters, to which only Abbadon is named but the rest are to give faces of your choosing as to whoever he is dealing with at the time.

So here is the link, just copy and paste it on your web browser so you can look at the photos.


Abbadon is going to be the only guy one you see for now as any future male characters will be put in a separate folder from all the women and made available when it's necessary.


At the Southern most Tip of Lustria, Within the Citadel of Dusk, I, Abbadon, sat upon my newly aquired throne thanks to my goddess messing with this world herself.

I pondered at what to do next as for now my capital city was all I had as I needed to reorganize my thoughts.

Everyone that's supposed to be in this world is here even though just copies of their former selves, although no other warriors of chaos or those from separate chaos gods are here, not even copies of Nakari or Azazel could be found in this world.

The southern wastes far to the south are inhabited by a mixture of Lizardmen and Southern Wastes born Norscan's call those desolate lands home, and to the northern part that I have to worry about are infested with either Skaven, Lizardmen, and the roaming Brayherds of Beastmen with Dark Elves to the far far north in the land of Naggaroth.

Not only that but the era is set more than three thousand years before modern times during the true empire of man where the world was in the inbetween the decline of the Elves and the Dwarves and the slow Rise of Man and the many other races, along with the population of this world leaning heavily into having more women in it then men with a 1 to 4 ratio world wide of men to women within it.

And my goal is was simple, bring the corruption of Slaanesh across this earlier set world of Mallus, indulge myself in pleasure and ecstasy of all shapes and forms between myself and the many races of this world and when I finally prove myself I'll lead my armies into the true world to help bring about the end times in my glorious goddesses image.

But time isn't an issue as she more than anything what will be birthed between the union of a Chaos Prince and the various races and what will be born as a result.

So my main focus for now is Lustria as their is only Skaven, Lizardmen and Brayherds of Beastmen roaming about.

Luckily their is already a trade agreement, nonaggression pact and military access between me and Clan Opulence, giving me moderate sway over their clan as they worship their version of the Horned Rat who is just a different representation of my lady Slaanesh in thier dumb rat minds.

(N) Since none of the other Chaos Gods are influencing this world, Clan Pestilens ended up turning into Clan Opluence instead since Nurgle had no sway over their development in this new world but Slaanesh helped form them instead as a result, and just like in the game, the more influence Slaanesh has over a faction, the easier it is for the Slaanesh faction to Vassalize them, though in the game only human and elvish factions could be vassalized where it's true for any race in this story.

"What to do first?" I muttered to myself out loud as I sat upon my throne as i swirled a glass of fine red wine within my hand.

But soon I began to hear whispers and laughter within my mind as my eyes widened as I felt my goddess was about to speak to me.

"Assemble your army and begin your March upon those known as the Cult of Sotek, they have declared war on Clan Oppulence, aid them and soon they will bend to your will." The voice of Slaanesh said in my head giving me my next task.

Hearing that I stood up from my throne before walking out of my throne room before heading towards the balcony as I look out at my newly aquired capital.

Below were various warriors partaking in all acts of Debauchery, drinking, violence, public sex, along with many many other acts that I didn't have the time to list off.

"My Army!" I shouted out in a booming voice as the men and women turn to look up at me as I raised my arms.

"Our goddess has given us a new task! Hunt down the Cult of Sotek and bring them to heel! They threaten to get in the way of our trade by being at war with our Skaven friends which will cut away our access to the fine luxury goods they trade between us if they fall!" I shouted which got them more riled up as none of us wanted to lose access to the finer goods that we we're entitled too.

"So prepare your whips, claws and blades! As we March to war! For the glory of Slaanesh!"

"FOR THE GLORY OF SLAANESH!!!" They cried out in cheers as they prepared to match to war, for now we have only one army, but a strong one nonetheless thanks to the gift of my goddess giving me a fully upgraded capital(tier 5) with all necessary facilities to use all of the monstrosities our faction has to offer.

The army was to be lead by me with a Herald Of Slaanesh as my second in command who was blessed with the power to shift between her semi-human and fully demonic clawed hand form, several regiments of Slaanesh marauders of swords, spears and whips, a few Daemonette squads with one squad of daemonette exalted, a group of Forsaken of Slaanesh and a squad of Scourge Runner chariots to finish out my current roster, but once I've earned more favor and resources I can create much stronger armies and even multiple army's later down the line.

But this army shall do for now, as everyone was ready we left the city to where the Garrison would keep my city well defended as the ground began to morph into the corruption of Slaaneshes realm around the city proper as it began to spread from its walls and out towards the rest of the providence.

Now we begin the March on Lustria and the beginning of my journey to spread my influence in my goddesses name!


Remember to look at that link if you want to see how Abbadon looks along with his second in command and all the many different pics the mega link has to offer for you all to see, some of which can't be uploaded onto this site at all.