
Rap Sheet

"When did that happen?" I asked as I looked at her on the other side.

Looking at me, she answered after breathing out a sigh of relief. "You know what, humans are troublesome little creatures. You are the one to have opened the windowpane just a while ago. Now don't tell me that your brain isn't functioning anymore."

"And don't ask me why I didn't close it up before they took your picture."

"What?... How dare you?" I growled as my facial expressions displayed great dissatisfaction from what she had just said.

At that moment, it was like you could physically feel the mood change in the car.

"Humans... they're so resilient.

"They trust and believe in a way I remember but can't reach anymore.

"Like an old picture.

"If you were a cartoon character, you'd have steam blowing out of your ears.

"You are a cartoon character.

"You remember the circumstances with the feelings, the emotions.

"They're just out of your grasp...