
Chapter 13 –The game

After much hassle, we got to the club and alighted the car after arguing about the best parking space suitable for the car. Once I had ensured that the car was well parked and the doors shut, we walked to the entrance of the club but not after taking a few selfies, presented our IDs to the security and enter the building.

I could feel the beat of the music playing from the hallway leading to the main club. The hallway had dimly coloured lighting which brightened as we walked into the club.

"Whoa, this is intriguing." I muttered under my breath. The club looked normal but it was super classy -that was what made it unique and I think this differentiated it from the other clubs I had visited.

The insides were mind-blowing, and it was designed to top standard. Starting from the DJ's stand to the spacious dance floor designed with tiles that glowed in the dark, to the bar which I suppose held different exotic kinds of drinks -and mind you, handsome and beautiful bartenders and then the booths were cool, each having cool lightings and top-notch furniture.

I let my eyes roam to the floor above us which I assumed held the rooms and lounges. Let's not forget about the visible security men or better still bouncers, they were around to make sure things were in order. I wish you could see and experience this feeling but too bad you can't, so I'll have to tell you.

"Wow, this place is spectacular." Krystal shouted over the music.

"Yeah, it's awesome." Rosa replied, bopping to the beat of the music playing. "I feel like dancing already." She squealed.

How could I forget about the sound system? It's freaking superb.

"Right." I smiled. "Now, I get why you insisted on us visiting this place. Gosh, it's damn classy."

"How about we seat over there? The view from that angle seems good." Rosa reasoned, flickering her eyes at me.

And of course, I had to strain my ears to hear her properly because of the insanely loud music.

"Okay." I shouted and we headed to the seat she had pointed out.

"Jeez, the view here is cool. I can see who's coming and going out of the club from here." Krystal said while we got comfortable in our seats.

"Damn, there are hot and handsome dudes here." Rosa cooed, eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Yeah, you're right." Krystal smiled brightly.

I stifled a laugh and glanced at the entrance. "How about that game." I suggested.

They looked at me with a huge smiles. "Yeah." They shouted in unison.

The game involved checking guys out and rating them based on their looks, fashion style and charisma and it usually was fun.

"Anyways, before that, how about we get some drinks." I clasped my hands together and place them under my chin.

The club had waiters and from what I had seen, each booth had a waiter assigned to it, ready to attend to their guests. The idea itself was quite cool. Most of the clubs I had visited back in the States, had waiters or call girls specifically for top personalities.

"This is officially the best club I have visited since I came back home." Rosa said, leaning her face against the back of her palm. I agreed with her... the place was lit and quite intriguing, it was an experience of a lifetime.

We eventually placed our orders after a war of indecisiveness and it was served. I was enjoying my drink -non-alcoholic, and quietly observing the different activities of the people around me when Krystal called my attention to the game we were planning on playing.

"Girls, look at that dude over there. Behind you." She said.

I looked in the direction she'd pointed and indeed saw two good-looking guys -I mean, good-looking. "Which of them?" I inquired.

"He is the one wearing a black shirt and blue ripped jeans." She explained. "Have you seen him?"

"Is he the one talking to that slim girl that looks bitchy?" Rosa asked. We both turned and gave her a look.

"What?" She asked.

"How did you know she's bitchy?" I turned back to look at our target.

She snorted."Oh, you just know. Nevertheless, is he the one you're talking about, Krystal?" She looked at her beer and brought it closer to her lips.

"Yup." Krystal said, sipping her fruit punch. "Let the ratings begin, I'll go first." She placed her glass on the table and gingerly rubbed her palm together.

I exhaled and leaned back in my seat, eyes still on the target.

"I'll rate him 8 out of 10." Krystal said. "His outfit is nice, he's okay and he's even got a tattoo." She squealed.

Rosa looked at the said guy with an arced brow. "Well, I don't think so." She took her beer in two gulps and dropped the glass on the table. "His outfit is okay. It complements his looks but I don't like his complexion." She glanced at him, refilling her glass. "He's too pale for my liking."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Rosa, could you please go to the point."

Leave it to Rosa to give you a complete analysis of a person, with likes and dislikes.

"What figure are you giving to him?"

She grinned at me. "Chill girl, I'll give him 6."

Krystal nodded and looked at me. "What about you, sis?"

I sipped my lemonade and glanced at him for a moment. "I'll give him a four." I answered, scanning through the room for another target.

"What?!!" Rosa shouted.

I brought my attention back to her. "What?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I don't just like the vibe he's giving off."

She squinted her eyes at me and shook her head, saying nothing. "See that guy over there," she bounced in her seat pointing at the bar. "He is sitting at the bar." She said and we turned to the location.

"Wow, he's handsome." Krystal squealed.

"Gosh, I think I'm going blind." He was handsome in a really cute way. He wore a blue long-sleeved shirt and blue jean trousers. His hair was neatly combed to one side, so it was longer on top but shorter on the side and he was laughing at something the bartender told him.

"I know right?" Rosa smiled. "I've got good eyes, you know."

"Of course." I nodded. "Please, look in this direction." I squealed, placing both hands on the table.

"Yes, please." Krystal cooed, fluttering her lashes.

He just so happened to stand up from where he was seated at the bar and walked past us while we stared at him with googly eyes.

Rosa snapped her finger. "Okay," She started after he had walked away, "I give him an eight."

Krystal looked at her with wide eyes. "What?!!" She exclaimed. "Are you for real?"

Rosa smiled and touched her shoulders endearingly. "Baby, you still growing. My definition of handsome is different from yours." She threw her head back and drank her shot of tequila and grimaced. "Good stuff." She added.

Krystal sighed with a grim smile. "What about you, Kiara?" She asked.

I twisted my head to look at her, my eyes flickering between her and Rosa."

He's handsome but not as handsome as the guys I was with this afternoon. I'm using them as a benchmark for others."

"You mean Richard and his friend?"


"Oh c'mon, that's not fair. They are not even here."

"But those guys are freaking handsome, I mean they look like they walked straight out of a magazine." Rosa said, straightening her shirt. "Oh, I wish I could meet them." Rosa sighed dreamily.

I flicked the rim of my glass. "Who are you kidding? Of course, they are models." I said. "Based on my benchmark, I'll give him 8."

Krystal snorted, "I'll give him 8." She said. "How about we go on the dance floor, I can't wait to feel the glow effect." She smiled, looking over to the dance floor

"You can go, no one's holding you. For me, I'd like to enjoy the view for some time." Rosa shrugged and mixed her tequila drink with some of Krystal's juice.

"Babe, I think you should slow down. You don't wanna be drunk before you get on the dance floor." I said.

Krystal looked at the dance floor and sighed. "I would have loved to go and dance but....."

"But what?" I asked, sipping my drink.

She slammed her glass on the table. "I need motivation but neither of you is ready."

I giggled. "Too bad, girl."

We continued rating guys until we got tired and decided to take a break by watching different funny dance moves on the dance floor.

"Rosa, how's Harry?" Krystal asked offhandedly.

"Oh," she shrugged. "He's somewhere living his life." She answered nonchalantly, staring intensely at the people on the dance floor.

I furrowed my brows and turned my gaze to her. "Why that tone, is everything okay?"

Krystal frowned. "Did he do anything funny?" She asked, concern written all over her face.

"Everything is fine," she closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. "It's just that I feel like ending the relationship. I'm no longer interested in it and he's not helping matters." She said, flickering her eyes open.

"How?" I asked.

"He is always nagging, constantly complaining even about little things. At times, I feel like he has other flings, that I don't mind in as much as I don't see them."

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I peered at her through the glass I was holding.

She pursed her lips and frowned. "I honestly don't know." She muttered.

"Have you tried talking to him?" Krystal asked and pulled out her phone.

"Yes. It's either he gives an excuse or we end up fighting. I'm so sick and tired of it and sometimes, I wonder how we got to this point."

"Do you love him?" Krystal asked cautiously.

She kept quiet for a moment and pressed her lips in a thin line, "I don't know, I don't know." She placed a hand on her forehead. "This has been the longest relationship I've had and I'm being serious with it."

"Hmm." I exhaled and stared at the drinks before me. "So, you gonna call it to quit with him?" I asked.

"Probably, let's see how things go."

"I just hope and pray that you don't cry over him at the end of everything." Krystal shook her head, grimacing at the thought.

She looked at her and smiled tightly. "That's why I have to end it with him."

"It hurts." I muttered.

"I know, if it eventually does end, I'll be free to do what I like without having to think of what my boyfriend will do or how he will react." She inhaled and smiled but it was a sad one.

"Enough of Harry's talk and let's focus on having fun." She looked at us and raised her glass, "Cheers to a good life." She smiled brightly and we clinked our glasses.

I wasn't exactly a fan of her relationship with Harry but seeing how serious she was with it, I felt obliged to go with the flow -at least for her and I was hoping for them to go far but now, that seems like a far fetch dream seeing that the relationship is at its end wit. I looked at her smiling and laughing with Krystal, all I could see was the pain she was trying so well to mask.