
Chapter 14 –Someone Famous

I finished my beer in a gulp, dropped the glass on the table and stood up. "Let's dance." I announced.

"Yay." They both squealed.

Just as they stood, a set of people entered just like it had always been but this particular group caught my attention.

"Girls, wait a minute." I said.

"What is it?" Rosa blinked confused, still standing.

I looked at her pleadingly. "Sorry, but could we just sit for a bit please?" I quickly looked back at the entrance but it was already crowded with people. "I saw something and I need to confirm it."

"And how does that concerns us?" Krystal sassed.

I glanced at her and gave her a look. "Shut up and sit down." I commanded. She rolled her eyes but sat down anyways.

Rosa sat back in her seat and leaned in both arms on the table, staring at me. "Spill, what did you see?"

I turned my attention away from the entrance to her, I was certain of what I saw. "They look familiar." I muttered.

Of course, they'll look familiar. My inner voice sassed.

Oh, you saw them.

"Who?" Rosa asked, looking at the entrance which had caught my attention.

I pulled my lips together and looked back to the entrance and then, I saw it. The face and smile I'd grown accustomed to, Richard and his friends. I smiled, "The three guys at the entrance -they stood out, walking in our direction." I said, my eyes still trained on them. I could tell it was him anywhere even in disguise.

I can tell it's him anywhere even in disguise. My inner voice mimicked. Huh?

I huffed. Okay, that might not be true but I can recognise him anywhere. That's the point. I retorted.

He and his friends were dressed in very casual outfits, his eyes scanning through the room in search of something. I assumed he found it because he smiled and went the other way with the guys trailing behind him. When I looked closer, I realized that I knew the other two people -Ian and his manager.

I heard Rosa gasp and turn to look at her.

Her eyes were wide open with her mouth slightly opened. "Oh my goodness, they are freaking handsome. What the hell?" She said.

"You're so right," Krystal's voice came from beside me. "Strangely enough, the other guy does look familiar." She added.

"Do you know them?" Rosa asked as she looked at me and smirked.

I eyed her coolly and smiled, "Of course, I know them." I answered looking in their direction. "Richard, Ian and his manager Adrian." I muttered but knew they heard me.

Rosa blinked. She looked at them and then at me. "Are you being serious?" She asked.


Krystal peered at them closely, her jaw dropped. "Omg!! Kiara," she squealed. "You're so right, that's Richard."

"Wow, it's a wish come true." Rosa giggled. "They're one hell of handsomeness and you two were graced with the opportunity of seeing them." She clenched her glass in false annoyance. "You two are lucky."

I know right.

I snapped my attention back to the both of them, having remembered that we had to hit the dance floor. "Okay you two," I snapped my fingers in their face. "Enough of gawking." I said and stood up. "We came for a reason and we can't let them disrupt our plans."

"Yeah." Rosa sighed. "C'mon ladies, let's hit the dance floor. It's calling my name." She cheered, moving her body to the song playing.

She took our hands and dragged us to the dance floor where we joined the group of dancing bodies. The dance floor was wild with some people dancing alone, others pressed together doing what who knows under the dim light and the glow of the tiles and not to forget the drunk and perverted persons. Everybody was in their world having fun, me included. In as much as, I and my crew were not being disturbed, they can continue whatever they are practising.

As the music ran through me, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look at the owner. Krystal smiled, "You enjoying yourself?" She shouted. I nodded letting her continue. "Dad sent a message, he's not coming home tonight." She shouted over the music.

"Okay." I mouthed.

Rosa threw her hands in the air, swaying her hips from side to side. "Whoa," she shouted, "I so love this DJ." She screamed as the song transitioned to the popular beat of "Own it" by Stormzy.

I glanced at her and laughed, feeling the beat of the song run through me. "Gosh," I threw my head back and raised my hands in the air, "I'm so in the mood for choreography."

Krystal smiled beside me, swinging her hips. "Yeah sis, let's do it." She shouted.

"Okay, are you ready?" I laughed.

"Of course, we are." Rosa said.

I smiled brightly and looked at them, "Let's do this."

We took our positions and started to dance in sync with the beat of the music, the same steps at the same time and it was fun.

Dancing was a therapy I had undergone to prevent myself from slipping into depression after the death of my mother and since then, dancing had become one of my favourite hobbies. Somehow, Krystal and Rosa loved dancing and so, we usually made videos of ourselves dancing in our spare time just for fun.

I let the rhythm flow in me, feel the moment and danced the worries, stress, anxiety and assumptions out of my mind. At the moment, I knew we were somehow the centre of attraction but I cared less because I for once was having enough fun.




We moved away from the wildness of the dance floor to our seats.

"Wow, that was epic." Rosa panted as she sat down.

I nodded and smiled. "Can't remember the last time I dance like that though." I said and sank into my seat.

Krystal pulled her hair up and then let it down. "Both of you are too occupied with your different jobs." She breathed. "I'm going to get us more drinks, what would you like?"

"Tequila wouldn't be that bad." Rosa said.

I peered at her, a weird expression on my face. "What?!! Are you aiming to get incredibly drunk?" I asked.

She shrugged and looked at me. "That's the purpose, sweetheart. Besides, I already danced the first one out of my system."

I shook my head at her and turned to face Krystal. "Krystal, just get us Margarita and get yourself a non-alcoholic beverage. And I repeat," I narrowed my eyes at her. "Get yourself a non-alcoholic beverage, not fruit punch."

Her response was a blank stare and a slight nod.

"Thank you in advance." I smiled.

"How are you going to get the drinks by the way?" Rosa asked, relaxing on the sofa with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Oh that, I'll use my card if the need arises." She winked and walked away.

"I knew getting her a fake ID was a bad idea." I muttered but I knew Rosa heard because she chuckled.

"Yeah," Rosa slurred. "Knowing Krystal, I don't think she'll need it." She said.

"Oh no!!" I gasped dramatically, "what have we done?"

"She's such an angel." Rosa smiled, looking at her as she made her way towards the bar.

"Trust me behind that facade is an enclosed demon." I replied and looked at her. She was currently talking with the bartender and he was laughing at whatever she told him.

She chuckled. "I bet she's trying to flirt with him or it's the other way around."

"Most probably with the way she's smiling, like a Cheshire cat." I frowned.

"Hello hater, why don't you go look for who will flirt with you."

"I'm not hating, I'm just stating the fact."

"Well, keep your damn facts to yourself." She replied and brought out her phone.

I smiled and looked around the club suddenly feeling like invisible eyes were monitoring me. "Why do I feel like I'm being watched?" I asked.

Rosa brought her phone down a little and looked at me. "You have that feeling as well?" She pushed herself up so she was sitting upright. "I was beginning to think I'm imagining things."

I shuddered. "Now, I wonder who is watching us." I clasped my hands and placed them on the table, allowing my eyes to wander.

She snapped her fingers, "Ah, our invisible admirers." I laughed. "Who knows, it might be someone we know." She smiled, smugly.

"Hmm. I think you are becoming intoxicated." I mumbled.

She snorted and waved her hand. "Oh please. For all I care, Richard or one of those handsome young men might be thinking of ways to approach us."

I rolled my eyes. "Keep dreaming."

"All eyes will be on us after that scene on the dance floor."

"Not everybody could see us you know, we were dancing under dim light." She gave me a very weird look. "On second thought, you might be right." I reasoned, nodding slowly. "What's keeping Krystal this long?"

Rosa snorted. "Do you wanna find her?"

"Please, don't do that. Do you know how you sound with your heavy accent?"

"Keep it to yourself." She rolled her eyes and continued with what she was doing.

"I already called the driver," She stated. "And we'll be leaving before midnight."

"Okay." I said dryly, scanning the bar area for my sister. "It's funny, how you didn't flirt with any guy today."

"Hmm, you're right. I'm just not in the mood." She replied, stretching. "Oh, here she comes." Rosa squealed.

"I was wondering what took you so long." I said, collecting the tray holding the drinks from her.

"Sorry for the delay, I was with someone famous." She replied.

Rosa looked at me and then at her "Who?" She asked.

"Mhm..." She tilts her head, placing one hand on her waist. "Ian's manager, Adrian."

My eyes widen slightly. "What?" I shouted. "Are you being serious?" I asked and looked at the bar.

She threw her head back and laughed. "Of course, why would I joke with that?"

"Where is he?"

"He already left to meet someone."

"Spill," Rosa said. "What's the update?"

"Why don't you guys enjoy your drinks first, considering I took long and you might have already lost your appetite." She said meekly.

"You're quite right. But that doesn't mean we can't listen while drinking."

"Yeah, you can give us an abridged version." Rosa said already sipping her drink.

She nodded. "Okay," She started. "So I was at the bar placing our orders when I heard my name. I was originally thinking you had come looking for me," she smiled. "But when I turned, I saw him. He sat next to me waiting for his drink. I was surprised, I didn't think he would recognize me let alone remember my name."

"He remembered your name?" I mused.


"Aww," Rosa blushed. "How did he say it?"

At that, she beamed. "He was like and I quote: "Krystal, am I right? You're Kiara's sister, right?" I nodded in confirmation and he smiled and we fell to talking. Trust me, I didn't slack in every discussion." She said, smiling. "I even took some pictures with him." She flicked her hair behind her and showed us the pictures on her phone.

"Hmm! Smart." Rosa laughed. "But you would have called or messaged us." She gave me a side look. "Your sister was worried." She added.

"I'm so sorry, hope you're not mad at me?" She pushed her lips out and looked at me with puppy eyes.

I scoffed. "I think you should answer that yourself." I inhaled and sighed. "I'm already tired."

"Me too." Rosa said.

"Me three." Krystal added.

"Could you please call the driver now? I want to go home already." I said, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Okay." She stood up and turn round the table, "Before he comes, I'm going to dance some more." She looked at me and fixed her wristwatch. "Care to join?" She asked.

I shook my head in the negative and continued sipping my drink.

"Okay, help me watch my phone and my purse and if the driver calls, notify us. Okay?" She said.

I nodded and leaned back into the chair. So, she and Krystal went back to the dance floor while I waited for them and after about a few minutes of waiting, the driver called. I gathered our belongings, called both Rosa and my sister and we left the club.

While we were searching for the car in the parking lot, I happened to see Richard with Ian, he was talking to someone I couldn't see. As if sensing something, Ian looked up and coincidentally met my gaze. He tilt his head and squinted his eyes at me but I didn't let it stay for long because I was quick to avert my eyes.

Phew, that was close.

I've been subtly avoiding them, not wanting any of them to see me. It was a surprise when Krystal said she met Adrian earlier on.

"You're okay?" Rosa asked.

I jumped a little at her voice. "Y-yeah." I stuttered.

She looked at me and shook her head. "You zoned out?"

"Oh." That was all I could say. We got in the car somehow without falling and embarked on the journey back home courtesy of our designated driver.

Overall, today was fun and if given the opportunity, I would do it again. But right now, I couldn't wait to hug my bed and then looking back at everything that had happened, I couldn't help but let a satisfied smile creep on my face.