
Wuxia prota-Huh?!? Is this One piece?!!

Guy gets reincarnated into One piece but thinks it is a wuxia novel because he cultivates his soul (haki/will) and martial arts (Hasshoken) Warning: Bad at writing stories BTW: if you want to use some of my ideas, go ahead :), I would love to read something like what I am writing. The cover is made by me... Isn't it just bad? :)

RNG_jesus · Komik
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16 Chs


-Later, after the "break", on the ship on the ocean-

-Brody's pov-

Brody, finishing writing something, says "Ok guys, I got your schedules ready, if you have any questions you can just ask"

Being left to himself while the others train, brody begins to ponder. 'So if Hasshoken is based on vibrations and my "Vibration launcher" is confirmed to work, what else could work?'

'I remember watching the flash tv show, it was bad, but I liked it. He did some weird bs with vibrations, maybe I could replicate something like that?' Thinking of the lines of vibrating your molecules so fast they can go through matter, brody sat down in a meditative position.

After 1 hour straight of channeling all the vibrations in Brody's body into to unsteady streams of energy pushing against each other, he still couldn't do it. 'Woah it feels weird to have my hand vibrate this much, but I still feel sad that I can't do this technique with all the vibrations in my body, Wait! In my body... What if I use the vibrations of the earth/sea and the wind?'

Trying to combine the vibrations of the sea and wind, Brody became even more exhausted by meddling with the forces of nature, so he fell down exhausted and was close to giving up when- *Zzzzzing~, the noises of some planks being cut smoothly was heard

'I did it!' Broken out of his thoughts Brody heard his worried crewmates and captain, "Hey! What happened?! Why are you destroying the ship?!"

Brody-" Sorry, I was training a new technique and I accidentally punched the floor, won't happen again."

Law, looking at the cut on the floor with narrowed eyes, "Ok then, let's get back to training"


'I can't believe it worked, even though it didn't work like it was supposed to, but it worked! that must mean the "Other" flash technique(s) work too! Maybe there is more to the Hassoken vibration than I thought... I also noticed I couldn't pull vibrations from the ocean, maybe it has something to do with fish-man karate? And most importantly, why hasn't whitebeard made some of the techniques?'

When brody had that brilliant thought, he notices how tired he became. (almost like an otherworldly force was bringing his body to silence, so as to make it obvious that Brody shouldn't use this technique all willy-nilly)

'Guess I'll put this in my "Semi-serious series"... (that was a reference to OPM, I'm going to make it so that brody will put his punches and stuff into tiers; Regular-> Normal-> Semi-serious-> Serious. Because I like OPM, and I think it is cool)

(AN: I'm splitting the progress of Brody being able to advance his stuff into a time skip of 3 months of training the vibration part of Hasshoken. Also, he has mastered Hasshoken but does not have 100% compatibility with his Hasshoken-Haki combo, so he isn't better than Don Chinjao. He primarily focuses on the vibration part of Hasshoken, not the punching part.)

-3 Months later-

-On the ship-

Brody sitting on the floor of the ship, pushing all vibrations around him into a fine point of his hand, finally he had done it! He had made the heart-vibration-puncher/stabber thing from the Flash!

-3 Months later-

-On an island in North blue called Barton-

This time, instead of sitting on the floor, Brody was standing, watching Law and Bepo beat Penguin and Shachi with a stick, except, Brody had his back turned on them... And he was standing in a town at a bookstore... 32 meters away...

Yeah, that's right after Brody began to sense the vibrations in the air and earth, he advanced his observation Haki by leaps and bounds.

And why Law and Bepo were beating Shachi and Penguin with a stick? That was because Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo finally reached a good level to learn observation Haki, why not Law you ask?

... It's because he unlocked his observation Haki 43 days ago, with Bepo coming in at record pace -probably because he is the navigator, or maybe something about that "mink" thing he mentioned- of just 2 days ago with a total of 88 days of haki training and Law with 137 Training days under his belt.

Now, why does Law have more training days than Shachi, Bepo, and Penguin? It was because he was already more fit than them, so I deemed him worthy of getting his head beaten in by yours truly.

-END chapter-

An: I want a bit more of a challenge, so I want you guys to give me a female lead to "bond" with Brody

The Comment with the most likes wins :), This little "poll" ends when I deem it so, and by that, I mean when I eventually get to some cannon girls

Put the comments here:

scaped this together in an hour, tell me if you like it.

RNG_jesuscreators' thoughts