
Wuxia prota-Huh?!? Is this One piece?!!

Guy gets reincarnated into One piece but thinks it is a wuxia novel because he cultivates his soul (haki/will) and martial arts (Hasshoken) Warning: Bad at writing stories BTW: if you want to use some of my ideas, go ahead :), I would love to read something like what I am writing. The cover is made by me... Isn't it just bad? :)

RNG_jesus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

The Revolutionary Army

I have a Patreon!!! It's not really worth it to spend money there, but some people do it anyway. Patreon .com / RNG_Jesus (remove the spaces)

PS: I also have a discord! discord. gg / Zrtzypkc (remove the spaces)

PPS: change of upload schedule, since I'm back to school, it's going to cut down on production, or else I'd get stressed.

----------Sellout over, on to the chapter!----------

His friends were Hack, a young Koala, and a young, Mother-Flippin, sabo. Though there aren't many differences between them now, and them in the future.

The picture isn't mine:

Koala-" Hi, I'm Koala, this is Sabo, and this is Hack. I'm so pumped to meet another human who practices Fishman Karate! I hope we can get along!"

Brody-" Yeah, sure, I'm more of a multi-martial artist, I practice hidden or rare martial arts, and try to combine them, right now I currently have 3 under my belt and I'm looking for more, so I'm always willing to do a no-Haki spar."

Jimbei-" I can attest to that, he asked me to spar with him nearly 25 times a month to get Fishman Karate mastered more. Have a good trip guys I'll see you at some point in the future."

Sabo-" you up for a fight? I want to practice my martial arts knowledge against other people, my martial art is pretty weak unless I combine it with Haki. So how about it?"

Brody-" Sure, Should I use my mixed martial arts or the art I'm the best at?"

Sabo-" Go full power, I want to test myself"

Getting ready to fight, they both turned around to put some distance between themselves… and promptly got bonked on the head.

Koala-" Don't fight while we are over 1000 meters under the water! You can talk about hobbies or something, practice your martial arts, be friends, just don't make out bubble explode!"

Both-" Ok, ok, fine."

Sabo-" Do you have any hobbies?"

Brody-" Hmm, well… I used to bake cakes with my mom sometimes… Uhh, I like to read! I also like to practice my Hasshoken and try to further my knowledge about it. What about you? What hobbies do you have, and can you show me your martial arts?

Sabo-" Uhh, sure. My martial arts is called Ryosuken, I form my hand into a claw and punch something and it explodes, I think? I also like to read books."

Sabo forms a claw with his hand and pumps haki through it

Seeing the air ripple around the claw hand, Brody gets closer to see it better

Brody-" No doubt about it, your Ryosuken is based on vibrations, but I can also sense it will output more vibrations if you find a center of something… Hmm, how about this, I will teach you something to make your Ryosuken much better than it already is, and in exchange, you teach me Ryosuken?"

Sabo-" Vibrations? Center? you can improve this? Well…. If you can improve it, and you promise not to use Ryosuken to take down The Revolutionary Army, I guess I can teach you, what is this improvement?"

Brody-" Well, you see, with my Hasshoken, when I punch something, circles form from the impact of my fist, said fist being the center of the circles, like this."

Punching, Brody focused on only Hasshoken to show Sabo the circles

Brody-" But in my homeland, it is strictly illegal to teach others the Hasshoken, so what I'm going to teach you is only the basic level. The level where circles don't show up in the air but show up on the thing you hit. For example, if I were to hit a man in his stomach, you could see some red marks going away from the impact:"

Sabo-" Are you sure you want to teach me this? It might be dangerous for you?"

Brady-" Nah, I'll be fine. The Happo navy will probably just think you tried to recreate their "awesome technique" and gained something else, other than Hasshoken."

After trading knowledge and guidebooks, both boys got to work. Sometimes asking each other for guidance to further their techniques

(AN: Brody still has to make the claw to be able to use Ryosuken, but he can use it with his Hasshoken and Fishman Karate, so it would look something like this (excuse my bad drawing skills, I just needed to give you a general idea):

The blue is from Fishman Karate

The Cracks is from Ryosuken

The waves are from Hasshoken)

-A month later-

-Brody's pov-

After a while of charging up Haki, Brody unleashes a punch with a claw-like hand. The outcome of this, caused Brody to cough up a bit of blood.

'That's been happening for a while now, I'm healthy as can be, so no internal damage, I think… AHA! It probably has something to do with how Pops had to train his body to the limit in order to properly use his Devil fruit… And I'm probably not making it better by not having said devil fruit in the first place…'

Being brought out of his thoughts with a " Brody! We are arriving near the ship!", Brody answered as any person would do. "OK! Coming!".

" It's been good to be here guys. If The Revolutionary Army ever needs help, you can call me, and I can see if I can fix the problem"

Farewells having been given, Brody jumped onto The moby dick and waved goodbye.

Sabo yelling after him was expected "Brody! When we meet again, I want that spar we agreed on!"