
Wuxia prota-Huh?!? Is this One piece?!!

Guy gets reincarnated into One piece but thinks it is a wuxia novel because he cultivates his soul (haki/will) and martial arts (Hasshoken) Warning: Bad at writing stories BTW: if you want to use some of my ideas, go ahead :), I would love to read something like what I am writing. The cover is made by me... Isn't it just bad? :)

RNG_jesus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Some fixes and devilfruit?

AN: I'm making it to where Fishman karate is based upon water vibrations, dragon fist, is shapen with earth vibrations and Hassoken is based on air vibrations

so forget about Brody pulling vibrations from the earth and wind and stuff. He can also only use Hasshoken when punching something, be it the air or something else, as you could see in the [Rocket jump], [Vibration saber], and [finger Cannon].

Explanations for [Vibration saber] and [Heart stopper]

[VS] is based on making a bunch of the Hasshoken circles and using them to cut with, usually a slap Hasshoken marker (1 big circle a bunch of times)

[HS] is from the flash tv show, where Eobard Thawne (reverse flash) vibrates his hand so fast he can put it through a person's heart, stopping it. Brody will do the same by hitting the air so with his hand where all the parts of his hand will generate a circle and push the hand simultaneously away from where it was (like Geppo/Rocket jump).

Also, I'm thinking about having Brody jump in front of Blackbeard and steal Whitebeard's fruit out of his hands with a super-powered [Flash step], then eat it. The Whitebeard crew WILL be okay with him eating it, and Blackbeard will get angry :). good idea?