
Wuxia prota-Huh?!? Is this One piece?!!

Guy gets reincarnated into One piece but thinks it is a wuxia novel because he cultivates his soul (haki/will) and martial arts (Hasshoken) Warning: Bad at writing stories BTW: if you want to use some of my ideas, go ahead :), I would love to read something like what I am writing. The cover is made by me... Isn't it just bad? :)

RNG_jesus · Komik
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16 Chs

Going out to sea

-2 years later- (20 years before Luffy set out to sea)

Brody, having been to the dojo and completed the Hasshoken katas multiple times, has ingrained the Hasshoken vibration into his body, He has memorized the entire Hasshoken syllabus. (He can not do every single move at a master's level, but he knows how to do some of them at the level of a master (without haki))

He even managed to employ the Hasshoken in a way to "launch" the shockwaves (like whitebeard), though he can only launch the wave 5 meters before the wave begins to lose power. (because that was one of the things he focused on training)

And that is not to mention his observation haki being better, he could now sense people and their emotions even better, (he can also sense objects, but he doesn't fully understand that)

Giroh-"Are you ready to go out, brat?"

Brody-"Yeah Giroh, I have all my stuff on the boat, let me just get some books from the library. You know, I still haven't gotten to finish all those books you took from me 2 years ago (don't question it, I did it for plot reasons)

Giroh-"Then let's go! SET SAIL!"

The crew, upon hearing Giroh (their navigator/captain) telling orders, followed them without question.

Brody-"Even though this is a merchant's ship, you guys sure do work like pirates... Welp, I'm off for my room."

-In Brody's room-

Brody is right now in his room reading the book from 2 years ago, but suddenly he starts to hyperventilate (after he read that Garp the marine hero broke down Don Chinjao's top).

Brody-'So, i am in One piece, huh?' "He, hehe, hehehehehe, hahahaahahahahaa!!!"

And then he fainted...

...Brody-'Huh, that's weird. There are a lot of people on the ship?'

Brody woke up and heard a lot of commotion, so he used his soul sensing (observation haki) to count the people, realizing there is about double the amount of people around the ship as normal. he-


Getting out of his thoughts the door suddenly gets opened, and in walks a couple of people. Brody instantly tries to get into an advantageous defensive position, "tries" being the keyword here, because he soon realized he had handcuffs on his hands and feet, and is being bound by rope.

Man nr. 1-"hey you you're finally awake."