
Wuxia prota-Huh?!? Is this One piece?!!

Guy gets reincarnated into One piece but thinks it is a wuxia novel because he cultivates his soul (haki/will) and martial arts (Hasshoken) Warning: Bad at writing stories BTW: if you want to use some of my ideas, go ahead :), I would love to read something like what I am writing. The cover is made by me... Isn't it just bad? :)

RNG_jesus · Komik
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16 Chs

Going out, then back

-Out on the north blue-

Man 1-"Hey! Holly, there is a kid in the ocean. Let's capture him and sell him as a slave on sabaody!"

Holly-"Sure, he might sell for a pretty belly."

-Later on the grand line-

Brody, having been exhausted, slept for a while, but after 15 hours of rest, he finally woke up.

Brody-'Huh? Why are there rope tyin- ah, shit here we go again. Let me guess, i got captured by some slaver while being uncontious? And these guys are actually competent?' *sigh 'might as well get some training in. Now that I know that I'm in One piece, I can actually get more powerful. It's a good thing I read up on how Haki works before I began the post-timeskip ark.'

Brody, realising he is going to be here for a long time, started training his observation haki

-1 month and 3 days later-

I made close to no progress on my Haki... You probably have to evolve it through battle or maybe wrap your observation haki aroun-OH MY GOD! I am such an idiot.'

Upon the realisation that Brody is an idiot, he immediately tried to wrap his observation haki around his arm. Upon the wrapping being complete, Brody feels a slight tingling sensation through his arm, (I'm going to say that haki is black, even though it is invisible) his arm turning black, Brody got elated. But, there were no time for celebrations, because the door opened

Man 1-"Hey! Brat! Get out, we're finally getting rid of you, hehe."

Brody being the good slave that he is, of course followed the man, trying to find a way out. But, turns out, SOME slave traders know how to do their job, and Brody didn't get to escape before being transported to the back of an auction with the knowledge he will be sold in a couple days.

Old man (You know who)-"hey kid, just sit tight, everything is gonna be alright."

Brody-"Oh, I know, because I'm going to escape." 'HOLY SHIT ITS RAYLEIGH!! I'm fanboying so hard right now!!!'

While Rayleigh was watching this weird boy, I think fangirling? Over him, he was pleasantly surprised to know that the kid wasn't worried about him being a slave, and- is that Haki I sense?

Rayleigh-"hey kid, you know how to use Haki?"

Brody-"Eh? Yes, i do. I was born with observation Haki, and I figured out armament recently. My name is Brody by the way, not "kid". Now I'm going to go hom- errr, which way is home again?"

Rayleigh-"Haha, you're a pretty funny kid, come, let's escape together and you can tell me all about this "home" of yours, just sit quietly for a couple of days more, then we can go."

Brody, who's eye twitched at being called kid again, figured out with his big brain, that following Rayleigh's plan, might be a good idea.

Brody-"Sure thing, Raylei- uhh, i mean o-old man, hehe."

Rayleigh-"don't worry about it kid, i figured you'd know of me, by your fangirling before. Now, eat up, its going to be a looooong couple days."

Rayleigh punctuated his sentence by pushing a plate of food towards Brody

-6 days later, at grove 13, Shakky's rip off bar-

Rayleigh-"so, let me get this straight, you want a good training plan, so you can advance your own body, whilst training your Haki? Sorry to say this to you kid, fighting is the only way to improve armament, and from what you have told me, your observation Haki is also at the level that training will only have minuscule results. But i can make a training plan for you, and explain the basics of Haki, so you, at least, understand a bit of it."

Brody-"Thank you so much Rayleigh, you let me stay at your house, given me food, and is now giving me a training plan. I probably wont be able to repay you for this, but if i ever get the chance, i will be there to help you out."

Rayleigh-"What do you mean "probably wont"? Are you calling me old?"

Brody-"No-no Rayleigh, I just like being realistic." (don't quote me on that)

-Training skip-

After a whole 2 years of training via the Rayleigh plan (and modifying it to his growth), Brody is finally leaving to go back to west blue- Back to mom

So now we see our protagonist, fail absolutely miserably to navigate the grand line for a whole 2 months before getting to an island, and buying an eternal pose.

Brody-"fuck it, im swimming"

Brody, counting the amount of food he had left, a whole 1 apple, ate the remaining food, and jumped out to sea, towards where the eternal pose is pointing at.

Brody-'This is going to be hellish'

-West blue, Kano kingdom-

Brody-"Finally home, sweet home. MOM! I'm home~"

A silence unbecoming of his mom followed his call, but there was a familiar voice behind him.

Sassuna-"Brody? Is that you? OH MY GOD! it really is you! We all thought you were dead!"

Sassuna, checking his body for damage, and various 'other' things, which Brody of course didn't notice, gave him a big hug. But then she turned away from him.

Sassuna-"Brody... I-I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but. Your mom killed herself, she was heartbroken by yours and your uncle's dissaperance, she thought she lost everything, the rest of the neighbors and I tried to reach out to her, to save her, but..."

Upon hearing the news of his dead mother, brodys mind went blank. He started hyperventilating and shedding tears, a lot like when he first found out he was in the One piece world, or that his uncle was dead, then he blacked out.