
Wuxia prota-Huh?!? Is this One piece?!!

Guy gets reincarnated into One piece but thinks it is a wuxia novel because he cultivates his soul (haki/will) and martial arts (Hasshoken) Warning: Bad at writing stories BTW: if you want to use some of my ideas, go ahead :), I would love to read something like what I am writing. The cover is made by me... Isn't it just bad? :)

RNG_jesus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Fishman Karate

I have a Patreon!!! It's not really worth it to spend money there, but some people do it anyway. Patreon .com / RNG_Jesus (remove the spaces)

PS: I also have a discord! discord. gg / Zrtzypkc (remove the spaces)

PPS: I'm putting in some rules for the world to function on. Whitebeard has control of a FREAKIN' force of nature! Vibration is natural to produce heat and things that touch each other also generate vibrations (and a bit of heat). AKA, he takes damage when he uses his devil fruit. Brody doesn't have said Devil fruit, so he must take extra damage upon usage. That is all for now.

----------Sellout over, on to the chapter!----------

(AN: I'm gonna skip to where they are on the ship, aka, Jimbei and Brody already got to know each other.)

-8th of December-

"Can you teach me Fishman karate?"


-0 of January (aka the night of New Year)-

"Please teach me Fishman karate?"


-0 of February (aka valentines day, because we don't speak of that day it is 0)

-Middle of the night-

*softly "Please teach me Fishman karate?"


-8th of March-

"Please teach me Fishman karate?"


-1st of April-

Jimbei-" What aren't you gonna ask me to "Please teach me Fishman karate"?

Brody-"I'm just going to give you a rest day, for this whole day won't ask you to teach me Fishman karate"

Jimbei-'Thank god'

-Later at midnight-

'Aaaand done'

-In the morning-

Jimbei woke up feeling fantastic after having 1, just 1, day of not being asked to teach Brody Fishman karate. But that fantastic feeling disappeared immediately upon the sight he woke up to, a giant sign with "Please teach me Fishman karate?" on it.

*Deep breath


-3rd of May-

"Please teach me Fishman karate?"


-5th of June-


Cutting off Brody with a gigantic sigh, Jimbei finally resigned himself to Brody's incessant nagging. "Fine, but you have to be patient and don't tell anyone about this."


(AN: did you notice what I did with the dates? Btw, Brody is 16 now, I might have messed up the math, but I don't care)

-Timeskip till November (on Fishman island currently)-

Jimbei-" Brody I'm happy with your progress, you've done remarkably well, you've made it all the way up to the 27th level of Fishman karate, but I'm afraid I can't teach you past the 50 levels, are you okay with that?"

Brody-" Hmm, yeah, I guess I just need to figure out the rest for myself, besides, I can already feel a different form of vibration, I just need a bit more."

-Timeskip 6 months (Brody is 17)-


'Huh, what's this? Is this the vibration of Fishman karate?'

Quickly trying to get a feel for this vibration, Brody pushed it in front of his fist in a wave and-


Jimbei's eyebrow rose 'He did the [Fishman Karate: 4000 Brick Fist] in 5 tries? Even though it may have been weaker than normal considering he is human and isn't built for Fishman Karate'

'I did it! Just you wait level 50! I will get to you, and combine you with Hasshoken to create the ultimate techniques!'

Getting weirded out by Brody giggling to himself, Jimbei goes over to teach him about level 40

Jimbei-" So, you felt the vibration right? Is the water in the atmosphere moving to attack? That is the essence of levels 40 through 49, to get a feel for that feeling. Now, the clock is currently 3 PM, and you can only go back inside to sleep when you can perform the [Fishman Karate: 4000 Brick Fist] 3 out of 3 times."

-Timeskip 1 month-

Brody-" I did it Jimbei! 100 out of 100 [Fishman Karate: 4000 Brick Fist]! I am ready for level 50!"

Snorting, Jimbei got out of his meditative stance. "You fool, you thought that was it didn't you? That was only levels 40 through 47, for level 48 you have to get 1000 out of 1000 [Fishman Karate: 4000 Brick Fist] correct, if you fail one, you have to start over, and after that, level 49, you have to meditate to find your "Inner Water" and for level 50 you also to use your "Inner Water" in the [Fishman Karate: 4000 Brick Fist] to make it stronger."

-Timeskip 3 months-

"I did it! I did level 49!!!"

Jimbei-" Good job Brody, now you just have to accomplish the hardest part, moving your "Inner Water". And in a month or two, I'll call some acquaintances to come and pick you up."

Brody-" Sounds good to me!"

-Timeskip 2 months-

'Deep breath, calm down, aaaand punch!' "HAH!"

Punching the air, out of Brody's fist came some circles, but instead of the usual white circles, out came light blue circles moving out like waves.

Bringing Brody out of his training trance, Jimbei yelled, "Brody! My friends are here to pick you up!"

Coming over to Jimbei and his friends who were standing on a ship, Brody asked while climbing up the rope ladder. "Who are these friends… then…" losing all words when seeing said friends.