
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Everything's Black

"Whatever" I said blankly as I tried to remove his hands from my legs.


After another ten minutes of intense running, I seemed to be wearing out, and Shinsui's complaints and discouragements made matters worse.

"Keep quiet! Jeez! I'm trying to find a way out of here, and all you're doing is lamenting and discouraging me"

I talked to him in a cool manner but I was obviously frustrated, he kept saying we should turn back, and accept defeat. Never!.

"B...bu....but.. I'm so scared" He muttered, twiddling his index fingers.

"Then turn back" I said coldly

"I can't turn back except you accept to turn back also!" He protested.

"Arrrrrgh! Then just follow me. In fact why are you even following me?" I said with a frustrated look.

"Okay! I'll follow you!" He says as he wipes his tears. Although, I still feel that he's faking his tears just to allow me to accompany him.

Just then, It felt as if I was hearing some minimal noises which isn't meant to be heard, like the strange and continuous rustling of leaves, and sounds of faint footsteps. It was so minimal but yet so suspicious.

"Wait!" I yelled at shinsui

He gulps and obeys my order immediately because, he knows I've sensed that we were in slight danger.

Damn! There was no weapon to pick and at least swing around, even though I was still an amateur at combat and they were no guns or military ammo.

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

The rustles got louder although only a bit, Shinsui cowers and hide at my back as his teeth gnashed in fear, he was making matters worse at the moment but, what could be worse than what was at our front right now. The silhouette of a figure could be seen a few feet ahead of us, it got clearer as it inched closer, and it looked like it was covered in roots.

Shinsui grips me by the shirt, and it seemed like he's almost on the verge of blacking out from fear. Even I could feel the aura coming out of the bane/curse.

They were called curses because they were the causes of evil, severe affliction, and torment to we humans. Their population skyrocketed, after the last world war.

It had a human appearance, but also looked like it was made of roots.

As It raises its head up slowly, a chill was sent down my spine.

I knew banes only have the intent to kill or to inflict pain, and I had no weapon to defend myself, neither was I a skilled martial artist.

As it looked at me with a cold blooded stare, I almost dropped dead but suddenly it said

"A zodiac!"

It shifted back in fear, I didn't understand what he said or what he meant but two things we're clear to me:

1) Banes/curses could speak our language.

2) It's scared for a reason which I'm not aware of.

But, I used the opportunity to run towards the bane with a grin, launching a punch that was backed up with a shout.

I heard that from Hikaru, when she was still alive, she told me that the Fitness teacher in her school told them that once you're doing something, especially if it requires action, shouting will enhance your power and boost your morale.

When I heard that at first, I laughed it off but here I am using that trick.


It repelled my attack and wounds me brutally with its roots, in which one of them pierces me in the right shoulder.

"Hikaru's theory doesn't work in all situations." I thought to myself. But now, I had a weapon.

I dragged the root out of my arm while groaning in pain, then I held the root with my hands, pointing it at the bane.

"Looks like he's still inexperienced" The bane said.

"Don't mock me!". I said as I charged towards him with courage, but I knew I was charging right into death.

"Be careful, the roots are poisonous." Shinsui shouted at the top of his voice.

"Eh?" I was really short of words.

It was? When? How? I fell flat on the floor, and my head bumped into the floor, with the law of gravity making the impact two times painful.

It sends vibrations to the remaining part of my body, making my head to ring like an alarm clock.

I staggered, forcing myself to stand up slowly, as I used my knees as support for my hands.

Damn! It's strong, I was now feeling dizzy.


Everything was now fading to black in my sight,

I snapped myself out with a slap.

I probably thought it was an illusion, but I was wrong.

Although, the slap helped me to be conscious for a longer period of time, the fight continues with the bane dominating me with a ninety to ten percent possession.

I managed to parry most of the attacks, but I barely inflicted any damages on the bane. While the opposite was happening to me.

My head was already bleeding, my eyes started to fry, and I felt so heavy.

I never thought I was this weak.

"Arrrggggh!" I shouted as I swung a root through its face. Blood spilled out from its face, as I smiled on seeing that I was able to inflict at least.. A little damage on it

"Shit!" It cursed, as it looked at me with a deadly glare and something whispered to me that It was about to get serious.

I took a defensive stance but, before my eyelids blinked I was swooned by a knockout punch that was sent right into my cheekbone.

I was sent flying, and as I landed, my body felt the pain again. I couldn't bear it anymore, as my eyes were almost white completely. I knew I'll soon black out, and as I looked at the sky, I kept saying the word 'Damn it!'

I was trying to get back into the competition and now, I can't even be awake to get back on track. Who'll protect shinsui?,

"Ahhhh!" I moaned in pain.

"I'll retreat for now" the bane said.

I could barely see the bane but as I managed to get on my knees, I fell to the floor almost immediately.

I could hear a voice shouting; it was probably shinsui.

The poisonous roots had now penetrated into my internal organs, and after massive amounts of struggle, I finally passed out.

Shinsui stared at me with pity, he was already crying, he thought I had already kicked the bucket.

Later, he finds out I was still breathing.

He now had a serious look on his face, as he says almost in a whisper.

"We must see the end of this!"

He carries me on his back, and starts to walk at a fast pace because, he was already exhausted, and since he was carrying me also, it wouldn't be long till he tires out.

"Hang in there, you'll be fine soon". He says in a sad but serious tone.

It was probably my encounter with Shinsui that changed my entire life as a human.


Shinsui kyonotaro (POV)

Even though I'm a useless fellow, that doesn't mean I can't help an injured friend to finish the race.

"jeez! I'm stressed out" I said as I dropped him on the floor, then I laid down, before letting out a sigh of exhaustion.

Come to think of it, I didn't even ask him for his name. And besides, the guy is pretty nice, although he scares me sometimes.

"What a friend someone could ever have!"

I said with a pouted lips.

He's probably the first person that ever cared for me apart from gramps.

Others just use, pass & dump me both females and males, tssch!.

I was pissed with my former and present situation as I clenched my fist in disappointment.

Crap! We haven't passed the test yet, and this guy's still in LA LA land. I've gotta do something right at least even if It's only once, I cannot stop, I cannot cry, I'm afraid of death, but this guy saved my life,


"Time to repay him by saving his life!"

I carried him on my back, then I dashed forward, trying my best to get us out of the namizagi.



I finally regained consciousness.

I raised my head, then I saw that I was carried by Shinsui, which made me to be completely embarrassed.

I tried to wriggle myself from his grip gently. But, In the process, I fell to the floor.

My body still hurts but, the pain has reduced.

I looked up, and saw shinsui smiling at me

"What are you doing?" I asked coldly

"Me?"_He chuckles

"I was just giving you a piggy back ride"

"Piggy wh....." I wasn't able to finish my statement as I held my head in pain.

"How's your injury?" He asks

"It's better than before"I said without knowing when I uttered the statement

"Glad to know that everything's okay, the anti-poison I injected you with seems to be working"

"The injec...." I didn't finish my statement because, that wasn't the crux of the matter

"What about the tests?" I asked inquisitively.

"Don't worry, It's the prescription of a certified doctor that works for gramps, so you are save.

And my IQ level is very high so I didn't make any mistakes but, you still need to receive proper treatment." He said, ignoring my question.

"So, We didn't pass."

I said as I stared at the floor

"C'mon! Don't be so sad, we're still in the race & there's a good news, we're out of the namigazi".

I was extremely happy with his announcement but I tried to hide my happiness.

"That's good to hear." I said under my breath.

He stretched his hand towards me and said "We still have a race to run"

"I can walk myself" I said as I held his hand

"Don't be cocky. Besides, what's your name?" He asked

"Fujishimo." I replied as he helped me up gently.

"That's a nice name " He says as he assists me in walking by wrapping his arms around me, because I was still limping.

"Thanks" I said with a pure mind.

"No need to thank me, I know I'm too awesome." He smiles as he said those words, it was evident that he was already blushing.

But, were we going to make it in time?