
Death & Rebirth (pt 3.)

The Land of Whirlpools otherwise known as Uzushiogakure. Inhabited by the Uzumaki clan, a well known and feared clan for their formidable fūinjutsu. Through their natural affinity with fūinjutsu they are able to creat powerful defences that kept invaders out, allowing them to prosper in the Warring States Period and became as strong as they currently are.

They are blessed with incredibly strong life forces, granting them tremendous stamina and vitality. As such, they have very long lifespans and likewise seem to age slower. This also enables them to survive and endure much more severe injuries while likewise able to recover from injuries and exhaustion with much greater efficiency in short periods of time.

This lead them to become powerhouses on the battlefields, outlasting opponents through sheer endurance, reducing the benefits of a numerical advantage.

In the civilian district of the clan lived a young couple, Akira Uzumaki (age 32) and Tsubame Uzumaki (aged 29). Both spotted with the vibrant red hair the Uzumaki are known for, coupled with the purple eyes. Akira while considered young within the clan was a man of tall stature standing at 5'11, sharp eyebrows and a roguish countenance. His wife however while standing at 5'6 was the definition of a quiet beauty, subtle in her ways but observant. They were currently sat in their patio watching the seasons change as the Sakura petals slowly drifted in the wind. Akira facing forward had a content smile as he slowly drank from his tea cup, while Tsubame simply had her arms stroking her stomach.

"He'll be coming soon" said Akira as his gaze settled on his wife "ooh and how do you know it's going to be a 'he' mister?" challenged Tsubame as she continued "it could very well be a girl, i'm certainly hoping for one, but i wouldn't mind a boy". This caused Akira to laugh as he leaned in to his wife to meet her challenge "well you can call it a mans intuition" as an eyebrow raised, daring her to refute his words. They met each others gases for a few seconds before Tsubame let out a fit of giggles while Akira laughed.

"Whatever our baby's gender is, i know it'll be as beautiful as you Tsuba" his face settled into a smile as he gased lovingly at her, "he'll be here in a few days, you better be there mister, i'm not going through this alone" "what type of man do you take me for?" a smirk lingered while she flicked his forehead "i just hope you don't faint" she huffed while returning back to the petals. Akira was rubbing his forehead while a serene smile lingered on his face.

Soon the days passed peacefully, Akira remained dutifully by his wife's side while from time to time a midwife would come and check on Tsubame. Finally, after 5 days passed on the night of a full moon, she went into labour. Hours went by as she struggled to bring her child, her husband by her side doing the little he could, gripped in fear but also anticipation he could only wait. After what felt like days the cries of a baby could be heard, "its a boy!" said one of the midwives "congratulations i suppose, he seems extremely healthy even for a newborn, but congratulations again!" the midwife passed the child to the waiting arms of Akira.

He had a dazed look in his eyes as he stared at his son "let me hold my son before you drop him", even while tired she managed to let out while watching impatiently at her husband. This snapped him out of his thoughts as he handed him over to her. "My beautiful baby boy" tears started to build up in her eyes as she simply cradled her son, joy filled tears dropped as Akira offerd a gentle embrace, the midwives retreated to allow the family privacy.

"What shall we call him" Tsubame asked "Daichi, Daichi Uzumaki for he shall be greater than those before or those to come." This name was accepted by all in the room as Daichi laughed while staring at his mother, "hm Daichi you'll be my pride and joy" a soft kiss landed on his forehead as Tsubame finally relaxed.