
World Touring System

A system which grants it’s users the ability to tour around the multiverse has chosen an otaku as test subject. First World - Hundred. Expect R18 stuff and OP MC.

Appleisweet · Komik
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10 Chs

SKILL - Lucky Pervert?

"What happened?" I asked the silver haired 'boy' while looking at Hayato with the corner of my eyes. Seeing no reaction out of him, I knew the canon has changed since Hayato doesn't seem to remember Emilia or rather it should that like he never came in contact with her.

In the canon, Hayato was a childhood friend of Emilia and he was the one who sucked the Savage blood off of Emilia during the time she got hurt in 'Second Attack' which thus transformed him into a Variant. But now I unknowingly replaced Hayato. Well, Let's just blame it on butterfly effect.

I think it's for better actually all things considered, now I don't have to deal with this navie muddleheaded idiot.

"Nothing. I just wanted to greet you as I am also a new student but your sudden action surprised me." Emilia previous expectant look turned into disappointment probably because she thinks I don't remember her. Well, we were only together for 10 minutes all those years ago.

"Well, I am sorry for that. I am Inor Kanzaki."

"Nice to meet you. Inor-kun. I am Emile Crossfode." Her disappointing expression faded and was replaced with a bright smile.

I nodded my head and we continued to move towards auditorium since there was going to be a entrance ceremony.

Finding a seat on the back, I laid back comfortably but I didn't forget to 'accidentally' touch Emilia's rear while she passed by me to get to my vacant right seat. I smiled in apology while she smiled back in understanding with blush slowly appearing on her face.

Frankly, I didn't thought she would remember me too, much less be interested in me. While I feel mean saying this, anime girls are easy...a little too much.

As we were talking suddenly all murmurs stopped and the attention focus on stage.

A green haired girl with tanned skin was standing behind podium while her stern gaze surveyed the hall. Once everyone's attention was on her, she began speaking.

"Welcome to Little Garden. I am Liddy Steinberg, the vice-president of Student Council. Now, I would like to introduce you to our esteemed Captain of Little Garden as well as Student Council President, Claire Harvey." Saying her note, she backed down and awaited for Claire who was on her way towards podium.

"Humph, making us wait, what does she think she is?" From my right side, I could hear Emilia's mumblings. My mouth couldn't help but run itself.

"But she is thicc, isn't she?" I looked towards her busty breast and mumbled loudly enough for Emilia to listen. It was actually quite a sight seeing her pout and harrumphing cutely. Thanks for the treat.

Not aware of our antics, Claire was about to start her speech but before that..


The main door of hall was suddenly snapped open by two girls. They were the one's waiting for me at the airport.

"We apologise for being late. We were tasked to pick up Inor Kanzaki but couldn't find him and so we got late finding him."

"Enough of your excuses. Inor Kanzaki has been with us since the start." Claire Harvey pointed towards me, our eyes matched for a second.

"We are sorr-"

"I said enough. Ryu Shuimei, Noah Shelfon, If you cannot follow simple rules then you are not worthy of being in Little Garden, you are hereby..expelled."

"What? Please-"

Before Ryu Shuimei could argue, Emilia interjected heroically.

"Even though they committed mistake, it isn't of a reason to expel them."

"Emile Crossfode, don't talk like that to president." This time it was the Vice-president, Liddy Steinberg who interrupted with a frown, clearly she wasn't amused by Emile.

I could see Emilia was getting worked up, well I should say something before things get out of hand. Raising my hand upward, I looked towards president.

"What is it, Inor Kanzaki? Do you deny my punishment for them too?" She examined me closely while I did the same, mostly I was just looking at her breast though.

Look I couldn't help it, alright! They were just so...perfect.

"Yes." My clear voice filled with charisma started a series of murmur in crowd.

"Inor Kanzaki, on what grounds are you saying this?" Narrowing her eyes, she asked.

"I realise I am out of line but those girls were late because of me, I couldn't just let them get expelled."

After some moments of looking at me, she spoke, looking as serious as she could be.

"Very well. Let's do it another way." I already knew what she was going to utter next.

"Inor Kanzaki, I student council president, Claire Harvey hereby challenge you to duel of honour." Listening to her, my lips couldn't help but turn up.

"What are you smiling at?" Claire asked, genuinely perplexed.

"Nothing. I agree to duel." I flashed a beaming smile at her, which sent a shiver down her spine unknowingly. As my dragon like eyes bored down on her, she couldn't help but wonder what was that feeling.

"O-okay, we will have our duel tomorrow during afternoon at main colosseum." She shuttered her words which was quite unusual, Liddy couldn't help but look towards Claire in confusion.

"So why are you following me? Emile?" It was couple hours later that day, I was roaming around the streets of Little Garden to familiarise myself.

"I though you would be worried about fight with Claire Harvey, you do know she is also known as 'Queen' otherwise known as strongest person here."

"Yeah, whatever. I could handle myself."

"What? Aren't you too full of yourself? Do you even have a Hundred?" She pointed towards me in middle of street, but surprising there were no vehicles in surrounding..anime logic? Whatever.

"Like I said, don't worry." I sighed thinking my love life isn't going to be as easygoing MC, I could just act like how he acted but it just feels too fake. I could pass this whole incident revolving duel as a chance to get aquatinted with Claire but I certainly am not going to copy original MC ways. I am me, not him.

Anyway let's not think about that and somehow get her off my back for now, since she is getting annoying.

When I focused my vision back to her, I found out she was already going back while snorting repeatedly.

-Later That Evening-

I didn't think the food here will be good, well I guess since Little Garden is a massive floating ship, it does make sense for their sea food to be of great quality. I ended up using all my allowance trying to taste different local delicacy. It didn't help that they were very pricy.

While thinking of ways to earn money, I turned the door knob of my supposed dorm which was provided to me by School.

Twisting it open, I tried to enter it when I saw it for the first time in this world.

Snow white petite figure with modest breast and average height, she has long silver hair dangling on either sides of her neck. In the dim lighting, she looked like a fruit ready to be plucked. Oops, I forgot, there was this event too. Does this mean I now turned into a lucky pervert? Hurray?

My modest jokes didn't made me laugh however I did catch an object flung towards me at high speed.

"Pervertttt. Get outt!!" Emilia screamed on top of her lungs but I remained unfazed and calmly looked at her beauty. A compliment escaped my mouth unknowingly.

"So beautiful." My soft voice calmed her down somewhat and her face turned bright red, even her swan like neck was not spared.

"Don't expect me to forgive you just because you complimented me." I see, she was playing tough to get. If this quality of girl was naked in front of me in my previous life, I would probably apologise or freak out but now I am different.

Not backing out or going outside the room, contrarily I closed the room from inside as I walked towards her with unhurried pace. With each step she backed out.

Pinning her against the wall, I peered in her green eyes and spoke softly.

"It's been 6years, you have grown beautiful, Emilia Gudenburg."

My voice as if containing magic snapped her closed eyes open, she looked at me in shock.

"You remembered."

I changed somethings in the previous chapter for stability. If you don’t want to re-read it, I will simply point out the difference. ‘Hayato Kisaragi will no longer be a Variant but a normal Slayer.’

Also tell me your opinions on this chapters conversation part. Since some of you aren’t familiar with this anime, I decided to add conversations little similar to anime. Do you guys want me continue like I am doing or skip some parts?

Appleisweetcreators' thoughts