
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 9: A set Goal.

Kitaro: Im up. Merry lets go to the Dungeon.

Merry: Yess master. [ Activates] < Portal to Dungeon. >

Kitaro: Well let's enter this dungeon.

[ Walks into portal.]

No way what is going on here? The dungeons changed.

Merry: Hey don't be alarmed. The dungeon is recalibrating. We are in the head room. The core room. This is where can can update and customize the dungeon. Look at the dungeon stats.

[ Shows Dungeon Stats.]

Dungeon Lvl 2:

Floors: 10

Bosses: 1

Entities: 203/300


1. All allies of Kitaro gains revive while in dungeon. Owner of Dungeon does not revive unless permitted to. Kitaro does not revive.

2. All allies gains buffs Including owner. Speed, Damage, Magic, Mana, Health, Regeneration of all kind, has increased by x 1.3.

3. Owner gains an additional increases when boss is dead. All stats are increase by 5x.

4. Owner can die if ally kills him.( Does not work if affect by the enemy. If owner has not been affected by the enemy for at least 10 seconds this affect activates again. This allows battles with allies for training. The owner can revive if killed by ally. If killed by enemy they lose control of the Dungeon. Gets kicked out of dungeon.)

Dungeon Activity.

1. Front Gate. [ Would you like to open gate.] < Yes/No>

2. Confirm Death. [ Would you like your visitors to die on death. ] <Yes No>

3. Teleport Upon Death. [ Would you like your visitors to be teleported outside upon death or knocked out for 8 hours.] <Teleported Knocked out> (During knock out they can not get back up until the 8 hours is over nothing can wake them up unless revive item or spell is activated upon entity. )

4. State. [ What state would you like your entities, Passive, Agressive, Neutral, Customize.]

5. Friendly Fire. <On Off>

Kitaro: Woah what the heck is all of this?

Merry: It looks like commands you can input into the dungeon. It is quite interesting indeed. That means you can allow others to farm your dungeon.

Kitaro: What do I lose and gain.

Merry: Let me see.....Oh here I found it.

[Shows Cons and Pros]

Opening your gates:

1. Passive growth of minerals and plant life.

2. Allows individuals to enter and take what you have in the dungeon.

3. Allows you to take others inventory.

4. Allows you to kill your enemies.

5. Prevents your allies from officially dying while in dungeon.

Closed Gates:

1. All passive growth time is increased. It takes longer for passive minerals to produce naturally. 1 to 10 ratio if gate is closed.

2. No one can find the dungeon. It is hidden even through high level magic.

3. No chance of looting others or others looting you.

Kitaro: Well that means if the gates are closed getting gems or minerals will be a 1 to 10 ratio length. That is crazy. If the gates are open and it takes 2 hours to spawn in a minerals. Having the gates closed will increase that to 20 hours. What the heck. I hope things go well.

Kitaro: Okay lets look at the entities I have.


1. 30 cabbage monsters.

2. 50 Leak monsters.

3. 50 Broccoli monsters

4. 70 Lettuce monsters.

5. Veggy King.

6. (Boss) Fairy Queen.(She is NOT a Queen.)

7. 2 Veggy Guards.

Merry: That is interesting. I thought the fairy would dissappear but I guess it becomes the boss after defeating her.

Kitaro: [Summons Fairy Queen, and Veggy King.]

Hello, I am your new owner.

Fairy Queen: Hi master you finally came.

Veggy King: Hmpff. [ Stick thumbs up, 🫡🙂👍.]

Kitaro: What should I do? Should I open the gates or keep them close?

Fairy Queen: Open the gates I am ready for battle.

Kitaro: Hey Fairy queen I will change your name.

Fairy Queen: [😱😱😱] WHAT WHYYYYYYYY!!!!

Kitaro: Because you aren't a queen you are an Empress Fray.

Empress Fray: [😈😈😈🤩🥰🥰] Fray is such a good name. EMPRESS FRAY THAT IS. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. [😂😈😂😈😝😛🤣😂🥰🤩]

Kitaro: Veggy King, your new name is Veggy General.

Veggy General: [🫡🫡🫡]

Kitaro: Veggy Knight and Veggy General you guys will be in the boss room. Protecting the boss.

Dungeon Core: Error error, you can only have Boss type entities into boss rooms.

Kitaro: Okay Veggy General you will be on the 9th floor with the Veggy Knights. PROTECT THE BOSS FRAY.

Veggy: [🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡]

Kitaro: Can they talk?

Fray: Yes they can but they are just very shy.

Kitaro: Eh whatever, let's open the gates. [ Opens the gate.]

Dungeon Core: < Would you like to teleport to front Gate to try out

defense? >

Kitaro: Yes. [Gets teleported to front gate?]

Dante: WHAT THE HECK. Kitaro you were in the dungeon? Did you actually claim this dungeon?

Kitaro: Yess I did. I customized it to so people wont die in this dungeon, but becareful you could loose your equipment if you do enter this dungeon.

Gojo: What are you serious. So if I die Ill lose my legendary weapon? I just bought it too come on.

Marica: Hey Kitaro. How was your day today.

Sinatta: We just came here to farm this dungeon again. We gotten a few levels because of this dungeon.

Valador: Hey, did you know a reporter came to us to talk about you. She didn't even try to get my name. Pfft she's a villian reporter. [😡😡]

Kitaro: Haha. [🤣😂🤣😂] She is in my party now.

Dante: Do you mean guild? Wait do you even have a guild?

Kitaro: Noo.

Dante: Why not? Having a guild can let you do more things. Like set up events. Even if you are alone you can set up events and some people will come to look at you, maybe they will even join you.

Kitaro: My journey is not about guilds or events or fame. I want to be stronger, so if I want a guild I have to be 10 times stronger than I am now. Sinatta well you are poweful look at your power level.

Kitaro: What's that?

Dante: You never heard of it woah. So it shows you your power but in numerical form. Sinatta can teach you. It gives a huge boost to mana sense and appraisal.

Kitaro: Yess. I would love to learn this.

Sinatta: Wait even though it shows you their power level it isnt accurate to what you think it might be. Depending on your level and thier level the Spell Power Reader will see them at a max power that you can read. My power Reader is at level 6 so my max power reading level is up to 60,000 I still haven't seen a 60,000 yet except one time. When I saw one guy from the Great War Hero's Guild. His name is Galileyo. He was so coool.

Kitaro: Okay, I got the general idea. [Learns < Power Reader> Boost appraisal, boost mana sense, boost mana look, boost mana sight. ]

Kitaro: [😁] Nice I have a quick and faster way to determine how strong they are.

Sinatta: Remember sometimes thier power level doesn't determine how strong they are with battle experience and spell knowledge. It just gives them a basic power level of all of thier stats to a number.

Kitaro: Don't worry about me I love learning Spells and Combos. I always over estimate them with thier confidence. If they are confident I play it smart if they are not but have a high power level ill play it smart.

Sinatta: Great.

Dante: Everyone you guys are ready to enter Kitaros Dungeon?

Kitaro: Wait, I just made this badge so it it means when you have it on the monsters will not take your items.

So the monsters see this bagde they will put it in the return pile. Just make sure to fill out this form I made before entering my dungeon. Sign here and here and here. It's 90% Safe.

Dante: Wait why do we have to sign it?

Kitaro: Because if you don't, you will lose your items, and it will be taken by the monsters or whom ever. Or the dungeon will take it to get more powerful.

Valador: I trust him. If he really wanted us to be in loss he wouldn't given me this epic shield.

Gojo: Yeah same,

Marica: I already signed and gotten the badge.

Sinatta: I just finsihed it.

Dante:😡🫤😕😓 Damn it. Fine I finished it and signed.

Kitaro: Go and enjoy your training.

Dante: [ The group lose in floor 9

They get teleported out. ]

Dante: Damn It. The Veggy King isn't a king anymore but a veggy general? Eh why is he still so powerful. He doesn't have any regen gears.

Kitaro: Well, I gave him the Forragrove Heal Gem. He is now a healing tank. He can also cure poison. It's the affect of the Forragrove Heal Gem. Every 1 minute all ailments will be cured. Also boost of 100% to 300% based on current missing health.

Dante: So that is why. Also why does he have 2 knights with him he is already broken.

Kitaro: Hahahaha [😂🤣😂🤣] he's just a 9th floor monster. You will never beat the boss.

Dante: [😰😥😢😭😭😭😭] I just want to complain. LET ME COMPLAIN. [😭😭😭😭]

Kitaro: Here are your weapons and items you collected.

Dante: Thanks, I'll get going now.

Kitaro: Bye back come later.

Everyone else: Alright, see you later Kitaro.

Kosami: There you were. You were here for how long? I was at the Inn for 3 hours waiting for you.

Kitaro: Why? I woke up and teleported here.

Kosami: Oh so that's how you got here I thought you were in your room because everyone said you didn't leave your room. I was pounding for a cool 5 minutes. Until the maid opened the door and it was empty.

Kitaro: So what do you want to know?

Kosami: The dungeon?

Kitaro: Let me invite you.

[Enters the dungeon and enters the Core Room.]

Kosami: Woah, this place is amazing. With that core you can edit the dungeon. Wait I am getting buffs I can feel that I am a bit more stronger in here.

Kitaro: Yes and it is because My allies in the dungeon gets boosted stats by x 1.3, thier stats and their spells.

Kosami: This is amazing. I never knew this would be so cool. Can anyone die in here?

Kitaro: If I allow it than yeah but all of my allies will never die. Well they can die but they will get revived in here.

Kosami: That is amazing. " This place is nice I have so much information from just looking." So when you change the dungeon what do you do?

Kitaro: I touch and check the editing dungeon function near the core.

Kosami: Oh that is neat. How would someone beat this dungeon?

Kitaro: Beat the fairy boss Empress Fray.

Kosami: So Veggy King isn't the boss any more?

Kitaro: Yup. Well that is all I have for today.

Kosami: Wait how can you benefit from this dungeon?

Kitaro: Fine this is the last question I will answer. For those who want to get stronger without any risk except losing items, but is that important compared to actually experience and life. So this dungeon can help beginners learn how to fight. Yes the dungeon boss is harder than expected but it can help someone gain experience to learn how to fight without the fear that you might die.

Kosami: So is that all?

Kitaro: No.

Kosami: [ Smiles, 🫠😊🥲🤭] " I got him right under my plan."

Kitaro: So people can come here sign a contract allowing them to enter and they can get levels as well as experience in combat without the fear of dying. If you want to keep your items when you do die, just make sure you pay to enter. It isn't expensive at all. Just a little over 10 bronze coins per person. Those who recieve a badge will able to get thier items back if they die, but the entry cost is a bit higher 30 bronze coins. When you do die the badge will be a trade in for your items. Because when you die in here whatever you are not in contact with will not be teleported with you. Soo just bring 30 bronze coins if you want to enter this dungeon. If you have no money you can pick up items in the dungeon and sell them to me that can pay it back in full. No matter what, you can make profits, gain experience, and level up. You won't ever be scared to fight again.

Kosami: Sounds like a sales pitch. That is wonderful. So many adventures look at my news. They would love to do this. HAHAHAHA [🤣😂🤣😂🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑] Do I get a split of the profits?

Kitaro: Yeah 5% of the profits.

Kosami: 10%...

Kitaro: How about this if you enter this dungeon and beat the boss you can have 95% of the profits and if you dont beat it you only get 5% of the profits.

Kosami: Pftt hahahahah such an easy cash grab. [ Enters dungeon.... Loses]

Kitaro: 5% of profits it is.

Kosami: [😢😢🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭]