
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 8: The New Dungeon Tamer

????: Hey you, you're that noobie adventurer. I hear that you claimed a dungeon. Probably the first one from this village. The Arcopego has a dungeon tamer as well. Will you compete with them as rivals, what is your guild? How did you accomplish this? I spoke to your other members and they said they don't know you or what dungeons taming is. Who are you?

Kitaro: Hey miss lady, you are getting to close in my personal space back off.

????: Sorry about that I really want to know the answer's. I'm a reporter for the News Guild Truth For The People. Catchy isn't it. Truth For The People is a news guild that loves to spread the truth. We are seekers of truth and justice for all.

Kitaro: Hey girl I can't talk to you if you dont give me your name.

????: Oh my, I started rambling. My name is Kosami. Im sorry about that, and you are?

Kitaro: I'm Kitaro just a regular adventurer. So Kosami how did you here about dungeon taming?

Kosami: Well you see a famous guild in Arcopego called Fate's and Destiny. They figured out that there was a way to claim a dungeon. They only talk about how dungeons can be tamed and the only way to tame a dungeon is to beat the dungeon owner.

Kitaro: Well, that's true to an extent. It isn't about defeating the dungeon boss it is about knowing where the dungeon core is located. Usually there are multiple gems and cores. People usually get cores from bosses to upgrade gear or to sell for a high price. There are another core for the dungeon which actually allows the owner to ....

Hmm. Loook at the time. You know time is valuable what will I get for my time?

Kosami: Well, I can give you a lot of things. [ Smiles, perks up her chest, and leans towards Kitaro softly speaks.] Depends on what I get.

Kitaro: I guess, I won't get anything. [ Stands up slowly]

Kosami: WAIT. Please I need this information, Ill do anything pweazz. [ In a pouty face.] Come on.

Kitaro: Hahaha. How about join my group?

Kosami: Join your group. HAHAHAHAHA. You must be joking. What is my benefits for joining a no one like you.

Kitaro: Got you [Points a Finger at her], I was testing you and you failed. If you politely refused, or accept I would have told you everything. But instead you disrepected me. NOW I WON'T TELL YOU A DAMN THING. BY THE WAY IF YOU ENTER MY DUNGEON YOU'LL BE STRIPPED AND TORNED TO BITS. Bye [ Winks and walks away.]

Kosami: DAMN YOU KITARO. He's so stubborn. [ Walks back to HQ.]

Kosami: Yeah Minato, he said what we already know is true, there was more though. [Starts tearing up] I messed things up. I made fun of him when he ask me to join his group. I got flustered and said mean things.

Minato: Did he ask you to join his guild or group?

Kosami: He probably means guild? But he said group.

Minato: Well I did my research on him and he is a weird case. The only thing we have on him is that he is an orphan, age 22, male, black short hair, blue eyes, and 5 feet 10 inches. Oh he weighs 177 pounds. He seems to have great muscles. He doesn't have a guild, and he just became an adventurer 1 week ago. He's quite of an interesting case.

Minato: Kosami, go to him and apologize. Join him, if he said guild I can put you on a temporary leave until you get information from him, if he was replying to being friends that's even better. So make me proud and do what you have to do. MuHAHAHAHA. [ Starts coughing] oh my bad Kosami. Go now.


[ Couple hours later lunch time, goes to adventurer guild.]

Kosami: Hey Stacy have you seen Kitaro?

Stacy: No but hes quite the talk of the town. I thought he killed my friend but he actually saved him. He is quite a nice guy.

Kosami: A nice guy pfft hahahha maybe in a thousand years Ill stop laughing hahahha.

Stacy: Haha you are so funny Kosami, how long has it been since we have been friends.

Kosami: Quite a while. Remember that kid name Takisumo?

Stacy: Your crush when you where in grade school Yeah. You would tell me how your life is so wonderful around him. Yeah until his family moved over seas.

Kosami: I saw him a week ago.

Stacy: WHAT SERIOUSLY!! How come you didn't tell me?

Kosami: It was just out of the blue we both got off the same train at Gomichi Island. I just came back yesterday and wanted to tell you in person.

Stacy: [ Smiles😍🥰🤩😗😚] soo how did things go?

Kosami: He is a changed man so smart and kind, he used to be a strong and crazy brat, and that's why I admire him. It was always fun. Now he seems like a normal guy.

Stacy: What does he do?

Kosami: He is in the military guild. Protector of human kind.

Stacys: That's awesome, but why do you feel sad about it?


Kitaro: [Is ease dropping] " Woah that must be tough. I could imagine it would be hard for that guy. "

Stacy: What Takisumo lost his leg. [ Cryies 😢😭 and hugs Kosami.]

Kosami: So you know where Kitaro?

Stacy: He should be in his room? If he's not there, he should be in town or at the Quest board.

Kitaro: Woah, should I go to my room [🫨😳😯] Seems like a good idea for now. [ Walks back to room and stays there making new items. ] < Level up crafting, cooking. >

Kosami: [ Knocks on the door of Kitaro. ]


Hey Kitaro are you there?

Kitaro: [ Opens the door.🚪] Yeah what do you want?

Kosami: I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and are you still up for me to join you in your group?

Kitaro: Yeah [😊😁] I'm a bit flustered really. I guess I always wanted to be an Adventurer ever since I was young. I also wanted to be friends with many people.

Kosami: I heard you were an orphan, which orphanage were you from?

Kitaro: To be honest I was actually alone ever since I was a child. I learned how to hunt and provide for my self when I was a little kid. When I was 10 my parents died and my home was destroyed by monsters. I lived alone ever since.

Kosami: I'm so sorry about that.

Kitaro: Why are you apologizing for? You haven't done anything wrong. Monsters killed my family and I just have to let the past go.

Merry: [Mind] Haha good story. [😊👍]

Kitaro: [Mind] Well I had to say something, I can't just say I got reincarnated.

Kosami: [ Starts to tear up] Don't worry ever again.[ 😭]

Kitaro: What changed your mind?

Kosami: Well we both have something we want.

Kitaro: So tell me your intentions?

Kosami: I want to get to know you and find out about the dungeons, and towers popping up more than usual.

Kitaro: Well you are straight foward good to know.

Kosami: I already know what you want. [Grabs Kitaros hand and pins him down on the bed. Kosami staring into Kitaros eyes with a little lust in them.]

Kitaro: [Laughs] HAHA, You are some funny person. [Turns the pin around and pins Kosami.]

What I want is Intel from you about this world. Ever since I was alone I wanted to get to know the world but I was weak so I had to train and now. I am ready for anything.

Kosami: DAMN, I really thought you wanted my body. I guess it is Intelligence you want same with me. Ill tell you and show you the world if you are alright with that.

Kitaro: Yes, show me whatever you got. [😉😊🙂]

Kosami: First things first, an offical introduction. Hi my name is Kosami Kurogami. I am from the guild Truth for the People. We are a news guild. I was in a poor family, and they loved me dearly. I was born in Tanestaylia the land of plums. We were plum farmers. I always wanted to travel and when I was 14 we moved out to Forragrove Town. I stayed here and went to school learning how to be a reporter. I went to seminars about wits and psychology. I went to schools teaching about reading body language and it was fun. 4 year passed and I became 18. I joined the guild and stayed with them for 3 years almost 4 my birthday is actually coming up in a month. Around the time of the festival. Pretty cool right.

Kitaro: Hahahah woah. That was pretty cool. I was talking to Stacy, she said she knew you for a long time.

Kosami: Haha she is actually one of my closest friends. We go way back. She was in a similar position as me and her family moved 4 month earlier than us. We actually went to the same school for the first 2 years after that she was more interested in helping the adventurers. She is now a proud Keeper of the Adventurers Guild.

Kitaro: So is the Adventurers Guild itself a guild? Or just a starting for other guilds.

Kosami: You don't know huh? It was the first guild ever created 400 years ago. When the first strongest hero was stated. He beat one of the demon kings and they called him a hero ever since. He created a guild called the Adventurers Guild which was the first guild ever to be made. After that, centuries later they just help up coming adventurers now.

Kitaro: Who was he?

Kosami: His name was Belmyr Dragon Vanguard. His bloodline is still alive today. Mostly his bloodline is full of heros and warriors.

Kitaro: Wow that is so interesting. [🫨😲😯] Tell me more about the bloodline of Dragon Vanguard.

Kosami: Hahaha you never heard of them before. I thought when you were a kid, your parents told you about heros.

Kitaro: Noo [🤕😟😟.]

Kosami: [ 🤭😆🤣😂] Okay Ill tell you.

Belmyr Dragon Vanguard was a hero. He was a spell swordsman. He wielded a long sword called Greyls Light Blade. He was the most powerful mage ever. He wasn't just a mage he was also a sword master. They called him a Spell Swordsman. Able to wield swords and cast spells he became the strongest and defeated the demon king Dialga. Ever since he made his guild it became the era of adventurers. That era persist till this day. His bloodline followed and one after another his great bloodline carried on. With newer generations arising stronger bloodlines appeared because the strong would marry the strong creating a stronger bloodline. That happened for generations and continuing. The kingdom is called Vanguard Castle in the area Dragon Capital of Vandalhiem. The current king is called Luke Dragon Vanguard. His wife, Jessy Von Dragon is a healer of all healers. She is also considered a grand witch. A queen herself. Luke Dragon Vanguard is a hero caster. His specialty is magic and support spells. Those two carry the name Dragon Vanguard. The women carry names like Von Dragon and the males carry the name Dragon Vanguard.

Kitaro: So how do thier children get to find their marriage partners?

Kosami: Just finding their true love and the most powerful one at that.

Kitaro: Hahaha what a world.

Kosami: is there anything else?

Kitaro: Yes but I'll ask them later I think it's time for me to head to bed.

Kosami: [😍🥰😘] Without me?

Kitaro: Haahha [🤣🤣😂😀] Quit playing come inside with me.

Kosami: [🤢🤮]. I was joking hahahaha. [🤣😂🤣😂] Ill be going and it was wonderful talking to you.

Kitaro: Same, goodbye.

I started adding emojis. does the story feel more connected to you. also please tell my about my spelling. I need to know. I feel lazy with re reading and grammar. I just go with the flow.

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