
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: Boss Room

[Dantes group entered the room versus the dungeon boss broccoli]

Story Line: The Boss was a big broccoli with leaks as arms and legs. It had a shield made of condensed broccoli and lettuce. It had a magic gem inside the shield. The bow on the broccoli's back is a weave of dried lettuce and leaks hardened, similar to steel. The boss name was Veggy King. Veggy King had the power to regenerate because of the shield, a bow powerful and so light it could deal massive damage but the unique part about the bow is that it had a passive effect. During aiming you gain a mini shield equal to 5% of your max health. While holding the bow or in your slots you gain health and mana regeneration of 0.5% of max. Veggy King has a hammer, the handle of a leak and the head of a cabbage, harden like steel. The hammer does damage and also regenerates health for 1% of max damage dealt. The Veggy King was a regeneration beast. His regeneration was at least 5 health points every second. If veggy king had more attack speed he would be probably the hardest boss in this area. Currently veggy king is a D rank boss but with attack speed it could be a A rank boss.

Dante: Hey guys focus remember the plan. He has the ability to regenerate remember what I told you guys. He is squishy and has low health so we just need to deal more damage than he can heal.

[ The battle starts Kitaro was successful in sneaking in because they waited at the front entrance to get as much health as possible. Dante starts firing fire arrows dealing fire damage. The broccoli uses his sheild and blocks most of the arrows. Broccoli jumps back and takes his bow and with his shield and holding his bow, Veggy King aims and shoots. They all dodge it. Valador rushes in, < Shield Bash, Reinforcement, Taunt, Golden aura. >

Valador used all of his buffs and enters into a state of protection. Veggy King aims Valador. Veggy King using his hammer chipping away at Valador. Veggy King heals his health to full.]

Kitaro: [ Uses appraisal on Veggy King]

Veggy King Lvl = 15

Health = 70 = 700 health points

Mana = 6 = 60 mana points

Stamina = 10 = 100 stamina points

Damage = 30

Magic = 5

Range = 20

Intelligence = 10

Dexterity = 10

Agility = 10

Luck = 0

Charisma = 9

Faith = 0

Life Energy = 0

Kitaro: Woah [ Mind ] How strong am I compared to Veggy King, Merry show me my stats.

Merry: [ Shows Kitaro Stats]

Level = 13

Health = 50

Mana = 16

Stamina = 40

Damage = 17

Magic = 20

Range = 4

Intelligence = 19

Dexterity = 5

Agility = 13

Luck = 10

Charisma = 17

Faith = 2

Life Energy = 3

Kitaro: Woah I can probably beat him. I just have to summon my rats and poison him. After that I can take him out. Maybe if I aim his arms we can take his weapons away. Slow his regeneration and deal damage. Why haven't they thought of that?

Merry: Your intelligence is pretty high. The Adventurers seem eager but probably have no battle intelligence or experience. Your battle intelligence is higher than mostly everyone.

Merry: Yeah due to your appraisal being to weak it didn't show all of your stats only a few. Now im getting more stats and it's showing me more information about you. Master, who were you in your past life. You have to be a warrior or a commander in your past.

Kitaro: [ Mind , and laughs.] I was a gamer, I was the worlds best gamer and died protecting a cop by jumping infront of her.

Merry:[Mind] Thanks for sharing, and what is a gamer, GAMER? " It must be a special warlord."

Dante: Ugh, the boss is to strong. We have to leave he is still at full health, his healing is so much.

Valador: Okay go and leave I'll keep you guys safe until then, also before you leave how do I exit using the mark?.

Dante: Just hold it and stand. If he hits you or wait for 3 seconds you will be teleported out of here.

Marica: Okay my final heal and I'll go. [ Heals Valador and leaves.]

Sinatta: I'll go right now bye. [ Leaves dungeon.]

Gojo: Okay dont die on us and here. [ Throws a healing potion. Leaves the dungeon.]

Dante: Thanks Valador, make it out safely. [ Leaves the dungeon]

Valador: [ Heals himself again, grabs the wrong hand and holds, he still gets teleported out because of the marks ability. ]

Dante: Okay everyone made it out safely. Wait something is off.

Marica: What's off?


Dante: Wait why that's impossible.

Marica: Wait maybe it was the person that was in their first.

Dante: No way he probably died and wasn't prepared. You heard him in the Adventurers Guild. HE WENT BY HIMSELF.

Sinatta: Wait can I tell you guys something. When I used my mana sense. There was a creature hiding in floor 2. He was definitely hiding from us but I can feel his presence. He had to be a monster. His energy was so condensed it was like staring into the black hole. I ignored it because I was worried if I looked at that direction it would kill us.

Dante: What do you mean. Was it Kitaro or a monster.

Sinnata: I don't know. If it was Kitaro than he was with us the whole way. I felt his energy following us I even noticed he saved me from behind when a monster was about to attack me so I just ignored him even more.


Sinatta: He could have but his energy was like a calm and endless void, a bit scary. I could of fainted staring into that for to long.

Dante: Well I am staying I want to know if he wins or not.

Gojo: Same.

Marica: Okay that's settled, we are all staying.

Valador: Fine my by me.

Sinatta: Lets eat im starving.

[ The group sets up camp and eats and relaxes.]

Kitaro: Well, well, well. I seen your tricks and power. You are pretty easy to kill.

[ Kitaro rushes in bashes his trolls club into the shield, < Summon Poisonous Rats, and Summon Imps. > ]

Kitaro: Rats do your thing run and eat him up. Aim his shoulder and neck.

[ Kitaro uses poison mist and the giant broccoli is slowly being poisoned and his regeneration can't compete with poison and the rats chewing him. Kitaro runs and smashes Veggy King with the club, Veggy Kings arm comes off because the rats. The imps attack the broccoli with mini fire balls. Veggy king was no match for Kitaro.]

[Kitaro beats the Veggy King.]

Kitaro: [ Collects the dropped items and corpses ] I want to tame this dungeon. I just need to find the hidden door.

Merry: You can also bait the owner out by finding the core of this dungeon. Just go to it and the Dungeon owner should be there.

Kitaro: < Uses Mana Sight, Mana Sense, Mana Look, Seeker. > [ He finds the core and goes to it. Going to attack the core but a fairy monster comes out.]

Fairy: Stop right there you human. You should die because of what you are about to do. You will never beat me.

Kitaro: You seem to think you are invincible I can knock you down a size.

Kitaro: [ Poisons mists the whole room. Using the shield and the weapons he was regenerating at an alarming rate. 10 hp per second. Kitaro shot arrows at the fairy. She dodges it. Not knowing what to do she summons more veggies to attack, but all that does is heals Kitaro because of the cabbage hammer. The fairy finally uses her main ability nature control. She controls the plants making them grow and moving them around to grab Kitaro. Kitaro cant move, in a state of confusion due to the plants moving to fast. Kitaro looks at his stats and the 3 levels recently gained. He used points distribution to add points into his stats.]

Kitaro: [ Points distribution. ]

Level = 15

Health = 50

Mana = 20

Stamina = 40

Damage = 17

Magic = 20

Range = 4

Intelligence = 20

Dexterity = 5

Agility = 20

Luck = 10

Charisma = 17

Faith = 2

Life Energy = 3

Kitaro: Hahaha now I'm fast enough to beat you.

Fairy: What how?

Kitaro: [ Rushes and dual wields the giant 30 pound troll club and the 10 pound harden cabbage hammer. Swings and hits the fairy. That deals massive damage due to the fairies weakness to poison the fairy died.

Kitaro: [ Gained a new spell. Summon Veggy Knight. Gained fairy wings, gained a powerful gem called Forragrove Healing Gem.]

Merry: I just got some information after scaning the core. You can actually just touch the core to tame the dungeon will you do it?

Kitaro: [Touches the core and claims the dungeon]

I DID IT WE DID IT. HAHAHAHHA. NOW IM GETTING MORE POWEFUL. [Jumps for joy and learns a new skill portal. Portal allows one to teleport to their own dungeon from any place. Kitaro leaves the dungeon.]

Dante: No way you cleared the dungeon all by your self.

Kitaro: Yeah I did. Also hahaha you can't even find its weakness you are so bad at being an adventurer.

Gojo: What did you say. You are a.....

Sinatta: EVERYONE STOP!!!!! [ Quietness entered the air.]

Listen we wouldn't be able to do anything to him even if we tried. Look he did just beat Veggy King by himself with no help.

Gojo: You're right. [ Clenches his jaw and fists. ] Well what now?

Dante: Can you tell me how you beat him?

Kitaro: Poison. It's a vegetable. How does fruit spoil? With age and poison.

Also if you guys were smart you could of just cleared all of the floor and grabbed their bodies and sold them. They are vegetables after all and a very good quality. [ Shows the food]

Kitaro: Also Gojo I don't like your attitude towards me, but I like how you stepped up and protected your friend. Here is the Cabbage Hammer it should come in handy. Also Dante here is the harden vegetable bow. Valador here is the Cabbage Broccoli Shield. It is a good secondary shield with your main shield. It is a bit bulky but it can come in handy with regeneration.

Kitaro: I'll be taking my leave.

Gojo: Wait why not come and stay for the food and drinks.

Dante: [ Tears up.] I've been trying to get this bow for years. The dungeon resets every 24 hours but the items change every reset. I calculate the time the bow would come out and it was today. I'm 22 years old and it took me 4 years to...

Kitaro: Shut up already, I don't care about your back story lets eat. [ Kitaro create food using the magic stove they have. ] Try this it is called veggy soup.

Sinnata: Mmmmm it's so good.

Marica: YEAH THIS IS DELICIOUS. Are you a cook, or a chef?

Kitaro: hahahha. On my free time I cook.

Gojo: Woah I don't usually eat broccoli but man this broccoli is good.

Valador: Hahaha, I heard you were the one that sold a recipe to Sarah.

Kitaro: Yeah, haha. It must be that good.

Valador: She is actually my aunt. I was surprised that she would buy recipes, usually she would make something and everyone would enjoy it, sometimes not.

Kitaro: That is soooo cool. Well let's eat up and go back to the village. Maybe we will see each other than?

Everyone: RIGHT. [Eats the food, and celebrates.]

Kitaro: [ Leaves after finishing up. Heads back to the inn to sleep.]

Kitaro: [ Tommarow came, he wakes up and turns in the quest. Sells some the of supplies. Gains 3 gold coins for a total of 200 pounds of lettuce, 200 pounds of leaks, 200 pounds of broccoli, and 200 pounds of cabbage to the shops.]

Kitaro: What a beautiful day.