
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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Chapter 16: The War of Kai Ju Lizards.

Story Teller: This started a war with the Kaiju Lizards. The Vons and Vangaurds heard all around the world. News spread around the world. Almost every Lower Class Kaiju heard of the endeavor, monsters around the world heard of this. The clear thing that everyone knows is that the Vons and Vanguards are hunting the KaiJu lizards for many crimes against the people. A couple of days has passed during the incident.

Luke Dragon Vanguard: My people of this land. There has been a battle that went on. One of our bloodlines killed the Kaiju King named Kimaru. The person who slayed him was Frey Von Dragon. The husband of her's is Minato Dragon Vanguard. Some of you may heard of him, some of you may not. He was a great warrior. A couple years ago he lost to Demon King Tazer. Demon King Tazer had an ancient relic able to steal the mana pool of people. It can weaken them and even cause permenant damage to the soul. Demon King Tazer went into hiding after. Some say he is trying to unlock this relic to use the stolen mana pool from Minato. Now that the history of Minato and Frey are said. We should talk about the real situation. You guys heard of people dying in Forragrove Town. Yes that was true, and yes we are going into war.

Crowd: [ Gasps ] Really, why is that, what is going on. Who are we fighting.

Luke: WE ARE FIGHTING THE KAIJU LIZARDS. It was them who came and took our people and it was them who came took the lives of our family and friends. I won't continue blaming the Lizard Kaiju. But I will do one thing. Exterminate the race itself. KAIJU HAVE RULLED OVER THIS WORLD FOR LONG ENOUGH. THE DEMONKINGS THAT CONTROLLED THE KAIJU WERE EVEN MORE POWERFUL UNTIL ONE DAY AROUND 400 TO 509 YEARS AGO. A man named Belmyr Dragon Vanguard who was the first to defeat the Demon King Dialga. Dialga was one of the strongest known Demon God during that time. Ever since then, the other demon kings fell into hiding. We must stop all evil from hurting our families, we must stop all of them from hunting our children. Every adventurer and warrior come join our cause and defeat the Kaiju Lizards. There are a total of 10 family's of Lizard Kaiju's. We have different family of 100 bloodlines of Dragon. Weak, strong, doesn't matter we will unite and be unstoppable.

Crowd: [ Everyone is cheering and getting ready for anything.]

The Kings Guard: Yeer hee yeeer hee, everyone, cat, dog, and even mouse. Listen up. We have intel stating there are 100 different kingdoms of dragon. The 10 major powers are heading to one kingdom to talk more about the details.

The 10 powers are the strongest family bloodline of Dragon. They are from Freyhearts, our King Luke from Vandalhiem, another kingdom from Jupiter Coast, the high and mighty McGunther Boulevard kingdom, the well heard kingdom called Wakune, the desert kingdom Asagold, the kingdom Evatine, the kingdom of water Aqua, the kingdom of the sky Falcone Kingdom, and lastly the well known kingdom under the sea only known to a few, Sea Folk Kingdom.

Jessy Von Dragon: Hello my people, don't be worried my King and I will be meeting with all of the 10 powers at Carp Castle. It is a 10 day trip for all of the powers to meet there.

Crowd: Who is the strongest?

Luke: Hahaha I knew you would say that, but I have no idea. It is because this is my first time meeting them as well.

Luke: The many people saved from the Kaiju Lizards were people from all of the different kingdoms because the Kaiju can run to different kingdoms in a couple of days and place portals to locations they visited, but not anymore. Frey killed one of them that can make portals.

Crowd: Who is the strongest Kaiju Lizard? Who is the strongest Kaiju.

Historian: Hello I am the historian of this kingdom. I did my research on Kaiju.

600 years ago there were thousands and thousands of kaiju's and the kaijus would go to war with eachother for land and to eat humans. Later warriors picked by god destroyed them. The older kaijus wasn't as strong as now. But there is the king of KAIJU'S. His name is Gojima the Kaiju King. He made hundreds and hundreds of kaiju submit. He was a like a lizard, with a turtle, he had a Trex head, a body of a lizard and the back like a turtle shell. He might be part of the Turtle Kaijus. But when he became King of Kaiju he was put to sleep. Some say Belmyr was seen around him as partners.

Luke: Wait are you serious? Hahahaha that is incredible if that is true.

Historian: Well the weird part about all of that, is when Belmyr dissappeared and soon after Gojima fell to rest for years.

There was also this paper a traveler gave me. It seems fake but I still kept it because the information here is unheard of. It states Gojima will once wake up when the sons of Belmyr comes to life and gains power. When that day come the balance of earth will shake and the world will flip.

Crowd: Wait are you talking about Vladamyr Dragon Vanguard. HE IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL.

Crowd 2: They said that he was corrupted by a Demon.

Historian: That's why it seems fake and real, but the word SONS caught me off guard. He only had one son. Vladamyr, and Vladamyr had many sons and those sons didn't follow his father because Vladamyr abandoned them after getting females pregnant. Well that was the story.

Crowd: What did Vladamyr do?

Historian: He didn't do anything bad but he got corrupted from evil and now he is evil and he should be dead.

Story Teller: In a far distant land a person wakes up and sees where he is at. He noticed a shift in the world. Fun fact Vladamyr claimed the world in the next 50 years when the True God gets imprisoned. Then after many demons and demon kings started to take over more of the world. That's how the world ended in chaos and destruction. It did take over 300 years after True God got captured for the world to get destroyed. Now, back to the main story.

Crowd: Well that's good news.

Vladamyr: Achooo [ Sneezes] Damn I must have a cold after sleeping for so long. What the? One of my pawns has been eliminated. WHAT!!! The Dragons Vanguard are going to war with them. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I WISH I COULD SEE THEM WITH MY OWN EYES BUT, THE TIME IS NOT NEAR.

Kitaro: [ The people finished building everything. It took a few days because of magic. ( After they finished building the king pronounced his war with the Kaiju Lizards. In the 10th month will the war commence.)]

Frey: [ At home talking to Minato then a knock on the door]

Solider: Hello miss Frey, [ Hands her the note from Luke Dragon Vanguard. It reads,]

Note: Hello to the Freyhearts family, we will be having a mandatory meeting in Carp Castle. Please come and join us, I have declared war with the Kaiju Lizards. We want your input in this serious incident. If you don't join us in our war time it is fine but we will fight them for our humanity's sake.

Frey: I have to go to Carp Castle.

Minato: What's going on?

Frey: The Luke Dragon Vanguard wants to declare war with the Kaiju Lizards.

Minato: But are you serious. They are kaiju, some of them are even stronger than Crystaldian Rank Adventurers.

Frey: We have to try.

Minato: But listen you barely won your last fight the only reason why you won was because Kitaro dealt dam...


Minato: Sorry. Please take Kitaro, He will be your student after all. Also take Kosami. She is my guild member she works under me as a reporter.

Frey: Okay honey, I will do that. Hey Soldier's, I am getting 2 trusted people and they will be coming with me and that's final.

Soldiers: Whatever you say mam, but first can I get a picture. We are a big fan of yours.

Frey: Umm... hehe sure. [ Takes a quick flash and picks up Kitaro and Kosami and gives them a quick rundown of the situation. ]

Kitaro: So where is this Carp Castle you speak of?

Soldiers: It is a war meeting ground and is the location where Belmyr Dragon Vanguard was born and raised.

Kitaro: Woah, thats pretty cool.

Soldiers: There is a statue there to show his glory and there is a picture as well.

Kosami: Woah we get to be at Belmyrs hometown.

Frey: Hey so what is the situation currently with all of the kings?

Soldiers: Not sure, but King Luke is the one going to war.

Frey: I will ask the Freyhearts to join this battle. We have to, I don't want any bad things to happen again, like my husband and his powers.

Soldiers: So it is true? My lady I heard He was the first one to reach Crystaldian rank at a young age of 21 is that true?

Kosami: Let's stop talking about it.

Frey: [ Is tearing up and crying 😢 🥺😭😢💦]

Soldiers: Im sorry Mrs. Frey.

Frey: It's alright if only I was stronger back than. I would have helped him beat that demon.

Kitaro: Soldier's, what time will we get there?

Soldiers: In 3 days. Just rest up and we will get there.

Kitaro: Where are you guys from?

Soldiers: We are from Carp Town. We are heading to Carp Castle as we speak. Lots of tourists enter here and buy lots of stuff and there is this old turtle spirit that guards Belmyrs home, he also sells stuff.

Kitaro: What is this turtle spirit?

Soldiers: You don't know hahaha. He is part of the spirit of Gojima. He is like a lizard but he is turtle, he confirmed it himself.


Soldiers: Yes Isn't it amazing.

Kosami: The world is going to be amazed by this.

Soldiers: Yeah but there is a saying Gojima will rise once again after his sons gain power. He only has one son which is Vladamyr, but he is evil?

Kosami: Woah where did you get this information?

Soldiers: The spirit turtle himself. He said that when Belmyr son arrives with great power so will he. It is so cool. I even gaurd his house some times. When he wants to go some where.

Kosami: So you the king allows you to guard that house.

Soldiers: The king gave the turtle spirit the power to lead the soldiers in Carp Town.

Kitaro: Why are you guys calling him turtle spirit? Isn't his name Gojima?

Soldiers: Hahaha it is so tourists or reporters don't ask him to many questions. Besides he is also powerful enough to destroy the whole town, but he doesn't because he made a promise to Belmyr.

Kitaro: " He seems pretty interesting. "

Merry: [Mind] He sure does.

Kitaro: [Mind] WAIT, you can read my thoughts?

Merry: [ Mind] Noo, you spoke to me

Kitaro: [ Realizes he was in telepathic mode ] [ Mind] Hey so what do you think about Belmyr?

Merry: [ Mind] I am not sure the information I am gathering up is similar to yourself. He doesn't seem to actually have a birth certificate. They said it was lost a long time ago but he didn't went to any school and was also an orphan. He studied swordplay and magic. Belmyr seems to be an anomaly as you are.

Kitaro: [ Mind] So you think he is from another world?

Merry: [Mind] Most likely.

Kitaro: This Belmyr guy seems really interesting, I would like to meet him.

Soldiers: Hahahha

Kosami: Did you not hear a word. He is dead.

Kitaro: Nooo, I mean see what he looks like and look at his tools.

Frey: Kitaro, you want to get stronger right? Run to Carp Castle.

Kitaro: What?

Soldiers: Hahahahaha [🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂] Your killing me stop that, hahahaha.

Kitaro: Alright, where is it exactly?

Frey: Go here on this map it is directly north from here, it is 3 days-ish from here on horse back carriage. Im guessing you can make it in less then that right? [ Shows the place of Carp Castle.]

Kitaro: Alright, Ill get going. [ Goes to rush to Carp Castle]

Soldiers: Wait is he crazy you wont even make it before us.

Kosami: Hahahha you guys don't know who he is right? He is the guy that helped Frey Von Dragon slay the Kaiju. He can handle himself.

Soldiers: Wait what do you mean? Frey killed Kimaru on his own, right?

Frey: No he was already weakened a lot by Kitaro. If only he had more mana he would of won that fight without me. [When Kitaro absorbed the bodies he put all of the dead humans in his inventory to bring them back to thier families. While he took apart the Raiju's and absorbed their mana. Kitaro became stronger then he was before.] [ Appraisal on Kitaro]

Kitaro Level = 100

Health = 400

Mana = 300

Stamina = 200

Damage = 100

Magic = 120

Range = 100

Intelligence = 60

Dexterity = 20

Agility = 100

Luck = 30

Charisma = 37

Faith = 6

Life Energy = 10

Frey: " 1083 power level, just in a short amount of time. Minato said it, Kitaro is an anomaly. "

Let me know if there are spelling, vocabulary, or grammar mistakes. Greatly appreciated.

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