
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 15: A day of never forgotten.

Kitaro: Minato it is fine. I can heal her.

Minato: Okay.

Kitaro: [ Tells Ryko to go in with Gogytus. Gogytus a big Rex Rhyno charging in and attacking Frey. Frey getting woozy and tired. Frey forces her body to get up and with everything she got she ran it down and punches everything sending blows after blows after blows. Ryko and Gogytus are down. The only few left is Kitaro, Frey, and Lionel.]

Lionel: I can't believe it she just took down a Raiju and a Rex Rhyno with ease I got nothing for that.

Kitaro: Hahaha just try your best.

Lionel: [ Rushes in and bites, he jumps back since his maine is bigger and more wilder than a Great Lion he can block lot's of damage. Frey doesn't stop punching. She breaks through his maine and knocks him out. Frey tired and unable to stand correctly rushes into Kitaro. Kitaro dodges and goes behind her. He knocks her out with a clean shot to her neck.]

Kosami: [🤧🤧🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😵😵] He did it. The fight lasted a total of 27 minutes. That was intense. So this is a battle between 2 strong opponents.

Minato: Can you heal her now?

Kitaro: I am already on it. [ Heals Frey]

Frey: Woah I lost, Okay where is Kosami. You and Kitaro will be my top priority to joining this school. To be honest you have high battle intelligence. You have skills and knowledge, I had to learn the hard way while you have talent to learn it instantly. You will probably be a top graduate of my school.

Minato: That was an excellent fight. [ Appraisal, mana sense on Kitaro]

Kitaro Level = 60

Health = 150

Mana = 100

Stamina = 100

Damage = 60

Magic = 70

Range = 50

Intelligence = 45

Dexterity = 11

Agility = 54

Luck = 25

Charisma = 31

Faith = 5

Life Energy = 5

Minato: " Incredible during that fight he gained so much knowledge, and he is getting stronger as we speak. "

Frey: You're energy is like a void, I didn't realize because I wasn't thinking that you could beat me. It was so fun. Also can you bring out Ryko. HE IS SUCH A COOL FIND, A MINION BOSS TAME, THAT CAN SUMMON OTHER MINION MITES.

Kitaro: Most definitely. [ Ryko gets summon]

Ryko: Hey lady you are very powrful haha. I don't think my master could win unless he was at his final form.

Minato: [🕵🏻‍♂️] Final form? What is that?

Ryko: It is when he spills his bowl of noodles. He gets so angry. Not even the world could stop him.

Minato: Good to note Hahahahahahha.

Frey: Can I ride on your back. I did beat you so I have that privilege.

Ryko: Sure [ Let's Frey ride his back.] MASTER WOULD YOU LIKE TO HOP ON. [😁😊]

Kitaro: Haha no thank you.

Ryko: [❤️❣️💔] I see, master doesn't love me.

Kitaro: Broo stop being a little daddas boy. I won't spoil no one.

Ryko: Okay so what about the school? It is destroyed after all.

Frey: [ Turns around 🙄😐🤨😑😵‍💫😵🥺🥹🤯😧😦😱😱😱😱😱😱💀💀💀💀💀💀] NOOOOOOOOOOO WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS FIX IT.

Kitaro: Calm down I already put a spell it should fix itself right about now.

[Freys school building has been healed completely.]

Frey: Thanks so much.

Kitaro: Lets go back home we have the festival coming in 2 days.

Kosami: So you are going to take me out?

Kitaro: Yes I promised you didn't I. But when does the party start?

Kosami: The party gets prepared tomorrow, and during the day of the party it starts at 600 am. Usually everyone sets up things and opens up everything at 800 am. So honestly come pick me up at 800 am. I will be ready.

Kitaro: Where do you live?

Kosami: Oh yeah I live here. [ Shows her house location] I sleep at my parents house still. It is just more affordable and I can help them out eaiser.

Kitaro: So I can to meet your parents haha good to know.

Kosami: [ Blushes 🥰☺️☺️] Yup.

[ Mean while ]

Minato: So what do you think?

Frey: Kitaro is a strong person.

Ryko: He is my master after all.

Frey: He sure is.

Minato: I wish I can get my mana pool back I would be able to fight again.

Frey: If that does happen I would be placed as queen.

Ryko: Wait are you a queen?

Kitaro: [Hears about what was said.]

Frey: No not yet. I want my sister to be queen she ways wanted to be queen so I support her. She just needs to get stronger. So that's why I teach her a few months every year for the past 6 years.

Kitaro: That's dedication. I want to thank you Frey, I had lots of fun battling you.

Frey: Same. I always wanted to tame a raiju but my taming is weak. I don't know how to increase it.

Kitaro: Whats your charisma level?

Frey: Like 10 or 11.

Kitaro: Get more Charisma and you can achieve it. Taming is based off charisma and mana. But if you have high Charisma you need less mana to tame, but summoning them is a different matter.

Frey: Damn.

Minato: If that's the case than she will never get good at taming, her CHARISMA IS HORRIBLE, hahahahahahaha

Frey: Your so mean to me. [🥺🥺🥹🥹]

Minato: I'm mean to you because I love you. [🥰🥰😊😊😉]

Kitaro: Ewww.

Kosami: That was adorable what do you mean Kitaro.

Kitaro: No the guy over there puked.

Kosami: [Looks over there] EWWWWWWWW.

The Group: Hahahahah [ They all laugh]

Frey: This is where we take our leave. It was fun riding him.

Kitaro: [ Bring back Ryko into inventory] Bye Minato and Frey.

Minato: Bye.

Kosami: Bye.

Frey: Hey Minato carry me pweazz.

Minato: Fine hop on.

Frey: Yay. [🥰🥰🥰☺️😊]

Kitaro: So Kosami did you think I was going to lose?

Kosami: Yes she is a S Rank adventurer. You're just recently an A rank.

Kitaro: Haha that is why I want you in my party, you are smart, beautiful, and intelligent. [☺️☺️😊😊😉, Sarcastically]

Kosami: [😊😊🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️🤔🤨🤨😑] Wait a minute.

Kitaro: Okay I'll pick you up in 2 days. At 800 am sharp.

Kosami: Okay. I'll see you later.

Kitaro: Bye. I can't wait for our date. [ Walks back home and gets ready for his date. 2 days later and he picks up Kosami for his date. They had a blast enjoying every food and minigames. Kitaro collected all of his money from the dungeon and gained 4 gold coins. Everyone was spaming the dungeon and lots of people lost gear because they didn't believe the item rule and thought they could get it back for free. After, the dungeon prices got higher because more people want to join. This happened all the way up till Kosami's birthday. ]

( Mean while in a far away land a Kaiju Lizard. 7 days ago when the infamous hero came to Lizard Land and ruined everything of Kimaru the Lizard Kaiju King. Right after his Enraged mode. )


Everyone in the safe zone: Hey boss we got food for you.

Kimaru: Great give it. [ Eats a few fishes, a few monsters, and a few bugs.]


Raiju: All of them have escaped, or died, or that one guy freed them all sir.

Kimaru: What one guy? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING. Bring in my teller of fortunes.

Fortune teller Raiju: Ahh Yess. What is it my lord.

Kimaru: Tell me who took my slaves.

Raiju Fortune Teller ( RFT or FTR): Yes, yesssss, yesssss, I see it my lord. It is, was? and him a man.


FTR: Yeah, it looks like he had some sort of spacial magic. He also seems very powerful. Should be follow him.

Kimaru: Yesssss.

FTR: Ohhhhhh, this is dangerous. I see an empty void. I SEEEE A MAN SO BRIGHT ITS ALMOST BLINDING. OOOOOOOHHHHHHH MY HEAD. MY MANA. OHHHHH ITS TO MUCH. [ Sweats profusely] Master If we don't go now and go during the correct invasion date we will lose everything.

Kimaru: PACK THINGS UP, AND BRING ALL OF MY UNITS TO ME. HURRY NOW. WE HAVE 1 WEEK TO HAVE EVERYONE COME HERE. WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER WEEK TO GO TO THIER LAND. AFTER THAT IN 2 WEEKS WE WILL DESTROY THIER WHOLE CITY. IT SHOULD TAKE ONE MONTH SO HURRY UP AND GET THINGS GOING. [ All of the Raiju started scurrying and started getting ready for war and battle. These 8 feet, 10 feet, 20 feet, 40 feet raiju are all running around gathering materials for battle. The little Kaiju's, Kimaru is taking care of, is being sent to his queen, Suzy.

Days pasted and they are traveling to there. During this time they reached the town and it shows them the signs of losing.]

Kimaru: We will never lose we are Kaiju's.

FTR: " We have to leave we wont beat them for some reason that MAN IS MORE POWERFUL THAN BEFORE." [ Tries to tell Kimaru but Kimaru doesnt listen. ]

Raijus: [ Enters the state of war, rushes towards a good place to set camp up. They wait for the bosses orders to attack. It was pitch black but the eyes of the lizards could see perfectly.]


[ The townspeople were notified because of the heavy energy coming towards thier town. The heavy footsteps, the ground shaking, they knew thier town was going to be invaded. The people can see a huge figure coming straight at them. Though it was dark the creatures had glowing eyes seen from a distance. ]

Story Teller: Kitaro and Kosami had a good date, a couple days later this is the current situation. Kimaru is entering the Forragrove Town. Now back to Kitaro.

Kitaro: Everyone they are coming from the south. They are about to engage.

Minato: Damn I wish I can help. THE ONLY THING I CAN DO IS WATCH AND HEAL [😡😡🤬.] I thought you said 7 months they literally came 2 weeks later.

Frey: Don't worry we can win. Kitaro can fight all of the small ones, Ill fight the Big boss.

Kitaro: Hey let's swap you are faster and better with one shotting the small fry. I don't think I can do that.

Frey: Fine. You aim Kimaru and I'll aim the Raijus.

Kitaro: My tames will help.

Freys Trial Students 1-200: We are here to help.

Kitaro: Just keep them at bay or away. But if you can't handle it run away. If you see someone try to save them, if you cant, RUN.

Frey: Everyone set up range in the backs with the healers. Tank and front liners up front. They are huge creatures so they might do lots of damage just remeber Reinforcement magic. It could help you take lots more damage.


FREY: [ Rushes in and slices all of the Raijus. She cuts down every small or big Raiju. Her powers with a sword is unmatched. Frey and the Adventurers slicing them all down bit by bit but so many casualties are happening. A 3rd of the Adventurers whiped out. Kitaro is attacking the King, he is slicing the kaiju but Kimaru is barely taking damage. After a while Kimaru starts to feel the pain. Kitaro summons rats and poisons Kimaru over time. The giant Kaiju destroying buildings, after building, after buildings, this is insane. Kimaru whiped out one fourth of the town. The current situation, half of the Adventurers are dead, 5 major Raijus are still alive, 40% of the town is destroyed, and Kimaru still is alive but struggling to walk. ]

Kimaru: You ba ba ba ba BASTARDS. I WILL DESTROY YOU ALLLL. [ poisoned, and weakened.]

Frey: Okay let's switch.

Kitaro: I did what I can. " I am so happy all of the Civilians left. But the Adventurers died. "

Kosami: Hey come here, I can help you out.

[ Heals the injure.]

Kitaro: We have to fight him all at once or he will get up again. [ Gets knocked down, gets up and gets hit by the Raijus. Kitaros Summons has been defeated by Kimaru. Kitaro learns how Raiju's moves and beats them from reading body movement. Frey, Slays the Kaiju Kimaru, after they gain thier ground again and become the Victor's of the battle. ]

Kitaro: [Absorbs all of the bodies. Even the human bodies. After the wounded gets treeted, clear up the city. Clean up every debris. People crying and tearing up. A whole group of the people joins in and helps to rebuild. It was quite easy to repair. The sad part was seing the deaths. All of them got in a bad position. This was a calling for a huge war on the Kaiju's lizards. ALL LIZARD KAIJU'S MUST DIE. ]