
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: Minato's Wife.

Kitaro: [ Wakes up in his new special room, close to the exit and kitchen restaurant. Has a nice fluffy firm bed, a showering room, a good quality bathroom, and a storage room for other stuff. ] Hey merry when is new years?

Merry: It's in 3 days. I think Kosami birthday is on the same day.

Kitaro: You think so too. I remember they were talking about it.

Merry: Yeah, master why don't you let me talk to them?

Kitaro: To be honest I can just say you are a special skill I gotten.

Merry: No one can steal this ability any more.

Kitaro: Really? What level am I and the skills.

Merry: [ Shows stats.]

Kitaro Level = 50

Health = 100

Mana = 50

Stamina = 70

Damage = 60

Magic = 50

Range = 30

Intelligence = 40

Dexterity = 10

Agility = 50

Luck = 20

Charisma = 30

Faith = 4

Life Energy = 5

( VSB LvL = 36, Summon LvL = 10, Poison LvL = 15.)

Kitaro: Wait how did my abilitys and spells all level up.

Merry: During taming you gained some experience from your tames. That can boost your spells depending on how strong the tames were.

Kitaro: " Wait the 3 Darken Large Crows." [ Summons the 3 Large Crows]

Darken Large Crow: Hello boss. [ Caww, Caww] What do you request.

Kitaro: What is your specialty?

Darken Large Crow: Which one boss?

Kitaro: All of you. I should name you 3. You will be names Toko, Koko, and Moko.

Toko: Thanks for the name, master we will not forget. We all have higher mana.

Koko: Thanks for the name, master we will not forget. We all have higher mana.

Moko: Thanks for the name, master we will not forget. We all have higher mana.

[ They said that all at the same time]

Kitaro: Okay go to my dungeon and join them, It is a safe haven and is great for making friends.

Toko: Yes master understood.

Kitaro: [ Sumons beast lion and rex rhyno] Hey, how was my space?

Rex Rhyno: I am full.

Beast Lion: I ate some of the dead animals you have stored in there. I find it fascinating that nothing rots in that world. It's like everything is frozen in time. I noticed my hairs growing from 1 centimeter to 3 centimeters so everyone can grow but nothing can die. What an exquisite space indeed.

Kitaro: When did you become a gentlemen?

Beast Lion: I was always like this but you humans didn't understand what I said so I just killed many humans and other creatures that didn't understand me.

Kitaro: Hahahaha [ 😆 ] I guess they deserved it. So giant beast lion your name will be Lionel.

Lionel: Thanks for the name.

Kitaro: Go to the dungeon with Toko, Koko, and Moko.

Lionel: As you wish captain.

Kitaro: Rex Rhyno you wil be called.

Rex Rhyno: My name is Gogytus ( Go-Guy-Duss)

Kitaro: You already have a name woah who named you?

Gogytus: My father, he was the king of Rex's. He stood 30 feet tall and was stronger than most Kaiju's. He had sharp claws and his arms were long. He had long arms. He was my hero. My mother was a similar breed to me a rex rhyno.

Kitaro: Who was your father?

Gogytus: He was a Rex with long arms becaue of a scientist that altered his genetics, my dad hates some humans. My dad is dead though. He was a warrior of the best Rex's, he said he only appreciated one man.

Kitaro: Sorry about that, let's not talk about that. I also want you to go to the dungeon at the west from here. You can just teleport there to my dungeon. Kekukaku could assign you jobs.

Gogytus: Okay master.

Kosami: [ Kncok 🚪 Knock 🚪 Knock🚪 ] Hey Kitaro, Minato wants you to speak to his wife, he asked if you could join her 100 student school for 6 months.

Kitaro: Okay, I am coming. [ Walks with Kosami to Minato's Guild building.]

Kitaro: Woah this place is nice. There are so many people using these high technology equipment to send and write news. That is cool.

Kosami: Not just that they are even doing research and texting people for information. After, they combine them all to fish out the fake information and the real information. It is so wonderful. The amount of skill someone needs to make sure you are not getting fake information is very high.

Minato: Hey Kitaro, meet my wife Frey Von Dragon.

Frey: Hey Kitaro.[ 👋]

Kitaro: [ Looks at Minato, and smiles a creepy smile. Then puts a thumbs up. 😲😈😉😊🙂😁😆]

Minato: Jealous. [😈😈😈😈]

Kitaro: [ Nods, 🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺]

Frey: Immature. [ Smacks Kitaro and Minato]

Minato: Im sorry [😞] Kitaro started it.

Kitaro: Why you hit me? Come on you freaking lady.

Frey: I heard you became Diamond in a few weeks. That's the first I ever heard. Minato got Crystaldian in 3 years, once he became 18 he did everything and battle everyone and saved countless of lives until that fateful day. Now that he is weak I can't be the hier to the throne but my sister can be, so I come back and forth teaching her and teaching here. My husband is such a cutie. I COULDN'T devorice him. He is my soul mate. So now my rights to throne is given to the my younger sister. I am alright with that she always wanted to be queen. I always wanted to be an adventurer.

Kitaro: Haha what a beautiful story. Two strong people falling in love, one of them losing thier powers, but thier love for one another becoming stronger. What a story to tell.

Frey: [🥹🥹🥹🥲🙂] Exactly. AHAHAH. I like you already.

Kosami: So what do you need Kitaro for?

Frey: I want to battle him.

Kitaro: Battle me? WHAT? Hahaha I am sure I would lose.

Frey: That's the only way I would let you join my school.

Kitaro: What is the catch?

Frey: The catch is if you don't, I won't let you join my 100 students school.

Kitaro: I have a proposition for you. If I do some how beat you, will you be able to let Kosami join with me? I would train her as well as learn from her.

Frey: Haha sure why not. And let's make this even better for me. I will only use one hand to battle you, and I wont use any weapons. For you anything can go between me and you.

Kitaro: Alright fine. Where do we begin?

Frey: Come to my school there is a battle ground.

Minato: " Who will win? Frey is very strong but Kitaro has potential and learning abilities sky rocket everytime he encounters a new enemy stronger then him. From the first time I sensed his energy he was a tiny pocket of power and now his power is sky rocketing for every challenge. First was the monsters in the east near the old Kekukeka Cave. Then it was the dungeons, his power went up to a high amount. Once he came back from the Fantasia Forragrove Forest, his powers multipled. I can't fully see his full power but I have an estimation. If he drags the fight out, and makes Frey use her power slowly. Kitaro can win and maybe even get stronger than me, my old self. Also how did anyone not know him or his past. Who really is Kitaro. Still so many questions?"

Kitaro: " She is an Obsidian Rank. She has confidence in her ability to beat me in one hand. The only way for me to win is to either use everything I have and over power her or beat her with time and study learning her combat style and tricks. " Hey Frey would you be fine if I went slow and steady with you?

Minato: He's doing it like I thought.

Kosami: Doing what?

Minato: If you noticed Kitaro is a strong person. His potential to gain power is endless. If Kitaro starts the fight slowly to learn the moves of Frey, Kitaro could win.

Kosami: Really, that sounds impossible, is Kitaro that strong?

Minato: He can be that strong. It is like he has been chosen by god himself.

Frey: Get ready. " I have to end this quickly. "

Minato: Okay, get ready, get set, FIGHT.

Kitaro Versus Frey.

[ Kitaro looks at his surroundings and looks for places to go. Frey looks around to see whether her moves would be effective enough. Frey starts off by running in and kicking. She kicks and 360 back foot drop. Kitaro blocks that and takes a bit of damage. Kitaro see and dodges as much as he can but Frey is a bit faster than him. Kitaro jumps back and starts using fireballls, then he is holding the fire ball, and uses them like gloved. Kitaro punch and punches. Kitaro karate chops but to no avail. Frey dodges and she does get some of her shirt dirty. Frey starts using magic. She uses speed boost and fire spin. She spins and her leg gathers momentum to unleash a deadly flame whirlwind kick. Kitaro, scurries off and dodges but gets hit by Freys fire ball. ]

Kitaro: You are strong, but is that all you got?

Frey: Haha you want to talk I haven't even given my all. " He is stronger than he looks. This is going to be a bit difficult. Damn why did I have to be so cocky for. He took 3 weeks to be a diamond rank. It took me 2 years to go there. Now that I am an obsidian I get to caught up into myself underestimating every enemy not obsidian or higher. "

Kitaro: Good come and try, I'll even let you use your other hand.

Frey: Don't regret it.

[ Frey starts using her other hand, she starts punching and kicking doing epic flips to confuse him. Kitaro just watches closely and moves around as if he was a light loose leaf in the air. Frey getting really annoyed starts using her stronger spells. Frey uses Lightning Aura. Her body encovered with lightning powerful enough to kill a gorilla. Kitaro see this and is in shock. He loves the spell that he sees. Freys speed increased and she attacks. Hitting Kitaro over and over again. He got hit many times but still never backed down. He stood up like he knew he could win. Kitaro gets a bit angry but he learns what the move was. Kitaro felt the mana flowing and it was like the whole body of Frey was a conduit as well as a battery source. Kitaro uses the same idea with poison and fire creating a new spell like ability. Poisonous Flame armor. ]

Frey: " What is that Power. I never got to see how strong Kitaro is. " [ Appraisal, Power reader, Mana Sense. ]

Kitaro Level = 50

Health = 100

Mana = 50

Stamina = 70

Damage = 60

Magic = 50

Range = 30

Intelligence = 40

Dexterity = 10

Agility = 50

Luck = 20

Charisma = 30

Faith = 4

Life Energy = 5

Frey: " Incredible his fighting power is around 529 and he is still able to handle me. NO NO NO HIS AURA IS PITCH BLACK. Has he been fighting like this. I have to end it now. He's going to beat me."

Kitaro: Hahaha, again I learned your trick. [ Poisnous Flame Armor]

Minato: This is where it starts Kitaro is aiming for a knowledge check on Frey. This is such an excellent battle.

Kitaro: [ Swings his arm poison goes everywhere. Fire burning up the place. Frey worried and she starts using her high tier moves.]

Minato: This is dangerous. Kosami stay behind me I can only protect us from a few major hits. So stay close.

Kitaro: This is what I like to see [ Is getting close to being tired. ]

Frey: Haha it was fun but you lose now. [ Breathes intensely and still has much more energy left. ]

[ Frey rushes in with lightning blade and corrosive splash. The corrosive splash hits Kitaro and burns him a bit. Kitaro heals himself. He goes and summons his tames, Toko, Koko, Moko, Gogytus, Lionel, Maycre, Ryko, and Sapphire. ]


Minato: Oh no hahaha looks like she is going all out now. " Haha she is getting more excited every second with Kitaro. "

Kosami: Woah Kitaro summoned all of those creatures. 1 Houndra, 1 Raiju, 1 Giant Lion, 1 Beast Lion, 3 Darken Large Crow's, and 1 Rex Rhyno. Kitaro looks like he doesn't have mana left.

Minato: He doesn't have mana but he can regenerate it fast. As long as his tames can stall for 10 minutes, he can fully gain his mana back.

Frey: [ Takes a breath of fresh air looks up and smiles. She looks down with fire in her eyes ready to pounce and destroy everything in her way. Kitaro tells his tames to beat her up but don't kill her. That's what they did. Frey targeted the Great Lion first she knew he was the weakest. Frey rushes in and multiple fast punches and knocks out Maycre. Frey feeling good goes towards the houndra and rushes in like a flash. Frey kicks her in the chest forcing her lightning magic into Sapphire, she goes down. 3 minutes in and Frey already took down 2 tames. Frey goes in and battles the 3 Darken Large Crow's. This one was a bit harder for her since they could fly, attack, and swap attack patterns together. But she could figure something. Everytime one crow switches, for a tiny bit the mana increases. She uses this to her advantage and takes down Moko. Kitaro using meditation regenerates his mana even faster. 7 minutes passed. Kitaro fully gains his mana due to the speed of Meditation.]

Frey: [ Takes out Koko and Toko.] Damn you are already up, I just took down Toko and Koko.

Kitaro: Get ready to lose.

[ Kitaro goes and summon rats and poisons the whole area. Frey breathing into the poison starts to cough out blood.]

Minato: This is getting dangerous honey let's stop this.

Frey: Back off, I haven't had this much fun in a while.