
World Hopping Mage Killer

From the power of his world's god, Venator can hop from world to world, offering to kill magic users for gods in exchange for their power. With every new world, a new battle and a new power to gain. And even more magic users to fight with different magic at their disposal. Enjoy! The image cover is not mine, if you own the image, let me know and i will remove it it.

Razedealer · Fantasi
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47 Chs

A Breezy Battlefield

Venator continued back on his trek, healing while he prepared for the fight ahead. Already having killed a small team, he readied his weapon and his composure to fight.

Venator repeatedly attempted to summon fire, only managing to have a small flame spawn on his hand as the immense cold continued slamming into him and his hand. He slowly began shivering, breathing into his hands for warmth.

The walk became longer with the frost seeming to slow time, Venator continued shivering deeply, struggling to warm himself, farther from the camp he fought in.

All around it was lifeless, no animals nor signs of life, trees were dead as the winter winds slammed down.

Venator continued walking, until managing to spot signs of smoke in the distance. Upon the realization, he began moving faster despite the exhaustion and immense temperature.

The smoke seemed to have parted the white snowfall once Venator went nearer, already smelling the pungent smoke even from a distance and in the snow.

"This better be worth it." Venator thought to himself, his thoughts even being delayed as he focused on trying to stay alive.

As he walked onward, a dark figure stood still in front of him, his sillhouette becoming more visible with the snow parting and dissipating.

Venator, weakened by the snow and the constant attempts to warm himself, unsheathes his blade, shivering but still ready, gritting his teeth. They were near to the camp, the smoke was large in front of him, he couldn't stop, especially with the task at hand.

The figure's hands began flaming up, not hindered by the cold.

Orbs of flame darted towards Venator on his approach, with the last of his will, he raised up a large pillar. He stepped back in shock. The pillar rose up quickly, feeling little difficulty in summoning. He looked back at the figure, visibly taken aback.

Looking at his hands, they were both blazing with ice and frost, seemingly strngthened by the cold environment. As he looked again at the figure, Venator quickly formed a plan. A grin slowly formed through his jittering teeth as he gripped his blade with a new resolve.

"Well, my suspicions were right, they do work like this." Now filled with adrenaline, he ran around the pillar, charging through the ice with an snow filled hand with a newfound burst of energy.

Once near, the sword slammed down, attempting to hit him. The figure, shocked, moved back, readying both his hands, enflamed in blue. Venator continued charging, his sword continued swinging around, ice rapidly forming in different forms, from pillars to streaks of snow darting through the air quickly. Ice clashed with flame, quickly being beaten as the ice continued pushing through, hitting the opponent. His face bled from cuts, bearing a face of fear. Venator continued fighting, his body slowly ignoring the frost, sensing little loss to his energy.

A ball of blue flame smashed into Venator's face while the battle raged on between the two, sending him backwards, the pillar forming too late.

He recoiled back from the snow, quickly raising a wall of ice from the snow. Venator grabbed his face in pain, feeling his charred skin.

"Later." He mumbled to himself as he focused on the objective at hand. In deepened concentration, he focused assaults of ice streaks against the figure, still continuing the fight.

Venator along with the opponent soon became locked in a violent duel. Ice and flame, sword vs element. Exchanging hits with each other, burning to cutting one another.

As the battle went on, through the distance, more figures emerged from the snowfall. The two were already exhausted fighting, Venator though continue striking.

As the final slash hit the opponent, the rest arrived. Quickly surrounding Venator and the dead opponent.

He breathed heavily, looking around at the surrounding wolfskins. Donning heavy clothing, pointing spears at him.

"More fights, maybe this is partly worth the shivering cold." Venator thought to himself, taking one last deep breath, readying himself for the fight, the orb of ice in his hand glowed a dark blue, stronger from the environment he was in.

As they all stared, anticipating each other to make the first move, a slow clap was heard beyond the ring of spears.

"You killed Lorams, a bearer of flame. Impressive, but unfortunately, you won't hold your own against us." A voice spoke out, behind one of the soldiers, three magic users stepped forth, standing just behind the soldiers, their hands glowed bright blue as the snow underneath them began melting away.

"What if i direct it downwards?" Venator thought to himself, thinking of the ice magic he bears.

"Kill him." All at once, the spear wielding wolfskins charged onward, screaming in unison.

The blue orb in Venator's hand became concentrated as he focused on it deeply, the blue hue darkened and snow started spawning from his hand.

He slammed his hand down on the ground, a streak of ice crashed into the ground below him.

Around him, pointed to blunt spikes of ice, all aiming around him, forming a ring of his own spears spawned from the ground, killing the wolfskins. Leaving them stuck, their bodies, mangled and puncutred while others were thrown back to the snow.

"This ice magic really is strong." Venator grinned. Slowly standing back up from the snow ground, witnessing the damage he has caused.

The three expressed faces of shock, the flames in their hands burning less.

Wolfskins who were thrown back limped back, now joining up with the magic users with their spears, visibly weakened but still standing.

Venator glared back at them, smiling with his hand still glowing a dark blue hue, his sword, coated with dried blood.

"A bearer using ice? Interesting. Let's see if your ice can withstand the flames." One of them mocked.

Venator faced them, wounded, clenching his sword tightly while the winds continued breezing at him. Blood on his face quickly dried, becoming stuck on his skin, his burnt skin was already affected by the cold.

A new chapter to this fantasy, please enjoy!

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